Chapter 5 - The rain dragon

A spark of light sparked in front of Rhett, it sparked the more and then carrying a beige colour, big block letters appeared in front of him.

It was his stat:



SLAYER HUB - level 1/10

[XP - 50]

{XP needed to next level: 400]

Abilities - [NONE FOR NOW]

Artifacts - [NONE FOR NOW]

Rhett squinted an eye as he gazed at it. 'Damn', he thought. 'l've only gotten fifty XP points. I have to win more I guess, to enter the next level of my slayer hub and unlock more powers'.

The guards that had let Rhett, Ash and the dragon slayers into the stadium, standing at the path of the gate, waved at them. They were very happy with Rhett, even giving him a bow.

Rhett waved his hands back. "What do we do now?", he asked Ash, now facing him.

"We go back m'lord", came the reply from Ash.

"Goodbye dragon slayers", boomed the voice from the speakers. "When you're needed to battle again you'll be summoned".

Rhett and the dragon slayers walked out of the stadium and got onto their horses, the carriage that brought Rhett to the stadium had already gone.

"Where are we off to now?", asked Ash to Rhett.

Rhett smiled. "Let's not that be in a hurry to return back. You, my assistant, hand of the king and my, what should I call the remaining of you dragon slayers?".

"Call us kingsguards", said one of the dragon slayers.

"Well", continued Rhett. "What are we called?".

"Dragon slayers", said Ash.

"Then quit acting like a dust slayer, let's go slay some dragons and get powers", Rhett said gallantly, rasing his hands in the air.

"Sounds like a splendid idea my king", said Ash.

"Then off we go", roared Rhett, rasing his horse in the air and putting it on the road as they rode from the stadium.

The road, not surprisingly, was bare and barren. Pebbles, few rock and ants rested on the dry and parched road. The sky was dark and cloudless as usual and now it rumbled.

"Up ahead m'lord", said Ash. "Is the sword lands which is just filled with fallen and rusty swords from ancient battles. Then after that is the demon slayers village".

Rhett nodded in the affirmative, his hands on the ropes of his horse. He looked upwards, to the clouds and then sideways at times, the world seeming oddly familiar to him.

"What about the beasts on earth?", Rhett asked Ash.

"They're still there. No one knows when they'll go, perhaps slayerious knows, well I don't".

The wind was rustling now and it seemed to be playing a rhythmic tune as it did so, twirling and swirling in the air.

"Is the Seer hearing our conversation?", Rhett asked.

"Probably not, I don't know. The Seer is almost like Slayerious but is only a messenger, it is like a servant, working for slayerious. I bet they won't mind if we visit earth some times, I've got some really cool friends there".

Rhett let out a brave smile. "Don't worry, soon we'll go back there again".

"I hope so", Ash said.

They slowed the pace of their horses down into a prance, Rhett gazing up ahead if he could find any sign of life.

The area they were now was moist, that is, the ground being not so dry and parched anymore. Rhett didn't know why but he could sniff scents of rain. Right from childhood, he had always known the coming of rain to carry a peculiar scent. A scent that he could always pick out. Now, he was smelling that scent again and it felt more boosted and familiar than ever.

"I smell rain", Rhett said.

The dragon slayers smiled and exchanged glances, on their mouths signs of laughter.

"You're finally carrying some peculiarities of being a dragon slayer", Ash said.

"Whenever you smell a scent of rain, it's not really rain but sign of a dragon", added one of the dragon slayers.

"Hehe, look like we have a rain dragon coming", added another.

They all went into laughter, including Rhett who looked at the faces of them all, bemused.

"Get ready your swords then", said Rhett seriously. "Time to slay a dragon. Pass me a sword".

One of the dragon slayers threw him a sword which he caught and rolled it over his head, braced for battle. The whistling of the wind was getting fiercer now, twirling and twirling. The scent of rain was also getting more thicker.

"It's almost here", warned Ash. "Be prepared".

Rhett breathed heavily, he was scared in a way. Reason being, he didn't know the type of dragon he'd face. He had wanted this but now that it was here, he felt intimidated by the mere thought.

A gust of wind dived right into their faces. Rhett shook his face while Ash continued looking forward, not wanting to move his eyes.

"Let's form a circle", said Rhett. "Our faces facing forward. We don't know when the dragon will sprout and so we've got to be cautious".

The dragon slayers complied and did as he had instructed. They all formed a circle, their eyes narrowing imperatively. Rhett suddenly felt dazed, he shook his head to let it go and focused forward.

A loud whistle that pierced their ears did it, it startled and spooked them no matter how brave they tried to be. They heads swirled, trying to find where the noise was coming from when suddenly they heard it again. And now, they knew where it was coming from.


They all looked up in unison and saw two sets of massive white wings, flapping in the air, coming at them.

"Watch out", screamed one of the kingsguards.

Rhett tilted his horse to the left, Ash scrambled his forward and immediately, the circle was scattered. The dragon landed in the middle of where they had just left. Its presence commanding, it gave out a loud cry and white flames escaped from it's mouth.

"It's a white fire breathing rain dragon!", screamed one of the dragon slayers, coming off his horse, his sword in his hand, positioned to battle.

The dragon was still on the ground, flapping it's wings egregiously.

"We can slay it!", Rhett said. "We can!".

The dragon took to the skies, spreading it's wings and then unspreading it. It spinned in the skies and soon thrust itself forward, dashing at Rhett who didn't actually expect it.

"M'lord watch out!", the dragon slayers cried unisonly.

It was too late, the dragon had already dived into Rhett, taking him off his horse.