Chereads / Shattered Conduit / Chapter 5 - First Battle

Chapter 5 - First Battle

Alex at this point was sprinting through the gates of his high school. He fled past the library. It was so tall sitting atop its mound it blocked the blistering sun. He could barely catch his breath as the air was a little bit thinner due to the higher up altitude. His breath ran even more ragged when he saw Oslo hassling Cali behind one of the classroom buildings hiding away from prying eyes.

The way the school was designed was weird to say the least by Alex's standards. Each classroom was located inside a building that connected to three other classrooms via a hallway and each building housing these classroom's were diamond shaped and all buildings surrounded the library. In a sense Arcadia Oak's High was a giant oval surrounding the library for what reason any architect-Alex cut that thought short before he realized Calisca was getting practically mugged, he had to intervene.

"Cali, Cali, Cali, babe c'mon you know I'm not like that me and Alex are great friends I even know his last name if I wasn't such a good friend would I really know that?"

He said slyly.

"Eat shit Oslo I know damn well you lie out of your ass as much as any wallstreet crook."

She said in retaliation.

Cali was dark, fair skinned and half Filipino. Her Ferocity and spirit matched her temperament which Alex loved. Rome, her twin matched that same personality type as well. Her long curly hair fell almost to the middle of her back. Her bleached jean jacket, matched with a black t-shirt and loose fitting jeans made for a devious look that complimented the kind of person Calisca was. Unlike Rome Alex thought Cali represented true class and respect.

On the other side of the spectrum there was Oslo. A lot of bad blood and feud ship had been there from the beginning since Alex met the bastard although he wish he never had. Oslo was burly and had dirty blond hair with a chubby face to compliment his sturdy stature. he reminded Alex of a fat ape that hunched its back too much. He was wearing a sox baseball cap with a red hoodie, Air Force One's, a few chains and diamond studded earrings. His hands were rough and covered in cuts and dirt. He was barely taller then Cali with her being five foot five.

"Motherfucker what did you call me?"

He ferociously spat out.

"You heard me you dirty baby." 

"Who you calling a baby, baby?" 


Alex whispered under his breath.

Alex couldn't help but watch this cheesy bastard keep hitting on his friend. Alex approached slowly turning the corner of the building he was peeking around. He steadied himself and walked slowly as he felt what was in his pocket to be a. . . Pocket watch?

He'd have to check that later, Calisca was more important than whatever the fuck was going on with Arcania, Rasputon and everything he saw this morning with that freaky Elf and dreams he'd been having.

"Hey, Asshole you want a rematch?"

Alex shouted.

Both turned their heads. Cali lit up with a smile and got out of Oslo's grasp running towards him giving him a bear hug. 

"Thank you."

She whispered into his ear and turned around to hide behind his shoulder.

"Well well well, if it isn't the boy savior Mr. Cole how you been buddy? Yeah, I wouldn't mind that rematch let's do it. Here. Now."

Alex grimaced. With all that's happening he didn't feel like dealing with another fight with the burly man-child that was Oslo Osmit. Dude just wouldn't quit. Yes a part of Alex was afraid to get another ass beating but he did give Oslo a run for his money last time. He ended up at the nurse's office last time but so did Oslo.

"You know what, I don't got time for your semantics Oslo get the hell out of my face,"

he grabbed Cali by the hand.

"And leave her alone."

He said while pointing at him.

Alex was only acting brave if he had to be honest. He was in part trying to prevent both Calisca and himself from freaking out. Alex was prone to panic and he knew it, he just didn't want Oslo or Cali for that matter to find out in the first place. Alex began to walk away but before he could Oslo grabbed him by the shoulder turned him and clocked him in the eye.

Alex fell to the ground. He shrieked in pain.


Alex screamed.

He scurried around on the ground as the pain of his left eye stung. He couldn't see and felt the cool flow of blood coming from his eyesocket. He turned back to Oslo to see him doing something to Cali. His rage got the better of him Alex's emotions blurred into a flurry. He couldn't think and he didn't want to he just got even more rageful, a pit in the bottom of his stomach formed that seemed to come from the very depths of his soul. The trees around him weren't trees and the grass wasn't grass, Oslo wasn't Oslo, and the same for his dear friend, who didn't deserve any of this. He roared.

Alex got up slowly but methodically. His senses were sharpened more then they should've been. He could see everything and hear everything, the ant colony twenty feet away to his right, the sound of the teachers talking through the walls, to even the fucking sweat on Oslo's brow. Time slowed down and that elf appeared once more as annoying as he ever looked. He only stood there. Watching him from behind Oslo. Leaning against the stucco of the school wall. His complexion was thin. He had long flowing strands of hair that went to his shoulders. His eyes were sharp, cold, and wise beyond their years. His incandescent light was a glow you would never know. It was a white light that gleamed with a cyan hue that emanated around his peripherals, he was semi-transparent you could see right through him as if he weren't even there. something that shouldn't be there but was. He was just simply there, watching and listening to the spectacle.

He mouthed something, something that spoke to Alex. Something that he couldn't quite make out but in the back of his mind he fully understood. He didn't want to accept it but what Rasputon said might be right. For whatever reason, Telimbyr chose him to be a conduit. Rasputon chose him for something he didn't know yet.

He steadied himself.

"I am sick and tired fo people pushing me around all my life. First you, then this damn school and on and on it gets tiring."

Oslo stepped back, nervous at first then realized it was Alex he was talking to. The one he would always beat down on. The one he's known for years who wouldn't do a thing back to Oslo no matter how much he pestered him. Not until recently of course; when he thought he could stand up to the manchild. He didn't realize how pissed off he made Alex. How could he? All he did was hit on his friend, threaten her, and strike Alex in the eye.

Alex charged aiming for Oslo's jaw with a hook.

Oslo smiled like a maniac.

"Fucking finally Mr. Cole."

He said mockingly and readied for Alex to close in on him.

The hook landed sqaurely but barely did any damage. Oslo chuckled and swung at Alex fast and quick. Alex tried to dodge, tried to block, anything but he was too panicked and distracted. Before Oslo's punch inevitably landed into his stomach Alex noticed the disappointment in the Wraith's eyes.

You can do better.

That spurred Alex on.

He screamed yet again. Frightening Cali who was watching in terror as one of her bestfriend's was being beaten on yet again; bloody in another fight with his own rival. A bully. Someone Cali knew Alex couldn't win against as much as he did try. His stubbornness wouldn't let him.

Alex jumped back to create space. He wanted time to breathe, to catch his breath but Oslo was relentless. He came forward again this time hitting him squarely in the solar plexus. Alex fell yet again.

The wraith moved forward and crouched down near Alex's head and whispered solemnly.

Is this all you have? You would let such a measly opponent knock you down Alexander? Where is that passion? That conviction Rasputon saw. Show it to me. 

He said this to alex in a dry and flat tone that scared him half to death. He was wondering if he was going insane or dying or maybe both. 

Alex glanced back up towards Oslo his hated enemy. A person he's despised for all these years of torment and bullying thats been dished out upon him. He was afraid, afraid of the disappointment and the beatings and all of it, but something else was there. Behind the fear was hope and anger and something that pushed him beyond his limits, a nostalgic feeling he couldn't get rid of.

Without hesitation or any crucial thought within his mind Alex got up and slammed Oslo in the face with an elbow, followed by a quick jab to the chest and a hook to the liver. Alex acted fast and without any thought or planning within his moves he was able to bring Oslo to his knees. Oslo coughed and writhed in pain and the Wraith simply smiled and nodded before he vanished as quickly as he had come. Oslo was in complete shock. He was trying to catch his breath but he couldn't breathe and gripped at his jacket gasping for air.

"You knocked the wind out of him what the hell was that?"

Calisca retorted in disbelief.

Alex didn't blame her, first this morning and now this? These abilities he'd been discovering-whatever they were originating from Rasputon and that damn Wraith. Whatever was happening he was still curious about this watch that suddenly appeared in his pocket. He fumbled around with said pocket and pulled out the pocket watch. It was silver. Nothing was notable about it besides the fact the hour and minute hands were slightly cracked along with the glass being somewhat damaged and between those cracks gold had been filled in to repair the damage. The numbers to represent the time were midnight black in a cursive like roman numeral font. The gears behind the hands of the tiny watch were working slowly and methodically and as surely as the seconds on this watch passed by, Alex stared deeper into its golden innerworkings as it seemed the gears themselves had either been plated in gold or were inlaid with gold itself. Before he knew it, it had become as dark as night, the sun was gone and so were his surroundings.

Alex was shrouded in complete darkness.