Me): Roby... Hey man good fight back there.....
He was looking at me with an ugly face.... and with his fists clenched....
Roby): What do you have Tory? ...
Me): With Tory? What are you talking about?
Roby): Don't play dumb, I saw how you looked at each other in the tournament that's happening here? ....
"While we were "talking" Tory had just seen the referee talking to Silver about him rigging the fight.....
"Tory walked out of there face down... and heard Roby talking to someone...
Roby): What do you have Tory?
?): With Tory? What are you talking about?
Tory): Her eyes widened at this voice...."Roby, what's going on here? She said to Roby...
"She came to us" and looked at the floor, unable to look me in the eyes or even Roby's....
Roby): Great, you're here, what the hell is going on here? ....
Tory): What do you mean Roby?....
Roby): I'm talking about those looks you gave each other at the tournament, what the hell? I thought you were my girlfriend Tory...
Me): Thoughts "What the fuck man... Should I be an alpha and humiliate him here or something?..." No... Tory would probably hate me after I did something like that to him...
Tory): I don't know what you're talking about, Roby, Clark is.... he's.... a friend of mine....
Me): Thoughts "Buddy.... Okay, I'll play your game Tory,..." That's it Roby, I'm friends with Tory, from school, I studied at the same school as her, about 2 years ago when I came to Los Angeles...
Roby): thought about it for a bit and said... buddy.... I understand, I'm sorry for treating you like that, man, I thought there was something going on here.... Sorry....
Me): It's okay man "I got it, hand for him to shake "He shook ... "I'm going now, seeing all these fights made me hungry "I glanced at Tory's eyes, and walked away "Waving my hands ...
Roby): Sorry about that Tory... Today is your day, I shouldn't hear these things....
Tory): .. It's okay Roby.. Come on let's go.... "They left...
As I stood outside my car, looking at him...
Me): Thoughts "Just like in the original story, something is going on between Tory and Roby... Okay, just like I said before, I can't control people, or their actions... if she wants to be with him, that's fine...
"I jumped into my car..." I accelerated a little.... Vrumm vrummmmm
As I left with my car "I put on my glasses... and fiddled with the radio a little bit looking for a song..., People looked at all this...
Wow, look at this car....
Wow .....
the cobra kai group was leaving all of them.... "
everyone was surprised by this car
Kyle "Wow look at that car man...
"Yeah, look at that one.... hey wait, isn't that the guy who beat us up that day at the mall?
Tory: Who was talking to her with Roby and other students...."She looked at the car.... is more specifically the person in the car...
"She was totally surprised by this..."It's clark...She said....
Roby): He saw that too... and clenched his fists...
Kyler): Oh it's that jerk....
Wow, what a cat... a girl said this to her friends who were passing by...
Tory): "He glared at them...
Me): "Finally a good song... I put "Scorpions - Send Me An Angel" to play in the car... and I left with the car...