Chereads / I'M IN COBRA KAI BUT NOT EXACTLY / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Fight at school?

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: Fight at school?

"Shit, how embarrassing...", I thought, a few hours later, already at home. Tory hadn't stopped teasing me at school because of my "little problem" during the fight. "Okay, I deserved a little of all this, I kind of provoked her, hahaha..."

Arriving home, I took a shower and changed my clothes. "Well, I'm going to train a little today and I'm also going to practice some moves. I don't want to be humiliated again by a girl...", I decided, determined.

About three hours later...

"HAAA HAA HAAAA... Arrf arrf uff," I panted, exhausted. "Man, I really trained hard today. I just want to lie down in bed and sleep... I'm going to take a shower and go to sleep, I can't stand to stay awake for another minute..."

The next day, in the school cafeteria...

"The food here is good...", I commented, while having lunch with Demitri and Eli.

"Really? You think so?" Demitri asked, surprised. "It's pretty normal to me..."

"It's pretty normal for me too," Eli agreed.

"Maybe I'm the odd one out then," I shrugged.

As we were talking, a half-Korean, half-Japanese boy approached our table. I didn't know exactly what ethnicity he was, except that he was one of those idiots who Samantha was dating in the first season of the show. I think his name is Kyler.

"Hey, idiot, get out of my seat," Kyler ordered, his tone arrogant.

The other two guys who were with him also started hitting the head of the boy who was sitting at the table.

"You idiot, didn't you hear me?" Kyler asked angrily. He grabbed a juice and threw it at the boy's head.

Everyone stopped to see what was happening, but no one did anything.

The bullied boy stood up and glared at Kyler angrily.

"HUH? ARE YOU GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS, FOUR EYES?" Kyler taunted, slapping the boy across the face.

The more he humiliated the boy, the angrier I felt. The boy started crying. It was three against one. No one did anything, they just watched everything.

"ALL RIGHT, SMALL DICK, ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT," I yelled, getting up from the table.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU SHIT?" Kyler yelled, furious.


Everyone started laughing. "HAHAHAHAHA"

Kyler turned red with embarrassment. "YOU BASTARD, I'LL KILL YOU, DAMMIT!" he yelled, running towards me with hatred.

I smiled at him. "Thoughts: This time, I'm not going to joke around. I'm really angry."

He ran towards me, trying to punch me in the face. I dodged and tripped him.

"What happened, little dick? Are you small at this too? You don't even know the basics of fighting?", I teased.

"BE CAREFUL..." someone shouted.

I looked back and saw Kyler's two friends coming towards me.

I kicked the fat guy in the stomach. The other guy came running towards me like an idiot.

"Seriously? Are these guys idiots or what?" I thought as I dodged and defended his punches.

When he threw a wrong punch, I hit his chin and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Seeing this, Kyler picked up an iron tray to attack me.

He tried to cut me with the sharp part of the tray, but I dodged and he ended up cutting my arm.

"Coward, do you need weapons to have a chance, maggot? I'll break your nose for this," I threatened.

He came with the tray again, but I dodged and punched him in the face, right in the nose.

"ARRG, MY NOSE, DAMN..." he screamed in pain, his nose bleeding.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" the director asked, appearing in the cafeteria.

Some students told the principal what had happened.


"Hey, Clark, are you okay, man?" Demitri asked, concerned.

"Yeah, man, are you okay? Your arm is bleeding," Eli said.

"I'm fine, I just need to wash this," I replied.

"Thanks for that, man," the bespectacled boy thanked.

"Okay, I couldn't stand these guys doing this anymore and no one else doing anything," I replied, shrugging.

The bell rang, indicating the start of classes.

"Damn, classes are about to start. I hope I don't get suspended for this," I thought as I headed towards the bathroom.

I washed the cut on my arm. "Shit, that bastard made a big scratch on my arm. At least it wasn't deep and he didn't even hit a vein..."

When I was leaving the bathroom, someone was waiting for me outside.

"Clark! Are you okay? I heard what happened..." Tory said, worried.

"Tory, did you come here to make fun of me again?" I asked suspiciously.

"What?... Of course not! I mean, you beat up three guys... That was kind of cool," she admitted.

I smiled at her. "So the hothead is really worried about me today? What's wrong? Did she fall in love with me or something?" I teased.

"GRR, YOU IDIOT..." she growled. "It was a mistake to come here..."

She turned and walked away.

"Hahaha, really heated...", I thought, laughing.

A few hours later, at my house...

"ARRF ARRF, well, my training is over. I'm going to take a shower and a nap..." I said, exhausted.

"Man, that was a great nap. I really needed that. Okay, now let's get to it."

I turned on my laptop and accessed my finances.

"Hehehe, about 320 thousand dollars. I'm getting closer and closer... to 500 thousand."

"I need some leisure time. Just working and training aren't helping at all. In 2024, there were plenty of electronics around, but in 2007 it's pretty boring here..." I thought. "I think I'll buy a PS3 to pass the time for now... Tomorrow I'll buy one..."

"Now that I'm doing pretty well with money, I'm thinking about spending a year in Mystic Falls next year," I planned. "I want to delve deeper into that world. Honestly, here in this place where I am, nothing interesting is going to happen."

"The only thing that's definitely interesting to me about this place is Tory," I admitted. "I definitely have feelings for her. Maybe it's not something from my past life, but all my interactions with her so far have been great."

"But right now she has a lot of personal issues to deal with. I don't want to interfere too much, so as not to seem desperate for her, or something."

"I also learned something in my past life: every relationship that starts early, ends early."

"Things won't get interesting here for another year, so I'm taking a year off from this place and transferring to Mystic Falls High School."

"I want to make connections with people I can talk to and I also want to go out and explore new places. Staying in one place is not my thing."

Some time later...

"Today is Saturday. I'm going out for a bit. I'm also going to buy the PS3, I haven't bought it yet. The only way I can train is to watch TV at home, it's getting boring."

While riding my bike through town, I saw Samantha LaRusso and two other girls walking together.

"That woman's clothes that just walked by were so tacky," one of the girls commented.

"Hahaha, yeah, I've never seen anyone wear such an ugly dress," another girl agreed.

"...", Samantha remained silent.

"Hey, isn't that Clark over there?" one of the girls asked.

"Yes, I wonder where he's going," the other replied.

"Sam, do you know him?" one of them asked.

"Not really," Samantha replied. "I met him when he bumped into me at school, Moon."

"I see," Moon said. "I think he's cute. If he asked me out, I'd say yes."

"WHAT, MOON? Seriously? You're into him?" Yasmine asked, surprised.

"~~ I mean, he's cute and you saw what he did for that kid that day in the cafeteria. What do you guys think?" Moon asked.

"Well, I mean, he's cute, yeah, but he hardly ever looks at girls," Yasmine commented. "I heard he only hangs out with some nerds and there's also this other girl... I forget her name, you know, the one who's always starting fights..."

"What? You mean he's already seeing someone?" Samantha asked, surprised.

"Actually, I heard this gossip around. Some girls followed him once and he was on the terrace with a girl... I forgot her name, I can't remember. But maybe they're hooking up...", Yasmine replied.

"...I see," Samantha muttered.

"Hmm, what's that face, Sam? Are you into him? Hehe," Moon teased.

"Ham? No, of course not...", Samantha replied, blushing.

"You do have a crush on him. Your face says it all," Yasmine teased.

"Shut up, you idiots," Samantha replied, irritated.

"Hahaha, these girls are hilarious, man. They said all that screaming, I heard everything...", I thought, laughing.

"So, does Sam like me? That's interesting. I'm not going to hit on her or anything right now. My goal is to get strong first and then start thinking about girls... I honestly like Tory right now, but I would be with another girl. But I don't know, this feels wrong. It's like I'm betraying myself by doing this..."

"Speaking of which, I think I'll go visit her."

"Man, I'm getting sentimental with this teen romance thing," I thought. "I mean, I died without having a girlfriend in my life. I've been with a lot of girls, but I've never known what it was like to date. Who knows, maybe things will work out for me in this world..."

Meanwhile, at Tory's work...

"I'm tired, ahhh," Tory thought as she worked. "I worked so hard today..."

"I wonder how Clark is? He hurt his arm yesterday, I hope it's nothing serious... Huh? Why am I thinking about him? That perverted idiot... Hmph."

"Full...full...", the restaurant was packed with customers "She was joking the restaurant was empty

"Welcome, how may I help... you?" Tory asked as he helped a customer. "What are you doing here?"

"Tory... You work here? What a coincidence..." I said, jokingly surprised.

"Yeah, I told you I had a new job. So what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to town to buy a PS3. It was on sale, so why not? Come sometime so we can play together," I invited, with a smile.

"What made you grab me like the other day? You pervert...", she asked, with a mischievous smile.

"Hey, it was an accident. You don't have to keep reminding yourself of it...", I replied, embarrassed.

"Hahah, okay then. Do you want anything?" she asked.

"I really like strawberry milkshake and fries. Can you bring me some?" "Warm..." I asked with a smile. "Haha."

"Grrr, don't call me that, you idiot! Do you want to get hit again?", she threatened, with an amused smile.

"Sorry, hahaha. I can't resist looking at you...", I replied, winking at her.

"Idiot... I'm going...", she said, walking away.

After a few minutes, she came back with my order.

"Here you go, you pervert," she said, placing the tray on the table.

"Hey, hey, you can't treat customers like that. I want to speak to the manager," I complained jokingly.

"Shut up, you idiot, and eat this and go away. You irritate me," she replied, laughing.

"Tchi tchi, no tip for you. You treated me very badly," I said, pretending to be upset.

"Who wants your stupid tip..." she replied, crossing her arms. She stood there, looking at me.

"Are you going to stare at me or are you going to sit down?" I asked, with an amused smile.

"I'm working, if you haven't noticed," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"It's empty. Sit down, let's talk a little," I invited.

"Is that what you want to talk about?" she asked, sitting down.

"Do you want to go to the movies with me sometime?" I asked, looking away. "Thoughts: Shit, this is really awkward..."

"Like a date or something?" she asked, arching her eyebrow.

"It's up to you. Do you want this to be a date or something between friends?" I asked with a smile. "Hehe."

"Tchi, you idiot..." she muttered. "Okay, I'll go with you as an acquaintance... You don't even deserve to be my friend..."

"GAHH," I groaned, squeezing his heart playfully. "That hurt, Tory. You don't even consider me your friend? Arrrgg."

"Who would fall for such a stupid lie..." she replied, laughing. "Okay, I have to go. The clients have arrived. I'm off tomorrow..."

"Sure. 4pm tomorrow, in front of the market," I agreed.

"Okay, bye. I have to go," she said goodbye.

"Bye," I replied, watching her walk away.

I left her a tip before I left.

"Waitress, here's the money, the rest is a tip for that beautiful girl over there...", the waitress understood the message and did what I asked. 

"Tory left you a tip... for $500..."

"WHAT? Who left this?" Tory asked, surprised.

"The cute boy at that table over there left it for you," the waitress replied.

"That idiot..." Tory muttered, a smile on his face.