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To save the world, the king of vampires, must find a heir, And turn his curse into a gift world on the brink of collapse. It be saved or destroyed, the beginning is the end for a king, curse turned gift, and its end a new beginning. Woe or good tidings, Destruction or creation. Darkness or light. For if we should fall or rise,The fate of the world thw answers lies with Kane's Legacy.

Chapter 1 - CHAPTER 1: THE KING

New York city.

On a cold night in February with temperatures below 6°c. at the west side of Fifth Avenue, between 33rd Street to the south and 34th Street to the north, in the Midtown South neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City, a man wa standing, without neither a sweat shirt nor a coat. it was hard for anybody to pass without staring in awe and admiration for the man, For the man was an oddity himself for he was not just tall, he was just about as broad too. He stood 7 feet tall . He had biceps as thick as tree trunks. in the light of the moon, his skin was pitch-black, that his only features you can make out was his eyes as bright as that of cat and the reflection from the moon made his obsidian skin glow and shine. He was truly a wondrous sight. It was obvious from the faraway look in his eyes, He was lost in his thoughts, so deep in his own head he didn't notice the people glancing at him as they passed by, wondering who the giant was and how in all that is holy, he wasn't freezing to death. He had a lot to think about, he had lived a very long life. He had a lot of failures and had made a lot of terrible mistakes.. he thought of everything he had accomplished, he had made something of himself..He was thinking of his people and all he had built with his blood and sweat. All he had done in his long life to make up for the wrong he caused.though nothing would ever make up for his unforgivable his life tome he has travelled the world so many time he lost count. had been to hell and back. Or it felt that way to him sometimes. He felt a little sadnes to be leaving everything and everyone behind. And at the worse possible time to be leaving, when his people needed him most. All he built could be destroyed. But he was exhausted. And he was leaving for them. Though they did not know that. He didn't tell them the reason for his journey nor what he was about to do and for the first time in his long, endless, joyless and cursed existence, he felt a little joy. Finally the end was coming and he could finally rest. he never in his wildest dream forsaw it.but it was time. He had paid for his sins a thousand folds though it would never be enough. He was bone tired and world weary. His life was an endless journey. He felt like he had something heavy on his shoulders. The weight was too much for one man to bear or handle, even with shoulders as broad as his, he wanted nothing more than to let everything, the milleniums slide down his shoulders. It would all come to an end soon, the shaman prophesy was quite clear. Though he didn't believe at first. But then parts of the prophesy came to pass, one after the other. It sure made a believer out of him. with that thought ,He looked one last time at the 102-story Art Deco skyscraper in the Midtown South neighborhood of Manhattan , where it all started for him and the cppital of his empire, took a deep breath, and turned around, noticing that there were two people behind him . Two of his princes, It was evident how tired he felt, he had not noticed them. It was a bit careless of him, a man as he should never let down his guard. It didn't matter anymore, soon he would be gone, moreover they could neither harm nor kill him, no weapon or method on earth could, he knew that for a fact. He had tried everything and everyway in Gods green earth. He was immortal, with the added effect of being stronger too, they wouldn't stand a chance. And even if they could, he would welcome it with outstretched hands and a grin.He had sought and longed for the sweet relief of death, for far longer than countries and kingdoms have existed. It was his Moby Dick. He hoped everything would happen as inteded bit it was impossible for doubt not to surface. After all Nobody knows what is actually going to happen. All he had to go on was just the prophesy and as the only person tje shaman told, i vant even discuss it with anyone. He just had to believe on the possibliltu and stay positive. "it's time", he said softly, looking up at the moon. "I have to go" . He knew she heard his words. He had met her on a cold night as this but in paris in 1804, she had been a prostitute then and was dying slowly from syphilis. He had stepped into a nar which as it turned out doubled has a brothel. The place was run by an elderly couple. They had just a couple of staffs . Waitresses who were u guessed it, hookers. And the look on her face was the same as the one she had the night we met..She looked confused,with betrayal,a look of absolute pleading and acceptance vying for top emotion on her face. she had no idea bout the prophesy. The only ones in the are my self and the shaman who made the prophesy. But when you live long enough you get to know abouta coupleof things, although he had thought in the pass that prophesy were swine piss. Some were so vague that you are too confused to do anything about the prophesy or so complicated that by the time you figure the prophesy out it has already happened. But this was different it was mostly clear. With clear signs and events. The prophesy is slowly but surely on its way to its climax. And they dont know it yet. We are at the middle of the whole shit show. Celine, most trusted in all his princes. His confidant. Fell on her knees in reaction to his words. it was like he had transfered his cross to her , "No my lord" she wailed "i dont understand. Go where. You can't. I beg of you. This is not the time for you to be travelling, your highness" she wailed. "Without you, everything will fall apart. without you all is lost". He had mostly forgot about thier secondary probem,

Anabas, Lord of the Weres and Shape-shifters declaring war against his Marked Ones. "That's not true", said Macbet, for a moment he had forgotten all about macbet. Who had the ability of merging with the shadows, and disapearing, it was one of many reasons why he was dangerous.."we are fine, it would take more than that little weasel to take out the masked one, we are stronger ,it's as simple as that". The man smiled and looked at Macbet, like he was seeing him for the first time. It was definitely unusual for Macbett be the voice of reason. His brutish and cruel nature makes it easier to forget sometimes that he had a brain. Although Celine was older and far wiser, Macbet was the stronger of the two. "It's time". He said again, louder this time. "And Macbet is right.we are strong and i believe the tensions will hold for a while, The agik has not picked a side yet for all we know she might throw his lot in with ours". It was his last day as thier leader, his last day as King. He prayed silently for everything to work out, making sure nobody was within hearing range. He didn't even know why he prayed, he was sure nobody was listening. God had turned from him a long time ago. He asked for forgiveness and mercy, to be free finally, from the curse he had shouldered for eternity. To finally be able to rest, he also prayed on the issue of the Nagik which bothered him, Katerina Volchovanya, Was spiritual head of the council of Magic pratictioners, Witch Craft and Socery and a very powerful witch and of she and Anabus, she is the main threat. The prayer was enough to lift his spirits though. He smiled, his grin almost splitting his cheeks. His white teeth in contrast with his black skin "From this moment on", he raised his voice, noticing most of his princes had joined thier little group. "Till the day I see it fit for me to return, Celine will be ur guide, I proclaim to her,the new title of Prince-Protector of the Marked Ones,Mistress of the dark, listen to her as you would me", He knew they would obey, most of them would anyway she was tougher than the lot of them despite her miniature 4ft frame. he was a little worried about macbet though. He wasn't sure if he was okay with his decision to pick Celine as protector over him. Macbet and to be honest, everyone else though Macbet would have been the better choice. But for what was coming, his people needed brains not brawns, or they would be destroyed. The prophesy talks of a terrible war coming. A war that could be the end of everything they knew amd maybe perhaps the end of the world itself. It was going to be a difficult time for his people. He knew they would overcome, Macbet was right they were strong. Plus if everything goes according to his plan, he would be sending help anyway. He knew what he had to do. They thought he was coming back, he felt bad lying to his people. And he felt worse knowing it would be the last contact he will have with his people.he had built a life with and for them.He had built a family that he was proud of. He didn't have the time to be worried, about them though. they would find out soon enough. He had a job he had to do. The prophesy was clear on that. He has to find someone worthy of the mantle, Someone pure of heart. it would be a terrible thing in the wrong hands. It is unrivalled in all of Earth and Hell. And the prophesy told me where to go. The one place he. Is never to return to. To find the one person who would lift the weight of the world from my shoulders, the one place where he truly knew peace, joy and the last place he felt truly happy. The place where gis greatest sorrow lies, where his endless, agonising journey started, it would be fitting if it would also be where it would also end. It was time to go back, back home, back to the beginning to meet his end. He could not let his people know why he has to go. If only he could keep the voice in his head quiet. It kept repeating the same words over and over again. The only part of the prophesy that gave him chills. The dreaded part he didn't like remembering or tell anyone. The final sentences from the prophesy.

"..... world on the brink of collapse. It be saved or destroyed, the beginning is the end for a king, curse turned gift, and its end a new beginning. Woe or good tidings, Destruction or creation. Darkness or light. For if we should fall or rise,The fate of the world thw answers lies with Kane's Legacy.