Chapter 3 - ONE

The minute I heard my first love story,Istarted looking for you, not knowing

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.They're in each other all along."

Dude and dad

Iremember the day lI heard that poem,e author of that

wondered and searched t


mastery of the heart, for you see l had to readthat poem, because was one of those thathelps shape the man you are, for u see theauthor seemed to understand me, I felt singledout and I felt like it was a personal intimateconversation, see for you to understand it was

very soon, we had like one semester left, andto tell you the that dude and the one sittingwriting this book are as different as white andblack, but I wasn't talking about that dude notme. so moving forward to make things simpler

So we were we, yes dude and his crew wheresoon to be done with this uni bullshit, endlessclasses and exam and to makes thing evenbetter he and his guys were the talk of theschool, we were dating the hottest girls in

homes and even thouch dudowlk i

way the richest in his group to put it plain hewas the poorest but who was he to complainits not as if is dad was an illiterate farmer orather just illiterate cos Dad would always tellyou himself standing up straight with his palm

m rich

like l imagine Prince Charles would have doneback when there was a Prince Charles, and saywith his naturally thick voice. My father, was afarmer, he trained me to form 4 and i grew upas a farmer before he died and I will be

rarmer dl tne dayidle and iguess ne kept to lt

to i

to when he is around (I promise I won'tmention that both farms are in his houses, sohe never has to even leave any of hiscompounds to go farming but i give creditwere its due, he taught how to pluck, removeMr to eat roasted vaeoconut. laughttaught me the joys of corn and pear. lliteratehe was not after the death of his dad he wentto lagos were he worked for 4 years a clerk forthe government, then took a leave of absenseand his little savings were he applied,studied


swears that the only university in NigeriaUniversity of Ife, worked in lagos saved cameback to his town with a pretty younglady(that's a story for another chapter or book)starte practising law, it was a struggle at firstbut his enterprising young wite had used his


was at least get the family by until 1994 andthe military president said the seat of the localgovernment council was now open to civiliansand elections. Naturally Dad was thrilled eventhough he had never tho ught about politics hismentor and head oT the rirm ne woke o


his savings added from his wife business safeto say he banrupted it and surprisingly he wonHe could not believe it. Then months beforethey were to take office, the military presidentchanged his mind and the office he spent and


with his young bride she has given birth twiceand one of those she had twins. He had 5mouths to feed. He never gave up. He wentout to work for useless clients that paid next tonothing but iyawo as she is fondly called by her

there but petty trading ,so she started tradingthis and that, even had another child, girl thistime. So as they say the years went by and aslife goes on things happen ,the militarypresident died and 1999 everyone who ran


the newly formed PDP, he contested and wontwice, then he contested and won the house of

rep. He claims he has no regret but I tot heshould have stayed a rep, his deputy governorbid cost him his state and town to his homeboyoshomole. Then he went on his selt proclaimed


to atheist try and help in winning back his

state. In that he was successful. And to me he

is still a young man, you are only as old as urheart and Dad has one of the strongest I know.Trust me he trained 3 men who most lost hope

into 3 of the best people i know and his giris

left the story of dude to talk of my dad. Don'tworry the dots will connect themselvesSo dude was high and mighty he was datingAmaka, she was in mascom and she was asecond year. Dude was already dating her

Was bot che had fat hins and hig boohe So

time went by as usual and it was graduatingtime. After exams boys started popping upawaiting results. Why awaiting result the girl |was hot for dumped me for a boy in her level.He was a yahoo boy. And they use it

davs every

youth wants to be one but back then theywere maybe 3 or less in each school. I wasquite heartbroken. So one night dad and I weresitting outside and dads know i love his suya and pami( a mens only tradition in my house

women never invited but my sisters stll cimenobody's fault it was a boys only tradition butthey understood. U see it started in 94 when

dad election was taken from him, Everyevening he used to go out to drink pammywith his group of friends(the hotel but thatsanotnestory tor anotner cnapter) and ne wouwould


suya to wipe) and he knows how l lovemeat ,honestly addicted to that shit and yet Iwas strugglinwith a piece of meat, so he askedwhat was wrong and i told him and he gave methe best advice a poem, now this is were the

s but

it all changed for him henblove, the woman inside himAnd for me its my sunshine

I later found out the author names was rami, Inever did find anything else about him or her.

The minute I heard my first love story,Istarted looking for you, not knowing

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.They're in each other all along."

Dude and dad

Iremember the day lI heard that poem,e author of that

wondered and searched t


mastery of the heart, for you see l had to readthat poem, because was one of those thathelps shape the man you are, for u see theauthor seemed to understand me, I felt singledout and I felt like it was a personal intimateconversation, see for you to understand it was

very soon, we had like one semester left, andto tell you the that dude and the one sittingwriting this book are as different as white andblack, but I wasn't talking about that dude notme. so moving forward to make things simpler

So we were we, yes dude and his crew wheresoon to be done with this uni bullshit, endlessclasses and exam and to makes thing evenbetter he and his guys were the talk of theschool, we were dating the hottest girls in

homes and even thouch dudowlk i

way the richest in his group to put it plain hewas the poorest but who was he to complainits not as if is dad was an illiterate farmer orather just illiterate cos Dad would always tellyou himself standing up straight with his palm

m rich

like l imagine Prince Charles would have doneback when there was a Prince Charles, and saywith his naturally thick voice. My father, was afarmer, he trained me to form 4 and i grew upas a farmer before he died and I will be

rarmer dl tne dayidle and iguess ne kept to lt

to i

to when he is around (I promise I won'tmention that both farms are in his houses, sohe never has to even leave any of hiscompounds to go farming but i give creditwere its due, he taught how to pluck, removeMr to eat roasted vaeoconut. laughttaught me the joys of corn and pear. lliteratehe was not after the death of his dad he wentto lagos were he worked for 4 years a clerk forthe government, then took a leave of absenseand his little savings were he applied,studied


swears that the only university in NigeriaUniversity of Ife, worked in lagos saved cameback to his town with a pretty younglady(that's a story for another chapter or book)starte practising law, it was a struggle at firstbut his enterprising young wite had used his


was at least get the family by until 1994 andthe military president said the seat of the localgovernment council was now open to civiliansand elections. Naturally Dad was thrilled eventhough he had never tho ught about politics hismentor and head oT the rirm ne woke o


his savings added from his wife business safeto say he banrupted it and surprisingly he wonHe could not believe it. Then months beforethey were to take office, the military presidentchanged his mind and the office he spent and


with his young bride she has given birth twiceand one of those she had twins. He had 5mouths to feed. He never gave up. He wentout to work for useless clients that paid next tonothing but iyawo as she is fondly called by her

there but petty trading ,so she started tradingthis and that, even had another child, girl thistime. So as they say the years went by and aslife goes on things happen ,the militarypresident died and 1999 everyone who ran


the newly formed PDP, he contested and wontwice, then he contested and won the house of

rep. He claims he has no regret but I tot heshould have stayed a rep, his deputy governorbid cost him his state and town to his homeboyoshomole. Then he went on his selt proclaimed


to atheist try and help in winning back his

state. In that he was successful. And to me he

is still a young man, you are only as old as urheart and Dad has one of the strongest I know.Trust me he trained 3 men who most lost hope

into 3 of the best people i know and his giris

left the story of dude to talk of my dad. Don'tworry the dots will connect themselvesSo dude was high and mighty he was datingAmaka, she was in mascom and she was asecond year. Dude was already dating her

Was bot che had fat hins and hig boohe So

time went by as usual and it was graduatingtime. After exams boys started popping upawaiting results. Why awaiting result the girl |was hot for dumped me for a boy in her level.He was a yahoo boy. And they use it

davs every

youth wants to be one but back then theywere maybe 3 or less in each school. I wasquite heartbroken. So one night dad and I weresitting outside and dads know i love his suya and pami( a mens only tradition in my house

women never invited but my sisters stll cimenobody's fault it was a boys only tradition butthey understood. U see it started in 94 when

dad election was taken from him, Everyevening he used to go out to drink pammywith his group of friends(the hotel but thatsanotnestory tor anotner cnapter) and ne wouwould


suya to wipe) and he knows how l lovemeat ,honestly addicted to that shit and yet Iwas strugglinwith a piece of meat, so he askedwhat was wrong and i told him and he gave methe best advice a poem, now this is were the

s but

it all changed for him henblove, the woman inside himAnd for me its my sunshine

I later found out the author names was rami, Inever did find anything else about him or her.

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.

They're in each other all along."

Dude and dad

I remember the day I heard that poem, I wondered and searched for the author of that poem, who could write such beauty, such mastery of the heart, for you see I had to read that poem, because was one of those that helps shape the man you are, for u see the author seemed to understand me, I felt singled out and I felt like it was a personal intimate conversation, see for you to understand it was the year 2010, we were soon to be graduates very soon, we had like one semester left, and to tell you the that dude and the one sitting writing this book are as different as white and black, but I wasn't talking about that dude not me. so moving forward to make things simpler to understand we are going to refer to the writers younger self hence forth "as dude")

So we were we, yes dude and his crew where soon to be done with this uni bullshit, endless classes and exam and to makes thing even better he and his guys were the talk of the school, we were dating the hottest girls in school every semester, they were all from rich homes and even though dude wasn't in any way the richest in his group to put it plain he was the poorest but who was he to complain its not as if is dad was an illiterate farmer or rather just illiterate cos Dad would always tell you himself standing up straight with his palm on his stomach say with all sincerity and pride like I imagine Prince Charles would have done back when there was a Prince Charles, and say with his naturally thick voice. My father, was a farmer,he trained me to form 4 and i grew up as a farmer before he died and I will be a farmer till the day i die and I guess he kept to it cos I know of two farms he personally attends to when he is around (I promise I won't mention that both farms are in his houses, so he never has to even leave any of his compounds to go farming but i give credit were its due, he taught how to pluck, remove the husk ,before breaking the coconut. Taught Mr to eat roasted yarn and peppered oil, taught me the joys of corn and pear. Illiterate he was not after the death of his dad he went to lagos were he worked for 4 years a clerk for the government , then took a leave of absense and his little savings were he applied,studied and graduated from law school .my dad still swears that the only university in Nigeria.

University of Ife, worked in lagos saved came back to his town with a pretty young lady(that's a story for another chapter or book) starte practising law, it was a struggle at first but his enterprising young wife had used his meagre savings into a tomato business that was at least get the family by until 1994 and the military president said the seat of the local government council was now open to civilians and elections. Naturally Dad was thrilled even though he had never thought about politics his mentor and head of the firm he worked and others i guess changed his mind, so he took all his savings added from his wife business safe to say he banrupted it and surprisingly he won. He could not believe it. Then months before they were to take office, the military president changed his mind and the office he spent and bet it all on was a mirage, he finally remembered that from when he cameback with his young bride she has given birth twice and one of those she had twins. He had 5 mouths to feed. He never gave up. He went out to work for useless clients that paid next to nothing but iyawo as she is fondly called by her husband and children never quit on her man. She never went to university so what else was there but petty trading ,so she started trading this and that , even had another child, girl this time. So as they say the years went by and as life goes on things happen ,the military president died and 1999 everyone who ran before became an automatic candidate under the newly formed PDP, he contested and won twice, then he contested and won the house of rep. He claims he has no regret but I tot he should have stayed a rep, his deputy governor bid cost him his state and town to his homeboy oshomole. Then he went on his self proclaimed exile until the Jonathan affair made him return to atheist try and help in winning back his state. In that he was successful. And to me he is still a young man, you are only as old as ur heart and Dad has one of the strongest I know. Trust me he trained 3 men who most lost hope into 3 of the best people I know and his girls her just peaches. U may be wondering why I left the story of dude to talk of my dad. Don't worry the dots will connect themselves.

So dude was high and mighty he was dating

Amaka, she was in mascom and she was a second year. Dude was already dating her most of the entire home and he taught she was hot, she had fat hips and big boobs. So time went by as usual and it was graduating time. After exams boys started popping up awaiting results. Why awaiting result the girl I was hot for dumped me for a boy in her level. He was a yahoo boy. And they use it anyhow,or maybe because now and days every youth wants to be one but back then they were maybe 3 or less in each school. I was

quite heartbroken. So one night dad and I were sitting outside and dads know i love his suya an d pami( a mens only tradition in my house women I never invited but my sisters still cime to take some suya into the house but it's nobody's fault it was a boys only tradition but they understood. U see it started in 94 when dad election was taken from him, Every evening he used to go out to drink pammy

with his group of friends(the hotel but thats anothestory for another chapter) and he would give us little sips of pami and we would use suya to wipe) and he knows how I love

meat ,honestly addicted to that shit and yet I was strugglinwith a piece of meat, so he asked what was wrong and i told him and he gave me the best advice a poem, now this is were the story comes togethermy dad struggled, yes but it all changed for him when he met his real love, the woman inside him

And for me its my sunshine

I later found out the author names was rami, I never did find anything else about him or her.