Chereads / The Warlock and the Dragonlord / Chapter 2 - Morgana’s perspective

Chapter 2 - Morgana’s perspective


Let's see a little from Morgana's perspective. Just a short insert. I'll try to post sooner with the next chapter!

Morgana knew she was young, and that's why she and her friends didn't receive enough information to understand exactly what was going on, but she sensed the darkness in the castle. She knew from talk that it was getting worse. Some He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named fellow causing havoc with his followers. Morgana herself couldn't help but roll her eyes as she heard the words. Sounded to her like a Hitler, and don't get her wrong, Hitler had been terrible, but it's not like you can't say Hitler's name.

Though that thought gave her pause. She was standing looking at the Holocaust as history. At the time, if people spoke poorly of Hitler, maybe it was cause for some concern. She giggled, imagining the Nazi's going around calling Hitler One-Who-Can't-Be-Named.

She may have been young, but she was in Ravenclaw for a reason. The hat had told her how she had enough courage she could be in Gryffindor, enough wit and sly thinking, she could be in Slytherin. Although it had almost seemed amused as it told her that there was no way she could end up in Hufflepuff. Now knowing what she did about Hufflepuff, she had to agree. They were usually pretty soft spoken and humble. Maybe Morgana had too much of her father in her, she was stubborn, and though not crazy loud, she tended to speak her mind.

She liked being in Ravenclaw. They valued knowledge, and she had to admit that she fully believed it was where she belonged. The only downside was that her friend, Morgause, was in Slytherin. She enjoyed spending time with her friend when she could. But truly, Morgana didn't believe she could be content being a Slytherin herself.

Nope, she liked her house.

She'd noticed that her whole house was just as curious as she was about the tensions and changes in the castle. They sought information, and then they all shared what they learned together. Because of them and Morgause, they learned quite a bit about what was going on.

For that year, she listened and learned. Then Dumbledore was killed. Even by the end of the year she didn't know the whole story, but she grieved like everyone else. The man had been a good one, from what she knew of him, even though she wouldn't say that she was necessarily close to the man.

Things got worse after that, in the next year, as the school was in Professor Snape's hands. She wondered about the man, having had good memories — or as good of memories as one can have with the man — the previous year. And yet, now… well he definitely didn't seem like such a good guy at the moment. But when she saw him stop one of the punishments of a kid from one of the other Death Eaters, then urge the kid to his office, she wondered, because the kid didn't run screaming from Snape any worse after that.

They saw the news, the attacks happening around the world. Snatchers hunted down mud-bloods. The pure in blood truly believed themselves to be greater than anyone who wasn't the same purity, and that was cause for concern for even Morgana herself, as she was not entirely sound in her bloodline. It had been proven that her mother was a great wizard, and that was the only reason she was really safe. Friends and others she had known in previous years did not come back to school that year and others told her it was because they were mud-bloods and not welcome there, as they had stolen magic. That didn't make sense to Morgana, not sure how kids could have possibly stolen magic, but she saw the pain others went through if they defended. The teachers were terribly mean to anyone that stepped even a toe out of line or had an opinion, so Morgana was forced to use her brain and keep her mouth shut for now. There might be a time she could act, but at the moment they were stuck in school, where everything was supervised, and she wasn't even allowed to use her wand due to Umbridge's ruling. They weren't teaching them anything worthwhile at all, and Morgana wished she could just go home. Better to learn something and be with her family, than waste her time here.

But she couldn't. It was mandatory for everyone to be in school, and she was sure it was only because they wanted full control over every aspect of their lives. Morgana wouldn't admit it to anybody, but she was getting scared.

Apparently Harry Potter and friends went off looking to destroy… well, she wasn't exactly sure what, but something to help in the fight with Voldemort — she'd finally managed to hear his name from the teachers, who had no (less of a) reason to fear the dark wizard, as they were his followers.

She was disappointed that the first and second years and others were forced to leave the school for safety for what Morgana knew had to be a fight against Voldemort and his followers. An old man, Morgana assumed to be Dumbledore's brother, as he looked a lot like the man, helped keep an eye on them. He did too good of a job, so Morgana wasn't able to slip away to try and get more information. So she spent the time in tense anticipation, knowing the fight that they had left behind, and how many with her had family and friends that were still there fighting.

Just kids, not much older than her, but fighting for a life of magic as it was.

As fascinated as she was to know the details, she couldn't help the deep shiver that ran through her as she joined her friends in hoping their side would win. That as many as could be would be spared.