Liam and Timmy hit it off instantly. As Liam explained the parts under the hood, Timmy's eyes widened with awe, soaking in every detail.
As expected, the car didn't start. Liam muttered something about the engine—terms Joanne didn't fully understand—before heading into town to grab the necessary parts.
Timmy lingered, still mesmerized by the car.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Joanne said, watching him. "They don't make them like this anymore."
Timmy nodded, almost reverently. "Can I… sit inside?"
"Go ahead," Joanne chuckled, finding his fascination endearing. She still didn't understand what it was with boys and cars, but seeing his excitement, she wasn't going to question it.
Leaving him to explore, she went back inside to check on the girls—and JD.
From the window, she spotted JD walking toward the row of oak trees, camera in hand.