Next day morning, Skia remembered the address of Ray's workplace went to see what is his situation. when she reach the place she saw that it was a convience store which was quite old she went and saw a boy her age at the counter welcoming her with a very polite manner it was nothing new as she was heiress in big family but she felt little awkward as it was first time she saw someone her age talking politely. she looked around and to test Ray's level she begin talking in english inquerying about products, to her surprise Ray not only answered but was more fluent and ascentic than her, she curiously asked if he was such a good speaker why is he working Ray who suudenly stopped talking Skia didn't understand why when she was about to leave she heard a ring and stopped it was landline call on shop, Ray picked the call Skia who was watching from the side hearing, it was the call from hospital where his mom was at for treatment call was regarding pending bills. Ray continues apologise and asked for the some time after listening to caller he got 3 days extra to clear the dues he puts the phone down holds his head looked really tenced Skia who noticed everything was not exactly clear about the entire situation but ubnderstood that he was facing problem, on the right their was cold drink section she grabed two drinks went to counter did the billing and gave one to Ray who doesn't understand what was happenning took the drink after complete the drink she asked what is the problem he is facing Ray who was already facing many problem feeling burdenned talked about his life how he doesn't have a father his who was taking care of house became ill now whole resposiblity is on him to take care of house, put togethere medical expenses for his mother and send his sister to school. hearing this shocked Skia that how can a boy same her age bear so many responsibility at a time. the door opened this time it was the owner of the shop seeing Ray look depressed asked what happened Ray told him that he need money for hospital bills, owner angered refused it was second time he was asking for advanced payment and it is not possible. Skia witness this she wrote her number on the piece of paper giving it to Ray saying if you couldn't come up with something he should call on thiss number and she will him. saying this she left the store Ray kept the paper in pocket and continued his work.