Chereads / SCP THE O5'S / Chapter 6 - Chp-4 Mission Start

Chapter 6 - Chp-4 Mission Start

As the team slowly start getting everything ready, with Nuli thinking over his plans, Ani just polishing her rifle while humming like she's cleaning a table, while Eura just staring at the base before Moris came up from behind.

Moris: Heya Eura what are you doing staring?

Eura: Its... Nothing just having some bad feelings that's all

Moris: You? Bad feelings? Jeez your making me question if this mission was a bad idea coming from you.

Eura: It has always been a bad idea *before she chuckle* but don't worry about me, what kind of master and teacher am I to not be worry about my student mission? But you don't need to worry about me I can do just fine as always go check on your team see anything going smooth as a team leader should be doing.

Moris giving a pouty face before walking away and start looking around the camp, asking if Nuli and Ani need any help and always they didn't but as he keep looking around and notice that Ainin was no where to be seen. Worried and curios he look start looking around before seeing Ainin sitting on a rock looking at the base just like how Eura did as her bright blond dye hair flow with the wind (she dye her hair a bright color so she could be notice more easily hence her being a tank).

Moris: Well well is the Ms. Perfect here finally showing some emotion beside caring her grades?

Moris chuckle expecting a yell or a grab on his collar but there was nothing, feeling weird he walk up to her slowly like trying not to scare a small kitten before he was able to sat down next to her, strange Moris thought Ainin never give him this close of a distance before.

Moris: Come on~ Why the silence don't make me pry it out of your throat.

Ainin: *letting out a long sigh* just because I'm quiet doesn't mean you need to come and start finding out why.

Moris: Well too bad if my tank who should be getting the most attention when their fighting suddenly became quiet like Joa. (the quiet kid that sit in the back of the class) That's Ani job by the way.

Ainin: I don't need to tell you anything that doesn't give me the highest grade-

Moris: Oh shut it with the grade's Ainin i'm speaking this as your team captain, Your my tank and your supposed to be the spot light in every fight and now your all quiet and when that happen the enemy is going to focus more on Nuli or Ani got that?

Ainin: *taking aback by how Moris suddenly gotten so serious and having a point she sigh once more* You know how master Eura told us about the ambush?

Moris: Yeah?

Ainin: My... Dad was also one of the people that was supposed to ambush the O5 council but as you know... She was the only who survive... And I want to be as strong or even stronger than my dad so I know the very thing he loss his life was able to be finish and not just die because he was weak... I want to find solace to me and... My mom...

As they sat there after Ainin let out all her deep worries she stare at the base before Moris slap her back as she gets piss and grab his collar


Moris: Ah there's my tank I guess that's all you needed after all.

Ainin scoff and Let Moris go

Ainin: argh... Just go and check the others I'm going to check my sword.

Moris not testing Ainin any longer quickly leave and join with other...

5 minutes later...

Ainin join the rest of the team after checking her weapon in the best shape as she sees the row of mask lay out on a table.

Nuli: Ainin your here good now lets get started firstly these mask's will be useful if we want to be able to get into that base as quietly as possible, these mask will act like a walkie talkie but it will cover our face and mask so the enemy wont be able to hear us and no Moris you can't use it eat while in classes.

Moris give an arm cross and a upset look

Nuli: I will be giving out instruction and Ani will be overlooking for us giving me and us information to be able to know our next move is. If nobody have question lets wear it.

Quickly they wear the mask and with the mask technology the mask turn and cover the head with a black reflective glass without any hint of the face showing.

Moris: Wow this would have been handy when I'm sleeping.

Nuli: Good it seems like everyone can hear me just fine with this I will give instruction without the enemy hearing my next plan. Firstly, we will sneak into the cargo is being dock that place seem to be less guarded and darker compare to the other areas in the compare to the other part of the base. Ani will be shooting guards that are in the towers and when we get in the base Ani will follow later, once we are inside the cctv will catch us sooner or later so we should make our presence know and quickly find the Scp that we need to find and kill as quickly grab as many information as we can and of course Master Eura will be coming with as well.

With the plan fully set up they wait for the remaining minutes to pass...

55 minutes pass...

Quickly they rush to the cargo rushing pass drones and staying in the dark as much as possible with Nuli and Ani giving a clear path they were able to sneak in and under Eura watchful eye and determining the score and points for the team, as they reach inside the base it was time for Ainin to shine as she grab her sword and shield as the alarm start sounding Ainin quickly rush in and killing multiple simple Scp guards as they rush deeper with Ainin at the front and Moris just behind her giving her support if needed and covering her back, with Nuli in the middle looking the signs giving directions, before Ani was able to join the rest of group trough the ventilation.

Moris: How did you fit with that sniper on your back?

Ani: When the base is fully focus on you guys they don't really pay much attention to noise coming from the vents.

Moris: Well fair enough.

As the group keep going further into the base killing everyone in their way before Eura sensing danger

Eura: STOP!

As Eura quickly rush to the front of the group as they ask for a reason before they notice her sweat before they notice the elite guards of the base "Nine Tail Fox" have been deployed

Eura: seems like were going the right way when these guys are here were getting closer but you guys going need to save your Ranchi a bit if we want to have some energy left if we want to leave.

So the group nods as their Master now become the front as she were able to kill the Nine Tail Fox with small difficulty but the group now they will be expecting more and so Eura start killing every Nine Tail Fox on the way before Nuli sees a sign showing they were getting close to the head of the base office, before Eura look back and see huge number of Nine Tail Fox knowing that she quickly rush behind.

Eura: Damn they were smart to do this... Alright you four it seem like I will need to stay the head office should be close just like you said I will not hear any objection to this and plus I will be fine... NOW GO!

As the group nod they start running leaving Eura to defeat the Nine tail fox

Eura: Now now boys *as her blade slightly scratch the floor as she smirk confidently* Lets get this over with.

After a short while the group were able to find the office before they bust through the door before they meet with an overwhelming Ranchi. Sitting at the end of a very long hallway with a red carpet leading to the desk where a man sitting there writing a report as if the infiltration was normal as he slowly put down his pen and look up at the group. His face old but full of battle scars, eyes sharp as if nothing but expect the worse, as his black clothe wrinkle as the shoulder pad says "HEAD OF BASE"

???: What's this? A bunch of kids coming though the door without knocking? The serpant hands have been atttuited being getting worse and worse... well I have an "extremely important inspection" coming so to have the infiltration to be happening on the same day? is already not looking good...

As the group ready their stance Moris gloves slowly powering, Ainin sword ready and charge, Ani sniper full on ammo, Nuli brain on full performance from his Ranchi. As the man slowly stand up and walk around his desk before he push his name plate on the table to be more center showing his name.


"The Head Of Base"

As Slivan light a cigar

Slivan: Well? I don't have all day.