**[New Arc: Tudor the great mimicker]**
Cooped up in an interrogation room, Tudor sat like an helpless sheep, looking around like a strange visitor he his. Unlike his time in the Amazon rainforest, he wore well cleaned clothes on his body and looked more like a civilized person compared to the bare and naked barbarian he once was.
*Click, clack
The door to the interrogation room opened, a woman with jet black hair and a pair of glasses entered with a logbook in her hand. Her dress was corporate with a blue shirt and black skirt and black heels on her feet. She also wore a white coat on the dress. She is probably a researcher or some kind.
"Hi, hello, how are you, how was your day, mister". She said.
Tudor was puzzled, he doesn't understand what she said, he just stared at her dead in the eye with no response whatsoever.
"Oh, let me say that again, how are you!". She stressed the words and gestured at him to give him an idea of what she is saying.
"I don't understand what you are saying but I think I've got an idea of what you are trying to convey... Ahem, My name is Tudor Florea". He said.
The woman was taken aback, Tudor spoke but what he said almost made no sense to her. She doesn't understand what he said for some reason, she could pick a few words.
With a sigh, she turned around and faced a security camera videoing them. She gestured her hand that there is zero communication between them. She left her logbook on the table and stepped out.
Some minutes later, she came back in but this time, she wasn't alone, she came along with a man that dressed similar to her, only that their clothes color were different. The man also wore glasses and has a black hair. The woman sat opposite of Tudor while the man stood beside her.
"You speak Romanian?". The man asked. Finally someone that understands him, Tudor's spirit rose up and answered energetically.
"Yes, you literally just spoke to me in Romanian, it so good to find someone you share the same tongue with in a faraway land ". Tudor said.
The man was silent for a while then he said:
"You speak Romanian and you didn't pick a word or two from the language she spoke to you".
"I'm supposed to? What language does she speak". Tudor asked.
"Portuguese, even if you don't understand it all, it's a language that is linguistically related to yours ". He said.
"Other than my native tongue, English and Italian, I don't understand any other languages ". Tudor replied.
"Sigh, I guess I'm gonna be a translator then, by the way, my name is Adalberto Dinis Camila, she's Francisca dá Silveira, what is your name". The man said.
"My name is Tudor Florea, nice to meet you both ". Tudor replied.
The man interpreted what Tudor said to the woman.
"Oh, nice to meet you, how is your family and friends". The woman said and of course, Adalberto translated.
Tudor went silent, he of all people knows he is not from this world, but memories he had from his home world was good to say the least, he came from an average salary earners, he loves to party especially with his best friend and partner in crime, Andrei.
He began to wonder the kind of state all his loved ones would be following his sudden disappearance, his face went gloom and sullen. Francisca looked at him intently, she doesn't seem to have any emotion on her face, but it seems she was satisfied with his reaction.
"I'm sorry for asking such sensitive question, I'm truly sorry, may their souls rest in peace ".
' huh? What is she saying, rest in peace?! None of my families are dead, they are well and doing...' Tudor was thinking, he couldn't believe his ears when Adalberto translated to him.
However, it then occurred to him that this world is not his home world, the system gave him a little summary of the world's past, there was a lot of disasters and havoc during the age of cataclysm and the present world is filled with monsters, Francisca probably thought he and his family were victims of monster attacks and he was the sole survivor.
"I'm sorry, this might come as a bad time, however, we found you passed out outside the eastern section of the wall, almost naked, if I may ask, what were you doing all alone outside the safety of the citadel, despite knowing how dangerous the jungle is". Francisca said with cold glassy eyes.
Tudor froze hearing her.