Two consecutive quest in one time, asking me for obliterate all of Elanor's unit.
Never thought the System's want me to do a massive genocide in here.
"No need for observation, Sylvana." I said while preparing myself with Magician Magnification.
>Magical Magnification Activated!
>Triplet damage output for the next spell ready!
Unseen by the orcish horde, I prepared my devastating Frost Bite spell – a technique consistently effective against large numbers of the creatures, especially orc monsters.
Sylvana, however, registered my intent and recoiled in terror.
"Alstair! What madness is this?!" she cried, her voice trembling.
"Seeking vengeance, are we? Consider it served," I replied, laced with a touch of bitter irony.
My target: Elanor's stronghold.
"Are you insane?! We haven't even assessed Elanor's ultimate defense! There could be catastrophic consequences!" she hissed, her apprehension palpable.
My resolve, however, was unshakeable.
The System's mandate was absolute, overriding her objections.
My family's survival demanded this reckless gamble.
"Forget it, Sylvana," I retorted, the Frost Bite spell fully formed. "I'm Zeta's cursed vessel. 'Crazy' is my operational mode."
Regardless Sylvana's protest, at this point, there's no time to look back and doing too much observation will just put me to aimless on this fight.
I had to move faster than them to gain momentum!
However, it's unfortunate for me to see those Elanor's elves had move faster than I initially expected.
Sylvana's protest died on her lips as Elanor's elven sentinels materialized in the sky, their staves ablaze with a blinding silver light.
The illumination, almost instantaneous, shattered our invisibility.
In a heartbeat, the square erupted in a dissonance of orcish rage.
Their eyes, hundreds of them, were fixed on us; Elanor's forces had cancelled our invisible state!
Escape was impossible; we were encircled, trapped like birds in a snare.
"Sylvana!" I shouted, pulling her close as I conjured a fiery bulwark – a wall of searing flames.
That split-second decision proved vital, the Fire Pillar deflecting the brutal onslaught of axe and mace.
The din of battle was deafening – a maelstrom of steel and fury.
We were besieged, pummeled by a relentless tide of savagery. It appeared hopeless.
Yet, amidst the chaos, a new System notification offered a glimmer of hope.
>The Fire Pillar Defense rate: 85%!
>Due to constant attack, the Fire Pillar Defense had collected the energy from incoming attack!
>Collected Energy from Fire Pilar: 35%!
The Fire Pillar's energy absorption, a boon from deflecting relentless blows, proved a double-edged sword.
Its magical barrier, weakened by those constant attack from damn orcs precariously.
A complete collapse meant certain doom for both Sylvana and me, leaving us utterly defenseless against the savage orc onslaught.
"Alstair! What will you do?!" Sylvana's terrified shriek pierced the dissonance of orcish roars and the relentless attack.
"Frost Bite's an option, but..." I hesitated, weighing the tactical implications. Elanor's elves, perched like vultures in the sky, had already spotted us.
"Then use it! Alstair, your composure is unnerving! We'll be slaughtered if you delay!" Her desperation was palpable.
I understood her fear, yet I remained resolute in my pursuit of optimal spell efficacy.
But a sinister glint in the eyes of the Elven observers—a malevolent intent far surpassing the orcs' brutality—sharpened my focus.
Then, a colossal orc, a monstrous behemoth, charged from the north, his deadly axe a harbinger of death, his shadow engulfing us.
His aura of malice, potent and chilling, altered my strategy.
I would cancel the Frost Bite, leveraging Magical Magnification to bolster the Fire Pillar's defenses.
Sylvana's scream died in her throat as I pulled her close, our reinforced barrier anticipating the imminent strike.
The orc commander's axe crashed down with earth-shattering force, pulverizing nearby orcs.
The Fire Pillar, its defense tripled by Magical Magnification, withstood the blow, but the impact hurled us through the air.
We slammed into a building in the town square, the wreckage raining down upon us.
Coughing, I pushed myself up from the debris. Sylvana lay beside me, pale and frail, her body ravaged by the brutal impact.
A system notification flashed, quantifying the devastating damage inflicted by the orc commander's axe.
>Warning! The Fire Pillar Defense rate: 15%!
Supporting Sylvana to her feet, I observed the hulking orc.
He resembled Vorgruth, yet possessed a stockier frame and powerfully muscled forearms.
The blood-caked battle-axe he wielded spoke volumes of his lethal efficiency in dispatching his victims.
Despite his ferocious strength, his eyes, a chilling emerald green, betrayed a weariness that spoke of prior, exhaustive battles.
That same haunted green glimmered in the eyes of the other brutal orcs dominating the town square – a testament to Elanor's insidious control.
Sylvana gasped, her voice laced with anguish, "Damn it! Elanor has even controlled Cayaska! The chieftain of the Cayaska clan!"
My prior suspicion was confirmed: this imposing orc was, indeed, a clan leader, mirroring Vorgruth in stature and authority.
"A commendable display of might, Cayaska," I remarked, maintaining a composed demeanor.
Sylvana's voice edged with panic.
"Alstair, why the unnerving calm?! We were nearly annihilated by that orc commander! Your Fire Pillar was shattered near to destruction! Another blow, and we're finished!"
"I understand," I replied, my tone even, as I began to prepare another potent spell.
This time, my strategy would abandon the chilling embrace of Frost Bite.
Instead, I would unleash its fiery antithesis.
A swift glance at my magical interface confirmed my preparations for this counter-intuitive spell, a tactical shift born of calculated necessity.
>Due to constant attack, the Fire Pillar Defense had collected the energy from incoming attack!
>Collected Energy from Fire Pilar: 95%!
A grin spread across my face as I absorbed the potent mana surging from the Fire Pillar.
My senses confirmed the Pillar's energy – a vastly superior fuel for another fiery incantation.
A Firestorm spell was my unequivocal choice.
"Alstair! They're advancing!" Sylvana's terrified embrace tightened as Cayaska's horde – hundreds of Elanor orcs – marched relentlessly into view.
I raised my Dragon Scepter, casted Fire Storm spell.
Instantly, a maelstrom of fire erupted, a raging inferno that consumed the town square and its environs in a destructive vortex.
The azure sky was instantly obliterated, replaced by a crimson hellfire choked with acrid smoke as hundreds of orcs were immolated.
Even the elves observing from the heights were not spared.
Panic seized them as the fiery tempest scorched the heavens, flinging them to earth like blazing meteors.
The once-pure air became a stifling shroud, thick with the ash of incinerated orcs and elves.
The casualty count, flashing across my internal systems, provided stark, undeniable proof: my strategy was devastatingly effective.
>Quest Activated: Defeat Elanor's Orc Units (130/150)!
>Quest Activated: Defeat Elanor's Sorcerer Units (20/30)!
I gulp down a mana potion and a health potion, then resumed the hunt.
My victories were substantial, yet one foe remained: the looming specter of Cayaska.
He roared, a sound of agony, his armor, flesh, and skin consumed by searing fire.
Though crippled, this orc commander, kneeling, crawled toward me, a testament to his grim determination.
He attempted to raise his scorched axe, but it clattered to the ground, his burned hand unable to grip it.
He could only drag himself forward, his legs rendered useless by the flames.
Like Vorgruth before him, Cayaska embodied an unwavering resolve, a commitment to his duty that transcended even the approach of death.
Having battled countless orcs as a sorcerer, I understood their brutal ferocity. Yet beneath that savagery, I perceived a profound sense of honor, a dedication to their mission that filled me with a strange respect.
The only stain on his valor, a bitter contrast to Vorgruth's unwavering loyalty, was his subjugation by Elanor.
It was a tragedy to see him—and his entire clan—destroyed by the Fire Storm, victims of a manipulative tyrant's cruel machinations.
"Rest, Cayaska," I murmured, readying another spell, "I will end your suffering, and liberate your clan from this insidious bondage."
Raging Tempest coalesced in my hands.
His final roar was devoid of menace, yet resonated with profound sadness.
With a desperate surge of adrenaline, he lunged, his burning body a testament to his defiance.
But I was faster.
Raging Tempest unleashed a whirlwind of razor-sharp wind, slicing through his veins and piercing his heart.
He collapsed, his body ravaged by the relentless fire, his form dissolving into ash.
The orc commander fell, followed by his remaining comrades, the system's stark announcement confirming their demise.