I gasp for air, struggling to stand my ground as the accursed Sorcerer swoops closer, brandishing his Obsidian Sword yet again.
Casting a Lightning Bolt now would be pointless, as he can easily deflect it with his weapon.
All I can do is quickly summon The Blade of Fire with my Dragon Scepter.
Taking a deep breath, I exhale slowly and lunge forward, striking the Sorcerer with all my might.
The clash of our blades creates a fiery explosion, scorching the ship platform we stand on and the Legendary Sorcerer himself.
"You've learned from your mistake, but you're still no match for me, Alstair," he sneers. His words leave me speechless, but I sense something lurking behind me.
Before I can react, sharp objects pierce through my shoulders and back, forcing me to my knees.
I realize too late that the Sorcerer had conjured flying magic swords to attack me from behind.
His ability to cast two spells at once without using the Sorcerer's Blindfold is proof of his legendary status!
With the Obsidian Sword pointed menacingly at me, the Sorcerer's cold gaze makes it clear that he could easily split my face in half with a single swing.
In my desperate situation, a System Notification suddenly appears.
> You get 150.000 Monster Diamonds! > You get the Hematite Gemstones (x3)! > You get Sapphire Gemstone (x2)! > You get the Key of Abandoned Tower (x1)! Mixed emotions of joy and despair flood over me as I receive notifications for my rewards. In a dull tone, the renowned Sorcerer of the Zeta System asks, "Do you regret your decision to become a Sorcerer, now that death looms before you?" I stand my ground, unwavering in my response. "No regrets. I did everything in my power to provide for my family, even if it meant braving the treacherous Zeta system." The Sorcerer continues to probe, "What do you seek in this Sea of Ice Dungeon?" My answer is resolute, "A potion of miracles, to save my mother." The Sorcerer acknowledges, "You're on the right path. Survival will lead you to what you seek. If you want to find the miracle medicine for your family, go to the top of Abandoned Tower." We lock eyes with a deadly intent on the brink of a battle. The Sorcerer could have easily killed me, but instead, he sheathes his obsidian sword, letting the magic blade that once pierced my back and shoulder dissipate. "Consider yourself lucky, Alstair. To become a powerful Sorcerer, you must lead a formidable team." His words carry a sense of guidance, and I know they hold truth. He commands his Ice Golem troops to protect his life, a reminder that strength lies in numbers. "Our next encounter will be a battle to the death. Be prepared." With those chilling words, the Sorcerer flies back into the sky. It's an unusual end to a battle, almost as if the Sorcerer was following the System Quest I just completed. Despite the strange circumstances, I am still alive, but my body trembles from the lingering spiritual pressure of the Legendary Sorcerer. I make a vow that when we meet again, I will defeat him. I will emerge stronger and more powerful than ever before! *** "What in the world are you implying about my sister, doc?!" I bellowed, disregarding any commotion it may cause in the hospital. I had just returned from the treacherous Sea of Ice Dungeon to discover that my sister, Arlene, had slipped into a coma after experiencing an unexplained fever. "She displayed similar symptoms as the others who have fallen into a coma, and yet we still cannot provide an explanation through our assessments. All we can do now is provide her with necessary nourishment and closely monitor her breathing, much like we are doing for your mother. We regret having to deliver this devastating news. Please excuse us," the doctor uttered in a somber tone before swiftly exiting the room. I was left speechless, stunned by the fact that my family was now facing this unexplainable coma. The hospital room, which was once only occupied by my unconscious mother, now had an additional bed for my sister. I sat down, gazing at the two of them lying motionless, feeling an overwhelming emptiness in my soul. As my skills as a sorcerer were developing, I was able to cover the medical expenses and pay off our family's debts. However, this was not the kind of condition I had hoped to use my powers for. At this rate, I needed to accelerate my search for the Miracle Potion, two of which were required for my sister's recovery. Taking a deep breath, I attempted to calm myself and avoid dwelling too much on this depressing situation. After regaining my composure, I took a moment to review the System. It then dawned on me that I had five Sapphire Gemstones, which fulfilled the requirement for unlocking a new magic spell. > You Activated The Soul of Ice! > You get new Magician Spell! >Active Skill: Lightning Bolt Gaia Endowment Divine Thunder Fire Storm Lightning Spark Blade of Fire Quicksand Ice Javelin Frost Bite >Passive Skill: Magic Barrier Mana Regeneration Health Regeneration Two new spells, Ice Javelin and Frost Bite, have been acquired. Based on my previous battles, I have deduced that Ice Javelin is designed for swift and precise long-range attacks on single targets, similar to Lightning Bolt but with added accuracy to target specific weak points for higher damage. On the other hand, Frost Bite shares similarities with Fire Storm in its elemental nature but differs in its method of inflicting damage. These spells will prove to be valuable in future Quest Systems. However, something feels amiss. In my past battles, while striving to complete the System's Quest, I have always found myself in dire situations. As a Sorcerer, I heavily rely on long-range attacks as a safer approach to defeat enemies. But there have been instances where I had to resort to short-range attacks, which come with a high risk but also yield a greater damage output. If only I possessed the ability to control an Ice Golem like the Legendary Sorcerer, I could use it as a powerful guardian while casting spells. I recall using the Fragment of Necromancer Soul to resurrect fallen Knights as my allies, which proved to be a lifesaver when facing off against The Ice Sorcerer. I cannot help but feel the need for such a spell as I prepare to face the challenges of the new Key of Abandoned Tower Dungeon, which I believe will be more treacherous than the Sea of Ice Dungeon. In the midst of my thoughts, I swiftly check the Knight's Apps, only to find that I am still blacklisted by all Knights and Guilds, except for William, Kael, and Minerva. This not only stems from Stella's false accusation but also from the news of Winstein and his henchmen being declared KIA, which has given them another reason to label me as a jinx. This blacklist may seem foolish and irrational, but it hinders my ability to explore Dungeons that may contain valuable items and equipment to enhance my magical powers. Fuck! What the hell I should do on this unfair blacklist?!