Chereads / Love, madness and magic. / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13 Truths and lies.

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13 Truths and lies.

Although Azmodiel had a number of assumptions about how he had come to be, it didn't hurt to know the other part of the story. Now that he had established that Alice would tell him the truth, that would fill in some gaps, plus he needed to have a better idea of ​​what the girl thought he was. He wasn't afraid so it was easy to assume that he didn't know what he was, but knowing what he thought he was would help him play along with the girl's fantasy.

Azmodiel returned to the table, but this time he sat next to Alice "could you recount the events of last night, from the attack to the last thing you remember?" He told her, in a sweet tone, while placing his hand on the girl's "it is very important that you don't leave anything out and at the end I will answer any questions you have" he assured her, with a fake smile.

He had to use all his willpower not to react when Alice told her story. He paid attention to every detail to know which ones he could use to his advantage, both to free himself and to convince Alice of certain things.

A part of Azmodiel found it quite ridiculous that Alice thought he was an angel, but then he remembered why grimoires were invented, to give hope of salvation to humans. Also, at this moment, believing he was an angel was the most favorable thing for his plans.

When Alice described how the awakening happened and later his summoning, Azmodiel's face couldn't be more serious. That the first spell in this human's grimoire was able to summon a being from another plane, of Azmodiel's level, was ridiculous beyond measure, the cruelest joke of fate, but that wasn't even the main problem.

The girl simply thought of his name, as if she had always known it and it was time to use it. The way Alice learned his name, such a thing didn't make any sense. There were no words or incantation, just his name and a plea for help, it didn't make sense that that would be enough for Alice's grimoire to have the power to devour those golden chains and use them. While they were bound to him, that was nearly impossible.

The origin of those golden chains was enough to assume that a mortal couldn't even look at them without shuddering at the level of magic they radiated. "They were made by the father god himself and now they obey this little girl?" Azmodiel thought as something akin to panic began to form within him.

As objects forged by a god, these chains were above all and only below their creator, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to imprison those supreme beings that Azmodiel devoured, or Azmodiel himself. As absurd as it sounds, for a mere mortal girl to gain control of those chains, it still happened.

Azmodiel had several suspicions about the matter, but decided not to say anything, he did not believe that the naive girl would have answers for him, and even if she did, at this moment Azmodiel's mind was too focused on how to manipulate the girl to think about such details.

"I see. I suppose that summoning me was your only option, but things are a little complicated now, Alice." With what Alice had told him, Azmodiel had already formulated a way to get what he wanted and what parts he should not deny in order to stay on his master's good side. But this time he swallowed his smile and kept a serious and slightly sad expression.

Worried by the serious tone Azmodiel used. "Is something wrong, Mr. Azmodiel?" Alice asked genuinely concerned and with a real interest in helping.

"I'm afraid that by using your grimoire to summon me, your magic has bound me to you." Resisting the urge to smile at the girl who had evidently fallen into his trap, Azmodiel replied. "I cannot return to the father god's side until the contract between us is over."

It was quite evident that Alice felt incredibly guilty as she realized the consequences of her actions. Entering a spiral of thoughts, of all the consequences of removing an angel from heaven, almost bordering on the implausible.

As delicious as her desperation was, Azmodiel couldn't allow himself to let Alice get lost in panic. "I'm not saying you did anything wrong, you didn't know what it was," he told her in a soft tone as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "We can find a way to fix this, together."

Azmodiel's seductive voice was comforting to Alice's thoughts, almost like a caress that calmed her. She saw the dark eyes looking back at her "Is there a way to cancel your contract, Mr. Azmodiel?" She immediately offered to find a solution.

And with those words Alice had arrived at the path Azmodiel had laid out before her, all the steps ahead were in the hands of the supposed angel before her.

Azmodiel forcefully stifled the disappointment he felt when he realized that the chains would not release him once Alice offered to free him, although to some extent he knew it couldn't be that easy.

The being had a different idea, he remembered that his mother had explained to him how a mortal being was built. The father god had put an essence in the being, one different from the connection to magic, but still made of energy. This essence in mortals was known as a soul.

That soul, although part of the mortal's essence, as a gift from the father god, was still made of energy and something that Azmodiel knew how to do well was absorb energy. Already in several circles, Azmodiel was considered a being from hell and something that these beings do is absorb souls, so it was not a moral impediment to his new being.

Due to the restriction that the father god had placed on the manipulation of mortals, Azmodiel knew that such a thing would not be easy, but perhaps if the girl agreed on her own to give him access to her soul, perhaps absorbing it would be possible and worth a try.

Azmodiel looked directly at Alice and said seriously "Don't worry, there are ways to fix it, but first we need to know what the contract is about" Azmodiel spoke as kindly as he could pretend. Alice nodded again and again obediently "I will do what I can to help."

"You really are a good girl Alice" the creature told her as he put his hand on the girl's head "now do exactly as I tell you." Azmodiel approached her, held her waist and brought her closer to him. Alice felt embarrassed but closed her eyes and let her angel do what he had to, after all he was the expert on the subject.

The young woman didn't know exactly what to expect, but for some reason she felt somewhat disappointed when Azmodiel separated her from him and lifted her onto the table, putting her face more at his level. Giving rise to more embarrassment on the part of the young woman, which was somewhat entertaining for the being.

"Very well Alice, now I want you to close your eyes." Alice obeyed, partly because of her innocence of wanting to help and partly because Azmodiel was dangerously close to her. "You may feel a little cold, it's normal" Alice nodded slowly without opening her eyes. "You will also feel as if something is coming out of your body, that is the contract between us, I want that when that happens, you do not resist. Do you understand, Alice?"

"Yes sir Azmodiel" Alice said timidly. "And stop calling me sir" Azmodiel reproached her, slightly fed up with the term. "Yes Azmodiel" Alice said timidly as her cheeks turned into something resembling two small apples.

If the young woman had her eyes open, she would have noticed from such close proximity, how the purple glow in Azmodiel's eyes approached her face as it grew in intensity. As far as the being knew, he was using his ability to absorb energy, but in the back of his head, a whisper awoke. Such a whisper was too faint to be understood but it was a will that resembled the compulsion he felt to protect the young woman.

An extremely cruel thought passed through Azmodiel's mind at that moment. "You know how to take her intact soul and possess it." That voice in his head was alien to him, but seductive and malevolent, it seemed to know what he needed and tell him how to get it.

Perhaps out of desperation or perhaps out of convenience, Azmodiel let that voice inside him take control and guide his actions. Immediately afterward, the purple glow in his eyes traveled from one point to another on his body, spreading across those rags that the girl called clothes.

For a second, Alice returned to that silver glow, but it was only a blink. However, that blink was enough to understand that something in Azmodiel was analyzing her, reading her tastes and desires. Accompanied by the purple glow that ran through Azmodiel's body, a snap made the rags change almost completely.

Now Azmodiel's torso was covered by what looked like a dark purple dress vest, with lavender metal veins as decoration. Starting from the shoulders, a pair of sleeves, which at a closer look, could be seen to be armor made of tiny scales the same color as the vest's decorations, covered Azmodiel's arms down to his wrists, nothing too extravagant.

From the waist down, Azmodiel now wore what appeared to be a pair of dark purple leather pants, the same color as his eyes. It didn't seem very relevant considering that he could shapeshift and summoning clothes wasn't difficult, just unnecessary. But if he had paid attention he would have noticed that it wasn't what he would have chosen to wear.

In a last-minute flash of inspiration, Azmodiel requested Alice, which probably came from the voice in his head. "I need you, Alice, to say my name, and order me to break the bond between us." As if she was following instructions and knew how to do what she was about to attempt.

Alice, unaware of the power that names hold, hesitated, "I don't feel comfortable giving you orders." He interrupted her, "It's the only way, I need you to trust me."

As much as a necessary request, as much to test the level of trust the young woman was capable of towards him and more so to probably the limit of the power she had over Azmodiel, she complied with the demon's request, no matter how strange it seemed to her. "Azmodiel," Alice gulped, "He ordered you to break the bond between us."

Feeling the powerful compulsion coming from the order given by the young woman, Azmodiel let himself be guided by the plans of the voice in his head. Feeling how the same restrictions that bound him impelled him to continue with his plans, Azmodiel smiled maliciously.

As strange as the compulsion he felt now in his head seemed, there was no other option, he did not want to admit it but he was somewhat desperate. Afraid that something else would happen and interrupt his plans, Azmodiel leaned towards the young Alice, clinging to her shoulders so that she could not escape or her body would not suddenly vanish to the ground.

Alice only gave a small jump of surprise when she felt what was happening, since her eyes were closed it took her a while to notice the warmth and softness that collided with her lips. A sensation she had not experienced before but had heard stories about, stories of butterflies and relaxation. A somewhat aggressive first kiss if you ask me.