Chapter 4 - Aftermath Under the Moonlight

In the beginning, a deep darkness consumed all around, and then there were sounds followed by the acrid stench of smoke. The overly bright flames had devoured everything within reach, and the grand estate I had been raised in was no more. Amidst the fire, screams of anguish could be heard. Through it all, my mother prayed, and my father did everything he could to take whatever little he had left.

Lìxīn watched the flames intently as if looking away would extinguish them. By the time help arrived, rain had begun to fall, as if the smoke clouds had summoned real ones. Esperanza screamed for her mother, but no one answered. She was truly lucky not to have met her end.

As the town folk were busy extinguishing what the rain had not, I walked through the rubble following the sound of my mother's fervent prayers.

"I suppose this is your god's mercy," I say, causing her a start, "now you can be free to go where no one knows you and live as you wish." I probably look like a demon out from hell to her with my hair unbound and my dress torn at the hem and arms. I cannot blame my mother for her circumstances, as she never had a choice in how she lived her life.

I wish to grant her a small mercy for the few years she cared for me. I reach down and place a cold hand against her cheek, "Forget I ever existed and live the life you always wanted." Her eyes turn glossy for only a second before standing up and heading away from the home that had trapped her for so long.

Lìxīn, who had been silent up until this point, cleared his throat, "how did you know to do that?"

I turn to look at him. "I know not what you speak off." I start walking towards the garden. As the smoke clouds disperse, the moon returns ever so vibrant. "Do you plan on following me everywhere I go?" The harshness in my tone doesn't seem to bother him.

"I have followed you for all eternity," says Lìxīn as he pulls me into the shadows away from prying eyes, "I have no problem continuing to do so."

"What if I say I no longer want you?" I ask as I dig my nails into the bark behind my back I refuse to give in to this impulsive man.

The moment he bit me, memories I should no longer have flooded my mind, all engulfed with his desperation to find me. I never wished for him to live in misery, yet that's exactly what he did when I left the world. That misery led him to a deadly fate, a fate he has now made me part of.

As long as we live, we will sustain ourselves on the warm nectar that keeps hearts beating. That is simply too cruel.

"It wouldn't change a thing; trample me for all I care," Lìxīn whispers, his lips brushing my head, sending a warm shiver down my spine, "do with me as you see fit; I will welcome it."

"You're telling me if I ask for your bleeding heart, you will give it?" I press my right hand against his chest, right where his heart would have been beating were he still alive. In answer, Lìxīn presses into my touch.

I inch closer and whisper, "You have gone mad."

Lìxīn lets out a low laugh, "You have no idea."

Pushing Lìxīn away, I head towards the desolate road. The sound of a small heartbeat guides me towards the forest. The small settlement of refugees lies in ruin, and at the center stands the boy from the auction. His eyes glow like embers, and his heart beats like a drum.

"Whatever it is, it wasn't your fault," I say, for all the blame lies with me and me alone. It seems the enchantment on the stones whore off.

The trader lies on the ground, crippled, "where are you looking for me?" I ask his heartbeats ever so weekly. Reaching down, I bring the man towards me and sink my teeth into his throat. Warm blood fills my mouth, along with the traders' memories. In a fit of rage, he destroyed the settlement and, in an attempt to protect his companions, the child awakened a power most would consider blasphemous.

I toss the trader's body onto a blazing pyre and watch as the flames consume what little remains.

"Magicians are a rarity these days," Lìxīn speaks in a language I have never heard before, but the boy seems to understand. "I have a friend that's just like you. Would you like to meet her?"

The boy doesn't answer but simply loosens his clenched fist and walks towards us. Whatever Lìxīn said to him seems to have calmed the child, for he no longer smells of fear.

Lìxīn guides us towards where a black carriage waits. Obscorued from prying eyes, we ride towards the villa where Lìxīn and his companions stay. Not even a candle is lit, yet the villa is as bright as can be. It seems this new form sees better in the dark. 

Earlier, the light had hurt my eyes, but now, the darkness provided a cooling reprieve. The child clings to Lìxīn side perhaps because Lìxīn can communicate with him or perhaps because he has a calmer demeanor. Regardless, I leave them to wonder about the somewhat empty villa. 

Could I possibly consider what I've become to be a positive change? After all, to survive, I steal the life source from another. Feeding off criminals would be the preferred choice if not for the unwanted memories.

What would living for eternity even look like? Will I remain as I am, not just physically but mentally? Will I lose my mind? I can feel far too much the pain of the earth, the whispers of the gods long forsaken for new ones. I have now become one more thing that does not belong on this land

This land that was once free and full of life now trembles, but who can hear its whimpers?