Two weeks have passed since I've learned the currency of this world thanks to Drole. We spent the next day buying equipment for the quest, as well as eating.
After all that was done we went back to Drole's hotel room to talk about our magic affinities. We agreed to share as much as we were comfortable with in order to induce trust.
The first to share was Drole; He's mainly an enhancement user but he also has the affinity to use fire mage but most he could do is enhance his weapons. Which is why the dagger he lent me during the Goblin quest worked well with my magic.
Although he has enhancement magic he can only use that affinity to strengthen his own body, he hasn't learned the other stages of the enhancement affinity magic.
Then the next Pultra, she doesn't have a specific affinity. Instead she can use all types of magics as long as she practices and studies them, additionally. Her grimoire can grow to any size according to the amount of spells she acquires. Currently her grimoire is the average size.
Drole was surprised unlike Kayden and I who didn't understand mana as much.
Apparently the average person has 1 magic affinity but can use low level spells of other elements with that affinity. Then there are those with 2 magic affinities which are as common but there are also those in this world 3 - 4 affinities which are rare, actually it is said most of the strongest magicians in the world have 3 or more affinities.
There are also those with 5 magic affinities but it is said that 1 in 100 million people have as much.
In other words it's rare to not have an affinity and it is even more rare to have an affinity to all things. Those with such a blessing are rarely seen within the human race, when Drole put it like that it was extraordinary.
However she did specify the elements she has learned so far which is; Light magic, Dark magic, Flame magic, Water magic, Ice magic, Earth magic, Nature magic, Space magic, Mental magic, Gravity magic, Density magic, and Enhancement magic.
Then there's Kayden. He has the Nature magic affinity. Although he hasn't quite mastered how to use and quickly enchant his spells, he's able to control the forest environment with certain spells.
He has 1 high level nature spell and four medium to low level spells. Level as in the effect or damage it can do to opponents or the environment. Although it doesn't really damage the environment and more so warps it.
Nature is a strict entity even in mana so Pultra decided to help him with finding the spells that can fit in his grimoire.
According to her, even if some people may have the same elemental affinities, grimoires have their own set of spells. Spells that are hidden within the soul, you need only find them. The amount of spells one can find is infinite, but the grimoire isn't only limited to those spells. You can also create or learn your own spells however you must have the concentration and a mana core to do so freely.
Then there's Me, I shared with them my affinity. The affinity of flame magic, I have one enhancement spell which is to increase my speed. However I don't understand the concept of it, then there's my flame healing spell which turns my flames green. However I'm not sure if I can use it on anyone other than myself.
I have more offensive spells than defensive.
As well as a contract with Mater Flamma, the Phoenix . I haven't shared that with them yet, apparently it's the Colossal Guardian of Flames just like the Colossal Sage Dehlyora led me to. The difference being that it's a Earth Guardian but it ain't The Earth Guardian, just one of its subordinates.
Moreover it seems the guardians are among the strongest creatures but the phoenix is in the category of Divinity.
Furthermore it seems the being, that we (the contestants) know as the Grand Wizard A.Veli, is known as the only living god of this world's most prominent religion.
Then there are sub religions that worship other gods which govern over the guardians of this world, those gods are referred to as the dead gods. There are more dead gods than the only living one.
There are a number of different guardians as well, The Wind Guardians, The Earth Guardians, The Flame Guardians, The Nature Guardians, The Ice Guardians and The Ocean Guardians.
The dead god who governs over Flames is Sage Dehlyora, the same entity who appeared before me when I landed in this world. If I go by that logic then every contestant was giving the grimoire of a god.
So everyone was given the same opportunity and knowledge pertaining to mana and magic. In other words, I was giving as much help with learning magic as Kayden and vice versa.
Although Kayden and I have been slowly gaining spells and learning in the holy city, we haven't met any other contestants. Although there has been rumor from the guild in the neighboring city about a new party currently flying through the ranks.
Until we reach Rank C, we aren't allowed to go to other guilds and accept quests from them which is unfortunate but it's fine.
Hmm, what else?
Ahh, Drole and Pultra have been speaking about a certain labyrinth that isn't too far from here.
A labryinth is a cavern, that's seemingly infinite, spanning with just as many monsters. The deeper into the labyrinth you go, the stronger the monsters get, it's faster to increase your rank like that but it's much more dangerous.
Only C3 ranks and above are allowed to enter the labyrinth; it's been decided that we'll use those labyrinths as breakthroughs to enter the next rank.
Due to the quests we've completed throughout these two weeks, we're currently D2. Pultra and Drole are D1, they reached that level a few days ago and have been waiting for Kayden and I to catch up.
Being the same as a party seems to track better so we can take higher level quests.
It's also thanks to that, Kayden has been improving. I've been forcing him to fight a few monsters on his so he could get a hang of using magic. The same as I did… well of course I didn't let him lay on death's bed.
However he's shown considerable improvement from when we fought the goblins.
His incantation was shortened by a few seconds, hmm… I'd say about 5 seconds for most of them.
I haven't learned any new spells but Drole has been teaching- well we've been sparring with each other, it seems that's the only way he knows how to teach.
… To be honest, I don't think he knows how to teach anyone.
But I have been learning, that much is true.
Fighting with these monsters is unbelievably exhilarating, I find myself reminiscing over the fights I had on the Colossal's back.
I'm sorry Felicie, I won't forget you no matter what I do, everything is for you but I will enjoy myself in these coming battles.
I will show you this world and the magic I've attained.
My brother, I love and I will make sure to win this contest for you. I'll be the strongest, I'll become a monster if that's what it takes.
Please hang on until I return, forgive me for leaving so soon.
I beg of you.