The story begins with several criminals robbing the bank.making every worker in the bank to beg for the robbers began to steal more money in the bank led by there leader known as jahles.soon after that the bank started to shake,then a superheroe named "umbra" appeared infront of the robbers,a hero with the ability to control shadow,emerges from the shadow.He defeated some robbers using his powers.After that the other superheroes like titan and supersonic also appeared in that incident leading to jahles(leader of the robbers)to surrender.After that everything was safe and jahles was arrested.
Ren ego(black american) was an astraunat who had to go on a mission out of space to search for life. Exploring environment that might Support microbial life such as mars or icy moon of jupiter and saturn.So he had to say good bye to his pregnant wife,emma because it would take him long till to return.
Ren ego:my wife,Women of my life ,women of my fucking kid.
Emma:hey,hey,hey.that is enough (while kissing him)
Ren ego:baby tommorow is gonna be a big day,iam going to the space exploration.but iam gonna let jahles to be incharge on taking care of you(while holding his wife's
Emma:no way,you gonna live me with him.That fucking criminal.
Ren ego:I know how the situation is but this is the only way for you and my child to be safe when I am gone.
Then suddenly there was a phone call.then ren ego picked up the phone, it was jahles.
Jahles:hey,what's up nigger.I need you to come here at the police station.Shit,I am fucking screwed up!!!
Ren ego:oh Jesus christ.Emma wait here for a moment I am coming
Emma:it must be an issue concerning jahles
Then ren ego rushed immediately to the police station. He met jahles locked in a cell.
Jahles:oh thank god you're here.
Ren ego:what happened, did you do something stupid again.
Jahles:listen Ego just get me the fuck out of here then I will explain it to you.
Ren ego:Fine, I will get you out of here.
Soon after that Ren ego paid for the bailing money and jahles got freely out of prison.During night everyone was at home including Ren ego, Jahles and Emma.Emma hated Jahles so much that she rarely talk to him.So Jahles rushed and settled on the house's roof,starring at the bright stars.Ren saw him there and joined him.
Ren ego:so how long will you keep doing this. Even mom would have been upset seeing you doing this,you know that. Listen I paid for you the college fee so that you could continue with your studies but look you end up being a criminal.
Jahles:oh shut up.Your not mom or dad to tell me what to do.Your not my fucking's my life and I decide what to do okay!!!
Ren ego:ok,you can calm down alright.if that's the case I am gonna let you live your own life. But please take care of my wife she is pregnant and I am going In a space exploration,I am afraid it's gonna take to long.
Jahles:I got you nigger.
Then soon after the tonight's conversations.The next morning Ren prepared to go for work,saying goodbye to everyone. Then Ren ego arrived at Kennedy Space centre to stay in crew quarters for final preparations. Soon after that the astraunats went out of space for exploration. It took them some months and after that they returned.
So after six months they land back on earth through runaway landings.Then the astraunats expected the search and rescue teams to assist them after coming back from their journey.But it seems to be different ,the search and rescue teams who ensures astraunats are safety extracted from the spacecraft, turned into deadly zombies and the zombies started to bit each astraunat but Ren ego survived and escaped.the outside world is chaotic.Sirens wall,and streets are filled with panicked people fleeing or becoming infected.
Ren ego(to himself as he navigate the streets):"what the hell happened?This...this is all too fast."
Ren ego reaches an abondaned car,he drives the car till he arrives to his house.When he entered inside he took his brother 's phone starring it.The news is filled with reports of turning violent, cities falling apart and superheroes going rogue.News Anchor(on tv)"the situation continues to worsen.Authorities have confirmed the spread of virus ,known as Necro Virus-x,which rapidly infecting civilians and superheroes alike.Hospitals are over whelmed. Cities are under lock down. If you are safe zone,stay there."
The power flickers.Ren ego shake his head and looks at the clock.
Ren ego:"can't believe it's come to this..."
Suddenly, the door bursts open.His young bro,Jahles, runs in ,bleeding from a bite on his arm.
Jahles:"Ren!Ren,you've gotta help me! They're all -they're changing!
Ren ego:Jahles where is my wife and kid are they safe?
Jahles:no,they were infected so I decided to kill them(Breathing heavily)
Ren ego:"Jahles calm down. We need to get you patched up."
Jahles's breathing becomes erratic,and his eyes start to glaze over as the infection takes hold.
Ren ego(realizing):"shit. time for this ".
He swings the bat to knock Jahles unconscious,but it's too late Jahles turns,now a monstrous figure,lunging at Ren ego.
Ren(desperate,slamming the bat into jahles's head):"stay down!"
Jahles collapses.Ren ego runs out the door,adrenaline coursing through him.Ren ego reaches his car(while tears coming out from his eyes),but as he tries to drive,he's ambushed by infected civilians who try to break through the windows.
Ren(grabbing a crowbar from the back seat ,shouting):"not today!"
Ren ego fights them off with ferocity,managing to escape. As he drives, he sees a group of survivors.Sasha read (a non superheroe), Chris miller(Titan)and Ellie cortez(supersonic)fighting off a group of infected superheroes. They look exhausted but determined.
Ren ego (slowing the car):"hey!need help?"
Sasha(gesturing him to stop):"We've got it!Get out of here!"
Ren ego(stepping out of the car):"no way,I'm not leaving anyone behind.
Ren ego joins them in the fight,using his crowbar to take down a few infected superheroes. After the battle,they gather together in a safe area.
Titan(Breathing heavily):"who are you?Another survivor?"
Ren (looking around at them):"Ren.I wasn't planning on sticking around , guys seems like you know what's going on.
Sasha(eyeing Ren curiously):"somewhat.But the's not just zombies. It's worse.
Ellie(shaking her head):"you have no idea.You can't even trust the superheroes anymore
Ren ego (looking at them,realizing):"Heroes....turns into...them?"
Titan (looking grim)"They're not just zombies. They were the first to fall and their powers made it worse.Trust me,we've seen it."
Suddenly umbra a former superheroe with a russian nationality,inwhich he has ability to control shadow,emerge from the shaddows,visibly unstable.he was also infected.