In the bright day, a thirty year super hero anniversary is celebrated, participating is one of the greatest super heroes in history and the citizens of new york city at 5th Avenue.
just like any other super anniversary, there were alots of cape , masks, happy smiles, parades and the super heroes themselves from all over the globe.
"Thank you for commemorating this wonderful day, where we acknowledge presence of all super beings who saved us from then and now" said the mighty hero called protagonist.
"you know am the kind of supe hero who dont mind getting dirty, cause am always cleaning the world " says the protagonist following a large applause from the citizen who were laughing at the joke.
"if you thinks thats funny i will do you better , titanic , you remember that"umbra speaking in a joking way, "its creator, promise that even God cant sink his sheep, but it sank any way"people continued laughing.
"but you know the difference from me and him?" he asked, with the people answering no he replied "well isnt it obvious, i am super" people laugh and applauses. "not even God can stop me from protecting you" people continued giving him applause.
"well lets get super everybody" right after finishing the speech, fire works painted the skies, the heroes including himself, started levitating(flying) dramatically upward followed by citizen applauses, just when they reached the right height of pausing, on of them felt down leaving peoples faces frightened and shocked.
the citizen priory took it as a joke, but not until the other cape(super hero) felt down also , then they rose from the ground and stared people, the great silent entered the area, everybody filled with questions, until...
the superhero groans and reaches out for man who was infront of him, as he tears his flesh and turn the victim into burning cripsy by using his electrical power, fear and panic entered in the crowd like thieves in bank.
it was chaos, both super heroes and citizen confused, each fallen superheroe biting both super and non super human, leaving them dead but also living to kill one another.
the applause turned into screams, the protagonist's smile turned frown, his face looked so confused and whats worse super heroes kept falling in a way that all you can see is capes falling.