"What is it, Shi-? Hey, you look as if you've seen a ghost or something."
Daizen Shizaki had whispered to Yukikama Kawarasuri who was next to him, and the latter responded in a like manner.
King was right in the sense that Shizaki had a pale face. However, despite the rapid beating in his heart and the fear being engraved in his body, he continued talking.
"Take Melody."
"A-Are you serious!? I mean, sure, I can do that, but why now? Didn't Rigel say that you should sit with her and...."
He could not finish his sentence. The person in front of him still had a petrified expression, and King furrowed his eyebrows in response.
"...Hey. What's going on?"
"Take her. I'm leaving."
"Wha-!? G-Going where!?"
"...I gotta go check on Yukino."
That was a boldfaced lie, but he needed an excuse, and immediately.
Shizaki had just seen a figure that he wished he would never have to see again.