"And then, I woke up right exactly where I was before my body was exposed to the darkness. I haven't seen any magic like that before!"
"Yeah, same here! It was so scary, Liliana-sama! If this is a person who is associated with the attacker who claimed to return, what shall we do?"
"Our children, our wives, everyone here would've died if not for some huge flashes of light dispersing the darkness and saving us, and we don't even know where to start on that, damn it!"
"Alright, alright, that's enough, everyone. Settle down."
At the front of a large crowd of noise among the many tired yet petrified villagers that sat and stood at the middle of the village by the towering ceramic fountain, a man who appeared to be in his thirties held some men and women back and tried to calm them down.
"Rigel-kun, how can you be so calm at a time like this!!?"
"I understand that everyone is scared and confused,Gene, but-"
"But what, huh!?"