The mountain quickly escaped their view; stormy dark clouds that rumbled with the incoming lightning hid even the silhouette of its great features. Peri's eyes were locked onto a nearby valley. The effects of the bomb would be lessened if it were detonated far from any other people or structures. Little white fluffy balls shifted, running from the impending Peri who crash-landed into the small valley, the nearby stream splashing and turning the nearby land into mud.
'It's a pity that these sheep will have to die, but their sacrifice will not be in vain.' Her hand stuck into Vincent's chest, wriggling around his insides, searching for the orb that had been collecting his magical energy. His face was contorting in agony as her sharp fingers dug around his organs, scratching and scraping every single surface in its path. 'Aha!' She ripped out the small blue orb and jammed it into the side of an unsuspecting sheep.