Why are Humans so weak, that is a question that has plagued my mind for a few minutes and I don't just mean physically I mean emotionally too.
The reason this question came to my mind was that Superpowered Guards were currently chasing me for a crime I didn't commit, why I ran, I have no idea but I just did it maybe off of my instincts but for as long as I can remember my instincts have proven to be powerful like I've done acts I didn't know I was able to, once I took down an entire Squad of the guards, but that was when I had my revolvers, unfortunately, I had left them in Mia's room, and I wouldn't be able to go back there for at least a few months due to me breaking up with her and now this situation.
I climbed to the top of the ladder, focusing on the guards that were below me not even noticing the guards that were above me, and that is how I ended up in Greywood holding, in essence, I was in prison for a crime I knew nothing about, but hey at least they had a working Box Tv, that's better than half of the Wastelander around here after the incident about 3 years back, that is also when I lost Everything, my identity, my cloths and worst of all my Name so what did I do, I made a name for myself, unfortunately, it seems to have a Background of previous theft led them to believe I was part of today's bank heist.
"And now just reporting in from China are the Frost Twins, today's Strongest NeoGens and Current Owners of the Neill Company that leads in bringing Science fiction to li-"
I didn't feel like hearing more about the Twins, nowadays they were everywhere I mean Everywhere, the very city I was sitting in had been built by their company most new cities had been built by them, beyond the fact they seemed kind and charitable no one knew where they came from who raised them and where they were during the Attack of Neo, that is what almost every calls the event since the first ever Neogen had decided to destroy half of the world, he hit America, Mexico and Canada, the world nearly collapsed since every country thought that it was one of the other countries Agents, and what the twins found out was that it was Americas own Agent that destroyed them, and somehow he gave the new Generation powers, if you were too old well your fate was worse.
Drip, Drip, Drip
Today couldn't get any worse for me could it, I mean chances of me getting freed were like 1 in a million, I was someone who angered people and stole from them.
Clink, clank
Squek the door slowly opened "Your Free to go Colt, dont know what wack job decided to pay for your bale but you get to go" i chuckled, Lady Luck Shines Brightly today "See ya John, same time next week" i said as i passed by "Maybe ill bring Doenuts next time, for my favorite Officer" normally they would walk you out of the station, but they knew i knew the way.
As i reached the front of the station a group of about 6 was standing there "We bailed you" a short girl who had dirty red hair said, she had her arms crossed as if expecting a thank you, the rest of her group seemed anxious they were all fidgeting with rings or looking around the place, they all also seemed to have dirt everywhere perhaps they were coal miners or something else "Thanks, anyway see ya losers" i pushed open the doors
"Hey we aint done talking" i chuckled "you aint, but i am" i said while running towards the nearby apartments, i was already looking for handholds in the building and once i found some i started climbing the side the apartment building with suppressing speed, and im pretty sure her face was red with anger, not that i stayed around long enough to see it, not that it would have mattered if it did they wouldnt have been able to reach me in time, their group looked to be made of primarily unfit people, but then again now days it was dangerous to judge people by appearnce.
I needed to get my revolvers back, it would definitely be a difficult Heist especially with Mia being the daughter of the mayor, we couldn't have been together I couldn't provide her with the lifestyle she was accustomed to and her parents didn't support us at all, that is also part of the reason we broke up, it just wouldn't have worked, no I couldn't get in my feels I was still out in the open and the Outlaw Colt Jacobs couldn't be seen like this, but then again I guess I'm not the greatest outlaw still I was known by this town enough, and those revolvers were my symbol.
Racing across Rooftops I felt like someone was watching me, but every time I looked around no one was close, I took the long way since I had made a lot of enemies in my short 2 years here, which is why I didn't trust that group at all, and even if they were doing it out of goodwill towards me the question remained what would they want.
No i kept getting distracted i needed to stay focused on my task, I needed my revolvers, so i needed to plan a heist or somehow get in Contact with Mia again, i would be getting to my door any minute now, but the feeling that i was being watched still hadnt left me, so i stoped atop one of the roofs and waited for any movements, but after about 20 minutes nothing, i guess i was just really paranoid after this shitty day ive had.
I looked up at the grey sky "Maybe itll rain today" rain was exceptionally rare nowadays for some reason.
I stepped through my door, as the Hot and Cold air clashed until i closed the door, this was technically a vacant building but i had called it home for about a year since my last home had gotten burned to the ground by some random gang i pissed off, that was also a day that most gangs ended up leaving me alone after, of course there were the occasional new hot shott gangs that thought that they could mess with me and show their dominance to the other gangs but those were also the gangs that fizzled out the fasts as if they were a random volcano, they quickly erupt caused damage and then go dormant or turn into a mountain.
I walked up to my room and found the group that had payed my bail sitting in there, but they were missing one and before i realized it was a trap my world went spinning.