Chereads / sweetest urge / Chapter 2 - sweetest urge chapter 1 episode 2

Chapter 2 - sweetest urge chapter 1 episode 2

And sh3 héld my kn@cking machine in h3r palm.

"What is this?"

Sh3 asked

"How do you mean, what is this?"

I replied.

"Is this a yam or what?"

Sh3 asked, and I wasn't feeling comfortable again because that's what all the w0mén I have kn@cked usually says to mé.

"It's not yam, it's my Monday hammer; I can use it to panel beat your wàïst, and you will be good to go"

I said to h3r and sh3 smiled.

"Let me see"

Sh3 said as sh3 àdjusted my bélt and slídé d0wn, bóth my jéâns tróûsérs and my b0xérs and my mónstróús monday hàmmér chàrged in the air.

"What is this"

Sh3 scre@méd, as sh3 jumped up on h3r feet and took few steps backwards as she watched my gi@nt Monday h@mmer in ewe.

Sh3 murmured something that I didn't get so well and I asked h3r what sh3 said and sh3 told me that it's nothing; but I think I heard h3r say.

"Thank you Ahantel, for this one"

Next thing; sh3 rúshéd mé and st@rted lééking the pínk càp of my Monday hammer and I was feeling like a little kid that is líckíng coldstone vanilla flavored ice cream 🍨. The feelings was so wow!

As sh3 was lééking the pick càp of my Monday h@mmer, sh3 was also playing with the two éggs in my sàc bàg.

And I súbtràctéd h3r göwn and the tw0 over rippéd pawpaw on her ch3st b0úncéd in the air.

And I could hear the two pawpaws calling me by my name and telling me to come and have some pawpaw juice, and I said in my mind, I have been dyíng to h@ve thís and I rúshéd the pàwpàws.

My first attàck was with formation, I started with the smàll nuts at the tip heads of the over rippéd pawpàws and i svcked the juice from the small nuts at head of those pàwpàws.

And shē kept on saying,

"D0n't st0p, d0n't st0p"

And before I could know what was going on. she sat on my Monday hammer, and it went through h3r slíppéry sn@il and hit h3r so dëēp down int0 hear w0mb and she m0@anéd with s@tisf@ctíón and the fighting begun immediately.

And wé hàd to do it very fast because we don't know when Ahantel wíll be coming back from the màrket.

And I have to sh0w h3r that I've got some skílls. I have to make h3r to understand that màn pass màn.

And I bént h3r over; like sh3 is píckíng pin on the flóór and I began to pvmp her tyré with ferócity and without mércy.

I have got to teàch h3r the lesson of her lifé for looking for my trouble. How on eàrth 🌎 can sh3 trouble me and expect not to run, for i know that my kn@cking màchine and my God's given strength will never disappoint me.

So; I keep on increàsing my fire at every intervals until sh3 started singing sweet song in a very high pitch.

And I know that sh3 did not care if the neighbors could hear her sing because sh3 was high in spirit of wórldly pléàsúrés and I don't care either, because am in the middle of the war and if I loose guard, I might collect búllét on the process, so; I proceeded.

And I could hear h3r singing the sweet melody on top of h3r voices and sh3 was practically loosing hër sanity because of how sh3 was misbehaving at the péâk of the pléàsure that I was giving to h3r.

And I turned her to the other side and képt on fïríng until sh3 pushed me away and ran to the kitchen and I followed h3r and héld h3r on h3r wäìst and sh3 grabbed the kitchen cabinet with h3r both h@nds.

And I put in my h@mmer again and Ï képt on rïddïng h3r slíppéry kpekús till sh3 began to beg me to st0p and I t0ld h3r only on one condition and sh3 told mé that sh3 can do anything for mé to st0p.

And I t0ld h3r that sh3 will svck my cúcūmbér till I cvm and sh3 sàid yés and I únplúggéd my pipe from h3r sn@il and sh3 thanked mé.

But sh3 didn't keép to our bargain, sh3 júst rúshéd oút of the kitchen to her room and j@mméd the door against me.

I took a look at my Monday hàmmer; it was lóng and h@rd as zuma rock, like it was just starting. And Ì slidé it back into it's bàsé and arrànged my b0xérs and my tr0ûsérs.

And went back to the parlor and turned on the television and searched for my best television channel and put in and enjoyed the show with my glass of orange juice.