Hashirama had come to rest his face on the rock.
He sat cross-legged, looking out over the village.
As May arrives, the scent of early summer fills the air and people are more lively than ever.
Newly planted rice sways in the wind, and white eagles fly around in search of food.
But there are no more friends or loved ones there.
That day, the Susanoo spear that Madara had fired was destroyed by Hashirama and Tobirama, and there was no damage to the village.
Afterwards, I returned to Hiedaga Shrine and tried to find information about Madara, but found nothing.
He reported to the Jonin and village superiors who had been searching for Fuyou that Madara had used a spell on her and taken her away, and that he would continue the search for Fuyou.
But the majority was opposed.
Madara and Fuyou were originally in a romantic relationship and lived together.
This kidnapping was also judged to be merely a love complication, and the fact that Fuyou, who was not a ninja, had been handed over to Madara would not cause any harm to the village, so the majority opinion was that the search was futile and that the risk of running into Madara was outweighed by the danger.
There were some sympathetic opinions from those who knew about Hashirama's marriage, but as Hokage he was required to make calm decisions, and the organization had no choice but to give up on the search for Fuyou.
Meanwhile, it was decided to create a countermeasure room to prepare for a surprise attack against Madara.
When Madara had left the village a few months ago, most people hadn't paid him any attention, but now he was viewed as an enemy of the village and had become a completely detested presence.
"Madara... Fuyou... I am truly powerless against you all. Madara, I only thought I understood your suffering. I was unable to erase the prejudice that Tobirama and the villagers have against the Uchiha... Fuyou, if I had been stronger, I would never have let go of your feelings."
The world in front of Hashirama's eyes blurred.
She quickly wiped away her tears and looked towards the village again.
What I can do now, and what I must do, is to protect my village.
There is no time to shed tears of regret.
"Brother... you're here again. The meeting to counter Madara will begin soon."
"Oh... I get it."
"I told you not to be depressed. You can't get Fuyou back unless you defeat Madara. So right now, you should only think about defeating Madara."
"I understand. But is there any way we can somehow persuade Madara and protect the village?"
"You're still talking nonsense like that! That can't be true. I should have put an end to Madara back then. It's your own weakness that has brought about this crisis."
As Hashirama replied without a word, Tobirama realized that he had gotten emotional and said something unnecessary, and he hurriedly continued speaking. Ever since he lost Fuyou, Tobirama had occasionally gotten emotional like this.
"I said too much... I'll go ahead and wait for you. Don't be late."
"Tobirama. You too should get some rest."
Although it was a fine line between his sweet personality and his personality, Tobirama's heart ached at Hashirama's kindhearted concern.
The one suffering the most is probably Hashirama.
Hashirama returned to Konoha Village Headquarters and was walking down the corridor to the conference room when Itsuki came quickly towards him.
"Hokage-sama! Please, let me join the Madara Task Force!"
"As I said before, I want you to go about your duties. Leave Madara to us."
"But! I want to rescue Fuyou as soon as possible! Please form a search team."
"I understand your feelings very well, but personal feelings are forbidden. You are not suited for this mission. I also intend to form a unit to investigate Madara, but his sensing abilities rival Tobirama's. If Madara finds any ninja other than me, we will be killed, and that will be the end of it. It would be wise for us to prepare to fight back. Please understand."
"...I can't do anything...I'm a Jonin myself..."
"That's not true. One of our important missions is to develop this village. When Fuyou returns, we'll surprise her by showing that we've developed the village even further."
Itsuki didn't seem convinced, but since the meeting was approaching time, Hashirama tapped him on the shoulder and hurried off.
When Itsuki learned that Madara had placed a prohibition curse on Fuyou, binding her thoughts and actions, she finally realized that Fuyou had been planning to marry Hashirama simply to protect Itsuki, on the assumption that she would leave the village.
Even if Fuyou truly loved Hashirama, the constraints of the imprisonment curse meant that they would never be able to marry each other and continue living in the village.
For Itsuki, this was the most painful thing that had ever happened to him in his life.
How much pain must it have been for Fuyou, who had deceived Hashirama and even made arrangements for their marriage?
What would it have felt like to be held by a man other than Madara?
Itsuki hated himself for not noticing any of the pain that Fuyou was feeling.
Actually, Itsuki had noticed.
She had realized this when Fuyou had asked her to become her maid.
That Fuyou truly loves Hashirama and doesn't want to marry him...
However, Itsuki wanted to avoid the spy mission and be with Fuyou, so he relied on her actions and turned a blind eye to what was in her heart.
He prioritized his desire to love and ended up causing suffering to those he loved.
Itsuki thought that it was a sin he had committed.
...At the very least, at the very least, I will find Fuyou with these hands, obtain the imprisonment spell, and free her from Madara. ...
"It's beautiful weather today too!"
Under the clear May sky, Fuyou holds back her hair that is fluttering in the sea breeze and squints her eyes in pleasure.
A month had passed since Fuyou left the village.
Madara's hideout was in a place called the "Mountain Graveyard."
Although it borders the Land of Fire, it is quite far from the village of Konoha, at the tip of a peninsula that juts out into the sea.
This place was also home to many hideouts for runaway ninjas and black market dealers, but because any conflict here would disrupt work and business, there were few notable conflicts, and with the addition of ordinary citizens, it had become what at first glance appears to be an ordinary, unassuming port town.
But here, we are all strangers and completely indifferent to each other.
The unspoken rule was not to get involved with people or pry too deeply into their affairs.
No one knows about Madara, and no one knows about Fuyou. Even if they did know, they would hardly pay any attention to it. Here, it is also a matter of self-defense.
Madara's hideout was underground, a little ways from the town, but for the two of them to live in, Madara had prepared a small house on the sparsely populated outskirts of town. The house and the hideout were connected underground.
Fuyou is on the ground directly above her hideout, looking out at the sea.
Several seagulls fly across in front of me, squawking. Beyond the rice terraces, I can see fishing boats offshore in the distance.
The excitement I felt when I saw the ocean for the first time never fades, even after a month has passed and I see it every day.
"Are you coming to see me again?"
Madara walked up behind him, smiling in a slightly exasperated manner.
Then he stood next to Fuyou, narrowed his eyes, and together they looked out at the sea.
"I'm surprised you don't get bored."
"I'll never get bored. It's so beautiful. And... I'm happy to be able to look at the ocean side by side with Madara-sama like this, so I never get bored."
Saying this, she looked up at Madara with her hair fluttering in the air, smiling happily.
"But I get bored of eating fish all the time."
With a slightly embarrassed look on his face, Madara replied, mixing in some of his everyday petty complaints about Fuyou.
"Hehehe... then let's have meat today."
Madara put his arm around Fuyou's shoulders. Fuyou's head touched Madara's thick chest.
Fuyou hopes that this happiness will last for the rest of her life.
No, it's definitely going to continue.
That day was the first full moon night since Madara and Fuyou were reunited.
Fireflies dance in the stream, shining as brightly as the moonlight.
However, whenever Fuyou saw fireflies, she no longer thought of her mother.
The ripples of memory and the turbulent flow of time had inevitably erased the image of my mother and my memories of my childhood.
Then, after 9 p.m., the fireflies began to disappear one by one.
Madara and Fuyou were sitting next to each other on the bed, with the moonlight streaming in, facing each other at an angle.
Fuyou closed her eyes, wondering if the usual was about to begin.
Madara then took Fuyou's left hand with both of his hands.
He opened his eyes and smiled at Madara's face.
"Fuyou... I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. Let's get married tonight."
The shy Madara looked straight into Fuyou's eyes and said with a rare serious expression.
"Y... yes!"
"There are no witnesses, but tonight's full moon is."
It seemed Madara had decided that this full moon night would be the day to propose.
With that, Madara stood up and headed to the kitchen.
"Madara-sama! If you need anything prepared, I'll do it."
"It's fine, leave it to me and you sit down."
Fuyou waited, feeling guilty about making Madara stand in the kitchen and do something.
After a while, Madara brought a tray with a small white cup and a white sake cup over to Fuyou.
"The Uchiha clan's marriage ceremony involves drinking sake from white Hanahagi ware sake cups and sake bottles. There is no sake-bearer, but that works better for us. The sake is poured into the cup, and after drinking, the other person has to pour it for themselves, alternating three times. Got it?"
"I see...but this is a really beautiful piece of Hanahagi ware. I'm surprised you were able to get your hands on something like this."
"I brought it when I left the village."
"Eh!? You came all the way here just for this... I'm so happy!"
Fuyou's heart warms with surprise and joy, and tears well up in her eyes.
"Hey, hey, don't cry. At least have a drink with me before you cry."
"Well, I'll pour it for you."
Fuyou gently picked up the sake cup and offered it towards Madara.
Sake slowly pours from the sake cup Madara is holding. It stops when it's about a third full.
The moon floats gently in the cup. I can't help but stare at the hibiscus flowers.
"What a beautiful moonlit night..."
Madara's words took him by surprise and he looked at him. The ritual must continue.
"I gladly accept your marriage proposal. I promise to follow you for the rest of my life, Madara-sama."
He said this while looking Madara straight in the eye, then gently put his lips to the cup and quietly drank the sake.
He then handed the cup to Madara.
This time, Fuyou takes the sake cup and carefully pours sake into Madara's cup.
"As a husband, I will make my wife, Fuyou, happy for the rest of her life. I vow to you on this moon."
Madara looked at Fuyou and said that, then drank the sake in one gulp.
Two more rounds of drinking were then held, and the ceremony was over.
Fuyou feels joy, relief, and a sense of accomplishment, and she feels refreshed.
Now, Madara and I have finally become husband and wife.
The two of them felt more connected than ever before.
The moon was higher and the moonlight was brighter.
Suddenly, tears spill from Fuyou's eyes and run down her cheeks. The tears sparkle in the moonlight.
"Hmph... you're still such a crybaby..."
As Madara spoke, his eyes, or perhaps it was just his imagination, were slightly moist and shining.
The two of them hugged each other.
Madara and Fuyou both felt as if they were the only two people in the world.
But it wasn't a lonely feeling; there was nothing to get in the way of the two of them, and it was as if they were in the dream world that Madara wanted to make come true.
...Peace exists where people love each other...
That's what Fuyou thought.
The two of them strip each other of their clothes and lie down on the bed.
Madara leans over Fuyou and kisses her.
No matter how many times I do it, I get tense and my heart rate increases when the act begins.
But today is a little different.
Rather than feeling nervous, it was the desire and excitement for Madara that dominated.
Although Fuyou feels embarrassed about these feelings, the joy of being married only makes her feel even more embarrassed.
"No change from before, but now your body and soul truly belong to me."
Madara said as he gently cupped Fuyou's cheeks in his hands.
Madara's lips then went down to her breasts, his tongue beginning to tease her nipples, and his hands moved to her breasts, kneading them gently.
Madara noticed that Fuyou was excited as she was breathing louder than usual.
Suck on the nipple a little tighter.
Fuyou dug her claws into Madara's shoulders.
Madara removes one of his hands and touches his own nipple. The softness of his nipple, in contrast to the hardness of his chest, makes Fuyou's fingertips tingle. She begins to rub them gently.
Madara then sucked onto Fuyou's neck and devoured it.
"Noooo! Ahhh! Ahhh!"
Fuyou's body was sensitive all over, but her neck seemed to be her most sensitive zone.
I stop sucking as Hibiscus looks like he's about to die at any moment.
While gazing at Fuyou, who was breathing heavily and furrowing her brow longingly, he began to suck on her right index finger.
While sucking with her lips, she puts the finger in and out of her mouth, then sucks on both fingers at the same time, including her middle finger.
Slurp slurp slurp...
With his tongue entangled, he drips saliva and thrusts in and out, making deliberately lewd noises.
"Aaahh! Aaahh!!"
The sight and the feeling of being sucked reminds Fuyou of the time she was penetrated, and she is overcome by an odious pleasure that makes her head go numb.
"You're starting to want it, aren't you?"
Madara said with a grin. Fuyou looked at him shyly and nodded slightly.
"But first, serve what is going to be inside you."
Fuyou seemed to understand the meaning, but at the same time she didn't, and blinked repeatedly as she looked at Madara.
Madara helped Fuyou to sit up and lay down on his back.
Madara's penis, which he had always been embarrassed about and avoided looking at even when he touched it with his hand, had now swelled to an enormous size in both length and thickness, and was protruding towards his stomach.
Fuyou looks away in embarrassment.
"Fuyou, lick my thing."
Saying this, he grabbed Fuyou's right hand, which was on the bed, and brought it closer to his penis.
At that moment, I remembered what I had been taught in girls' school.
Now that I think about it, this was something that I was taught to do on rare occasions during sexual activity, and should be done if requested and in certain circumstances.
Fuyou feels embarrassed, guilty about doing something wrong, and scared at the size of the penis up close.
"Are you scared?"
Madara said gently to the frozen Fuyou.
"...No. I don't really understand. But, I want to make you feel good, Madara-sama."
Becoming husband and wife probably means having a deep physical connection. If that's what Madara wants, if it makes him feel good, then Fuyou decides to pursue that.
After tying her long hair in a string, she lay face down between Madara's legs as she had been instructed, resting on her elbows and holding his penis with both hands.
It's so tight it feels like it might burst, and so hard you wonder if it's really a human body.
It's amazing to think that something like this is always inside of me.
However, the tip of the glans is soft and squishy.
Fuyou timidly brought her face close to the head of his penis, stuck out her tongue and licked it.
Suddenly, an unexpected salty taste spread in my mouth. It was the taste of liquid oozing from the crack of the head of the penis. I stuck out my tongue again and licked the entire head of the penis, then traced the lines.
Madara, who had become sensitive to the desire to dominate and the satisfaction of having the woman he loved lick his penis for the first time, felt great pleasure even from Fuyou's clumsy tongue skills and couldn't help but let out a cry.
"Good job...Fuyou. You're good."
I gently stroked Fuyou's head. The sight of her closing her eyes and licking her own thing with all her might was irresistible.
Until he met Fuyou, Madara had only ever thought of sex with a woman as a way to procreate or to satisfy an unconsciously building up sexual desire.
Fuyou was the first person I'd ever met who wanted to have sex because he loved me.
To begin with, it was my first time loving someone truly.
At first Madara was very surprised to find himself feeling a deep affection for a stranger who was not related by blood, a love different from that felt by family members.
Now they are husband and wife, and they express their love for each other more deeply.
Along with the joy, the sense of superiority that had been buried deep in my heart suddenly surfaced.
I was Fuyou's first partner.
Fuyou is a beautiful woman who charms everyone. She has a kind and intelligent personality... Her love is mine alone.
Fuyou was the fiance of Hashirama and Tobirama.
But she fell in love with me, loved me, and chose me.
Now, right before my eyes, I was able to see the private parts and lewd acts of this goddess that no one had ever been able to reach, as if she were my wife.
"Fuyou, take it in your mouth."
Fuyou looks at Madara's face embarrassedly for a moment, then returns her gaze to his penis and opens her mouth.
Fuyou's small mouth can only fit the head of his penis.
With a troubled look on his face, he looked up at Madara, still holding it in his mouth.
"Do your best... That's right."
Fuyou raised her body a little and tried to take the penis in her mouth perpendicular to the penis. Then it went a little further into her mouth. She tried to suck it using her tongue in her own way.
Madara is impressed by how clever Fuyou is, learning things quickly and getting the hang of things quickly.
"Do it like I did when I sucked your finger earlier."
She took her mouth away for a moment, held down his bangs with her fingers to stop them from falling down, one hand gripped the base of his penis, took a breath, and then took it back in her mouth. Then, using her tongue and lips, she moved her head up and down, slowly repeating the process of thrusting it in and out of her mouth.
Madara let out another cry from the overwhelming pleasure. Fuyou was surprised that Madara's voice was different from when he was climaxing, but she was very happy that Madara was feeling it. Then she started to feel it too, and she could clearly feel her vagina getting wetter and wetter.
Fuyou's saliva runs down to Madara's testicles.
Seeing Fuyou sucking so hard, he feels a surge of love and gently strokes her head again.
"Thanks. That felt good."
Saying this, he got up and embraced Fuyou. Fuyou was entranced and gave herself over to him.
He placed Fuyou's head on the pillow and laid her on her back, then raised her knees and spread her legs to the sides.
The nectar overflowing from her vagina was dripping down to her ass. It was clear that she had been waiting for Madara.
As the head of her penis is slightly inserted into the entrance of her vagina, Fuyou lets out a sweet, sultry moan.
As usual, when I slowly inserted it into her tight vagina, the inside expanded and clung to my penis.
I thrust with all my might all the way up to the entrance of her uterus.
"Aaaahh... it feels so good..."
She looks at Madara with glazed eyes and smiles. Her face is lewd and lustful.
All that remained was for the two of them to devour the pleasure of each other's bodies.
The moon was tilting in the west and was faintly blurred.
However, the two of them continued to desire each other's bodies over and over again until the moon sank behind the mountain entrance.
In Konoha Village, the Madara Surprise Attack Countermeasures Office was established, the village's defenses were further strengthened, and a thorough survey of the surrounding geography and natural environment was conducted in relation to warfare and ninjutsu.
At the same time, the Madara Investigations Room was also created, but because Madara was a ninja of such exceptional strength, it was deemed dangerous for anyone other than Hashirama to approach, and the room naturally disintegrated.
Then, while studying the geography surrounding the village of Konoha, a threat different from Madara was discovered.
"Tailed beast"
It was a collective term for nine monsters, each with one to nine tails, and a powerful mass of natural energy that would spontaneously appear and attack people.
Hashirama had discovered the energies of as many as three of these tailed beasts in various locations.
"I never thought we'd find a tailed beast while preparing to take measures against Madara... What will you do, brother? Wouldn't it be best to hurry up and retrieve it?"
Tobirama asked, sitting at Hashirama's desk with his arms crossed.
"Well... none of the tailed beasts have materialized yet, and it would be pointless if Madara were to ambush us while we're away retrieving them, with you and the Jonin. Luckily the tailed beasts are far away from the village, so we'll wait and see for a while. Just to be safe, I'll prepare a manual on how to seal them if they do materialize."
"Yeah, let's do that."
A Tailed Beast Task Force was established to monitor various areas, but measures against Madara were given priority, and the village's defenses were further strengthened.
The days were getting shorter, autumn was deepening, and the footsteps of winter were fast approaching.
Outside, a cold north wind was blowing in from the sea, but the temperature in Madara's underground hideout remained constant all year round, and it actually felt warm at this time of year.
On this day, Fuyou had come to the hideout with Madara because she had something she wanted to show him.
By Madara's orders, he had never been anywhere other than the large room connected to the entrance, but on this day he was led to the room at the back for the first time.
The room was empty, except for a large door made of rock in front of it, the surface of which was covered in what appeared to be a magic formula.
And that room was strangely cold.
No, it's not that it's cold, but more like a chill or some other indescribable unpleasant feeling.
Fuyou becomes scared and clings to Madara's arm.
"There's something I want to show you behind this door."
"…What is it?"
"This is a special weapon for the upcoming attack on the village. I know you'll be scared, but don't worry, there's no danger right now."
"Sorry, but please step away for a moment. I need to make a sign to open this door."
Fuyou stepped back from Madara's arms.
"Rat, Tiger, Snake, Dragon..."
Madara quickly made a seal and the door roared as it slowly slid open to the left and right.
Sealing tags and curse marks are strung around the entrance like spider webs.
Deep inside, I saw something moving in the darkness.
It sounded like the roar of some animal.
Fuyou looks frightened, fist clenched in front of her mouth.
Madara shone the light inside.
There was a huge, ferocious-looking fox sleeping there.
It doesn't have just one tail: one, two, three... it looks like it has seven or more tails.
Fuyou ran over to Madara and clung to him.
"Fufu... This is one of the nine tailed beasts, a monster known as the Nine Tails. It is a fox-like monster with nine tails. It possesses evil chakra and attacks humans. It is so strong that even a group of average ninjas cannot defeat it. It has been shrunk down right now, but the real thing is ten times this size."
Madara explains to Fuyou while grinning at the sight of the Nine Tails.
"Are you going to have this child...attack the village of Konoha...?"
"That's right. To be precise, I'm the one who will be controlling this guy and fighting Hashirama."
"You can actually control it? Madara-sama is truly amazing..."
"You see, I am a stronger ninja than the Nine Tails. With the power of my Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, I can easily control the Nine Tails."
Madara showed Fuyou the power of his Mangekyo Sharingan.
"It's the Sharingan. It's truly beautiful no matter when I look at it... You also had these eyes when you fought Hashirama-sama and Tobirama-sama."
He said, smiling and looking into Madara's eyes.
"As always, you don't scare me with your eyes... and they're beautiful too... most ninjas would be terrified if they saw your eyes and wouldn't come back alive."
Madara looks shocked.
"I, I see... but it's really beautiful. And cool!"
Does it appear that way to those who aren't ninja, or does it only appear that way to Fuyou?
Either way, he doesn't mind being called cool by Fuyou. Madara looks a little proud. Fuyou chuckles at his reaction.
"...Well, it's not good to stay in this state for long. I'll seal you again until that day comes."
Fuyou noticed Madara making the seal and stepped back again, but Madara quickly made another seal, closed the door, and sealed the Nine Tails away once more.
"Um, is the Sharingan something that you acquire through ninja training?"
"You really don't know anything."
Fuyou and Madara returned to the hideout's large room and sat in chairs at the desk.
"I'm amazed that you managed to stay in Hashirama's house for ten years and still not know anything about this. It's actually pretty amazing."
"I had never set foot outside the mansion's grounds until I was fifteen, and I was never allowed to hear anything about ninjas while inside the mansion... so even so, I was extremely ignorant. I'm ashamed of myself."
He looks down and feels dejected.
"No. It's fine. It's not a problem. Well, when we first met I did want her to know that I was the strongest ninja and the head of the Uchiha clan, but now I think it was a good thing."
"Thank you! Madara-sama is really kind!"
Fuyou's face, which had been depressed, suddenly brightened and she tilted her head slightly with a big smile.
"Ah, ahem... so to continue with the explanation of the Sharingan, it is a hereditary ability that is only possessed by the Uchiha clan. With strong eye power, it is possible to increase the power of all ninjutsu and taijutsu. The Mangekyo Sharingan is something like an evolved form of the Sharingan."
Madara wondered to himself if this was really a good explanation for the Sharingan that the Uchiha were so proud of, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan that he had received from his younger brother.
"Madara-sama is truly, truly an incredible ninja!"
"Yeah. I understand."
She replied with a forced smile to Fuyou, who was genuinely impressed.
"But... if possible, could you please not lay a hand on the villagers..."
Madara's face suddenly turned displeased.
"You're still going on? I don't intend to kill you, but I don't care if the people of the village die."
"Are you getting revenge? For discriminating against the Uchiha clan and not listening to Madara-sama's warnings."
Fuyou muttered softly as she stared at the desk.
"Don't talk like you understand! I told you. My goal is to fight Hashirama. There's no point in fighting him if I don't get serious."
"In that case, it has nothing to do with the people of the village. Surely the people of the village can live happily in the dream world? If so, please don't hurt them."
"If we hurt the village, he will get serious, whether we like it or not. Some sacrifices are unavoidable. But everyone, both the dead and those left behind, can find happiness in the dream world."
"Even so!..."
"You stay quiet. You took the vows to be married to me. Have you forgotten?"
Although Fuyou had resolved to become evil for Madara's sake, even to go against God, she still could not stand by and watch Madara's atrocities.
I don't want to see someone I love committing evil in the name of justice.
"Fighting for peace is a contradiction. There are no sacrifices necessary for peace."
"You... are you going to deny my fallen brothers as well? The peace agreement is a false peace, but it was built on the sacrifices of many. The deaths of many ninja and civilians alike."
"If you say any more, I won't forgive you, even if you're the one..."
Madara glared at Fuyou with his Sharingan eyes, his anger filling him.
Shivers... A chill ran down Fuyou's spine. It wasn't just beautiful; she felt like she understood the power of the Sharingan.
Fuyou's eyes became teary and she hung her head. Then she got up from her seat and ran out of the hideout.
Madara didn't chase after him, he just sat in silence with his arms crossed.
At first, Madara thought about going ahead with his plans without telling Fuyou anything.
It was easy to imagine how the kind-hearted Fuyou would react in this way, but after nearly half a year of marriage, he thought she would understand. Besides, he couldn't leave Fuyou in the dark about his plans going forward.
"As the plan progresses, Fuyou will eventually understand."
Despite seeing Fuyou's tearful plea, Madara showed no intention of changing his plan.
Fuyou looked out at the gray sea as the cold sea breeze hit her.
Madara has no intention of achieving his dream together with the people of the village.
In fact, he even thinks it would be okay to destroy the village.
The face of Itsuki, whom I had tried not to remember, came to my mind. And then the few students at the girls' school who had shown affection for me, and the people in the village who had been so kind to me...
I don't want to hurt them. I don't want them to die.
Right now, I'm the only one who knows Madara-sama's plan.
I wonder if there's any way to let the villagers know...
The moment I had that thought, I suddenly felt a sudden pain around my heart, and I instinctively crouched down on the spot.
It was a pain he'd felt occasionally before, but this time it hurt even more.
...It's painful...Madara-sama, help me! ...
The moment I thought that, the pain in my chest disappeared.
I wonder what it was.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Madara, understandably worried that Fuyou was taking ages to return, came out of his hideout and, seeing her shivering and crouching, ran over to her.
Fuyou slowly looked up at Madara's face.
"I suddenly felt tightness in my chest... but it's okay. It's gone now."
"I see... but you'd better hurry home and lie down."
As Madara supported Fuyou's body and walked, the cause of Fuyou's chest pain occurred to him.
...There's no way, Fuyou thought of me...
Madara quickly looked at Fuyou's profile.
Fuyou had her brows furrowed, a stern look on her face, and her hand on her chest.
...No, Fuyou will not betray me...
Madara looked ahead again and walked slowly while supporting Fuyou.
"I'm sorry. I worried you..."
With that, Fuyou lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. Madara sat next to her and gently stroked her head.
Fuyou's chest no longer hurt, but she was tired, and she fell asleep, guided by the warmth of Madara's palm.
Madara stood in front of me with his back to me.
She wants to get closer, but she can't. Fuyou is overcome with feelings of love and loneliness.
The scenery Madara was looking at changed rapidly.
Yellow rape blossoms spread out beneath the cherry trees in full bloom, and butterflies fly about.
Next comes the dazzling sun, the blue sea, and the sound of cicadas.
Then suddenly, the mountains appear, covered in a brilliant red hues, and maple leaves begin to flutter about.
Finally, a few leafless trees cast shadows across the pure white snow field.
Seeing this, Fuyou thought that Madara would pass away with the passing of the season.
He resigned himself to never being able to touch Madara again.
When she wakes up, she realizes that she is crying.
Madara had brought a chair next to the bed where Fuyou was sleeping and was reading a book.
The room was lit up with lights. It seemed that I had slept until it got dark.
"Madara-sama...I slept too long..."
"You woke up. How are you feeling?...Hey, are you crying? What's wrong?"
"I had a really lonely dream... I had a dream where Madara-sama disappeared..."
Saying this, Fuyou stretched out both arms towards Madara.
Madara hugged Fuyou, and Fuyou put her arms around Madara's back and hugged him tightly.
"It's okay now. Those dreams will soon disappear."
"I... love Madara-sama with all my heart... so..."
"I understand."
Madara spoke, interrupting Fuyou. He somehow understood what Fuyou was trying to say. However, no matter what she said, he had no intention of changing his path from now on.
He just wanted Fuyou to believe in him and follow him.
Whoever gets in your way can just be swept away.
But I don't want Fuyou to get in the way.
Because I love you.
"...My mother apparently hated ninjas. She said she didn't approve of a world in which ninjas existed. At first I didn't really understand what she meant, but now I think I understand."
"Have you started to dislike me too?"
"No. I think he probably hated the idea of the endless fighting continuing on. That's why I support Madara-sama's dream. I believe that you can definitely make it come true..."
Fuyou pulled away a little and looked into Madara's eyes with moist eyes.
Madara picked up Fuyou and sat her on the bed, then bowed slightly as he asked her.
"Fuyou... why do you think shinobi were born into this world?"
"Why did the ninja come into being? Was it because some great enemy appeared?"
"No it's not. People have been fighting since before there was even a concept of chakra."
Hearing this, Fuyou bowed her head, turned her face away and said.
"...After all, it's not just because ninjas exist that conflicts continue..."
After a short silence, Madara began to speak.
"Long ago, there was a tree called the Sacred Tree, which possessed the power of the gods. The tree would bear fruit once every thousand years, but legend had it that the fruit must never be touched. However, one day, someone ate the fruit."
Fuyou asked Madara, tilting her head slightly at the fairy tale-like story.
"Why did he do that? What happened to him?"
"To put an end to the fighting between the people and rule the country myself. Her name was Otsutsuki Kaguya. Kaguya gained the power of a god by eating the fruit of the Sacred Tree. It is said that she then used that power to put an end to the fighting all by herself. After that, she was worshiped and feared by the people as a goddess, and ruled the country alone."
"Could it be that the power Kaguya gained is... chakra?"
Madara looks at Fuyou's face and laughs a little, impressed by her powers of deduction.
"That's correct. Kaguya was the first human to obtain chakra. She then gave birth to two sons, both of whom were born with chakra within them."
Even after hearing this much, it still seems like a fairy tale to Fuyou, and she can't quite connect it to the present day.
"However, with its chakra fruit stolen, the sacred tree began to rampage, trying to get the fruit back."
"That was the Ten-Tails... the form of the Sacred Tree going on a rampage. It was stopped and sealed away by one of Kaguya's sons, Hagoromo. Hagoromo transformed the Ten-Tails into the form of nine tailed beasts and sealed them away. One of these was the Nine-Tails I showed you earlier. Hagoromo then started the Ninja Clan, which taught and spread the concept of chakra to people."
"So that Hagoromo was the first ninja?"
"To be precise, he is the ancestor of the ninja. He is the man known as the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, who created all ninjutsu."
She remembered the large, sinister nine-tailed fox she had seen earlier, and then saw the face of Madara, the strongest ninja, before her, and it felt like everything had finally come together inside Fuyou. Then, surprise finally dawned on her.
"...I see! Is that story something all ninja know?"
"No. I'm probably the only one in this world who knows. That's why only I can create the dream world that lies ahead."
"Eh?! Then how do you know about this, Madara-sama?"
"It's a fact engraved on a stone monument passed down to the Uchiha. It can only be deciphered by someone with the Uchiha's Eye Power. And that's unless they have Eye Power on my level."
Fuyou thought back to the times when Madara was often away from home on research, and the several months they had been apart.
"The tombstone also says, 'Two opposing forces work together to obtain everything in the universe.' This principle applies to everything. In other words, it proclaims that true happiness can be found when two opposing forces work together."
Hearing this, the first thing that came to Fuyou's mind was the village of Konoha.
It is a place of peace born from the cooperation of the Senju and Uchiha clans, who have been fighting for a long time.
I was glad to see that Madara still cared about the village and was considering cooperating with Hashirama in the future.
It felt as if the fog in Fuyou's mind had cleared and a ray of hope had been lit.
"Two opposing forces working together... In other words, even those who are fighting can find true happiness if they join hands!"
With a bright expression, Fuyou clasped Madara's hands in both hers and leaned forward to ask him a question, but Madara averted his eyes and continued.
"But you can look at it another way."
"He who can obtain both powers will be happy..."
"what do you mean···?"
"That means that I, an Uchiha, will gain the power of the Senju."
Fuyou felt dizzy as she felt the light of hope fading away again.
He let go of Madara's hand and clenched his fists in his lap.
"If the universe is made up of two opposing forces, then that is an eternal truth. If those two were to become one, then that truth would no longer hold, and distortion would inevitably result. The truth is not to obtain the power of a thousand hands, but to join hands and cooperate."
Madara pushed Fuyou down on the bed, held down her arms and forced a kiss on her.
"We can become one, a man and a woman. That must be the greatest happiness."
"It's because we love each other. It's not like one-sided taking."
The light from the room was reflected in Fuyou's eyes, making it look as if a flame was burning deep within them.
"Why do you complain so much about my thoughts and my actions? Weren't my wills your wills?"
"That's right. Madara-sama's dream is true peace. I feel the same way. I believe that you can achieve this in a better way than this."
"Don't you understand that you are rebelling against me? Don't complain about the way I do things!"
"The village is currently in a state where it is no different from being ruled by the Senju clan alone. If we apply the truth I stated earlier, then it will surely create distortions and lead to collapse one day. We absolutely need the power of the Uchiha clan, and Madara-sama's power, to get there."
"You're just talking like you understand everything... Don't tell me what to do! I have no interest in the village. What I aim for is peace for all of the world!"
Madara forcibly stripped Fuyou of her clothes, forced himself on her again and spread her legs.
"Who do you belong to? Answer me."
"It belongs to Madara-sama..."
Fuyou stared back at Madara's eyes, whose Sharingans were shining with anger, with intense eyes slightly moistened with tears.
Madara and Fuyou's bodies become one.
The two shadows, now united, wriggled silently on the wall.
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