On the First Day, the sinner who defied the First Commandment must repent.
『1 - "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."』
Last time, the old man "Philip" committed this sin of idolatry by practicing another religion.
Again, I was sure the definition of idolatry was being applied rather dubiously in this case, but well, I wasn't the one who enforced the rules, so it wasn't up to me.
As the Antagonist, Cecilia was the one who decided that, and as is apparent, she has made it abundantly clear that practicing any sort of religion other than whatever one worshipped her own 'Lord', was worthy to be called a sin.
"―If there is no one to step forth and claim otherwise, I believe this would be referring to me."
Like the First Round, "Philip" was the first to step forward and admit that he was the likely intended target for this sin.
"If you do not repent, you could very well be bringing ruin to us all. Are you okay with that?"