Technically, there is no real universe, as each universe is its own reality. However, for the sake of clarity, let's call the universe where we started World Zero.
As for the previous one we traveled to—the one where we obtained Cassandra's key—let's call that World-One.
With the key's help, we managed to easily switch over from World-Zero to World-One, but the problem was that we weren't sure what kinds of dangers were waiting for us.
Another issue was that time here flowed 2.5 times slower than in World-Zero, meaning escaping the enemy blockade wouldn't be as simple as it seemed... Well, at least, not if we didn't have the algorithm genius—Eva—on our side.
The first ten minutes of our travel were smooth, with nothing obstructing us—no aliens, no asteroids, just a vast, empty void filled with the familiar cascade of bright dots and shining gas clouds against a pitch-black canvas.
At that moment, Eva finally spoke.