— Ten minutes later —
To summarize what the Archangel told Memphis: some years ago—right after she was born—the prodigal son of Heaven, Lucifer Morningstar, decided that since he couldn't physically harm his Father, he'd settle for emotionally harming Him. He did so by battling his way through the Heavenly Kingdom, knowing full well that his Father would be naive enough to regard this as one of his "tantrums."
It was then that Lucifer revealed his true intentions. He took both the All-Father and the Archangels by surprise by focusing all his power on restraining and capturing the #1 being under the All-Father in the Heavenly Kingdom: Mikaela Celestine.
Surprisingly, Lucifer was successful in this endeavor. All his planning paid off, and he managed to slip out of the Heavenly Kingdom's Sixth Floor with the divine beauty in his grasp.