Cassius silently observed the cute interaction between Stella and Hellion. However, his expression quickly changed when he received a mental message from the enchanting woman who was still calmly reading a news article.
'I sensed your connection with HELL worsen. Things have changed; assuming you still want to keep your status as the 73rd Demon King, you must enter HELL sooner than expected. And even if you wish to cut your losses on the Demon King Bloodline, I must implore you to reconsider; Bloodline retraction backlash at this stage will be disastrous. With the Nexus Event for this Floor rapidly approaching, I would not recommend taking the chance.'
Cassius's brows knitted together, but he nodded nonetheless. 'I understand,' he responded back. 'We'll return within the next few weeks. By then, I hope to still have you as my Guide through HELL. To me, you're indispensable.'