At this point, I and my partner could each defeat, at least, one of the twelve Supremes, probably. So, when I laid my eyes (figurative, as I possess no eyes) on Infinity, it was as if a fire had been lit in my oblivious soul;
I bellowed in a loud voice. "Infinity!! After all these time, the Spartamilo race have finally come to pay their respect!"
My also oblivious partner, just as motivated, added. "It is as my Partner says, we have come to return the slap you gave us, eons ago. Prepare yourself! We shall not hold back!"
Infinity appeared unfazed, quiet. Unbothered by our death-demanding presence while speaking. Even as we withheld nothing back; spiked energy and destructive miasma emanating from our form.
Is she pretending, and probably shaking beneath her facade?
From my assessment, I don't think she was. Infact, she later hissed, almost murmuring to herself. "Spartamilos? What were those again, the fish guys? Go away, I am busy."
…She don't even remember us again?!
Condolences to the countless races Infinity has toyed with, that would make her forget beings as iconic as Spartamilos.
It appeared she was performing a type of ritual—location ritual, to be precise.
Perhaps, looking for another world to cause chaos in. Though, I never thought Infinity would need any form of sacrament to locate something, or someone… they must be incredible.
Rituals are part of configurations which permits one to interfere with the frame work of reality, and achieve certain result. Most rituals—If you desire a well-organized outcome—require a base: a seat, or foundation of sort that is formed before the ritual begins. Of course, said base isn't physical in nature. But we're Spartamilo—we're idiosyncratic.
Without deliberating, or caring, we deemed it fit to destroy the base of the ritual, in order to gain her full attention.
…That was… a terrible mistake, an awful price. And one we paid for, curtly.
Infinity paused, then frowned. A moment later, she graced us with a malicious smile. "Splendid!" she tittered, meeting our gaze (Still figurative; we had no eyes) with a wicked light in those black eyes of hers.
She continued. "I understood that you fellows were trouble, from the instant you broke my security configuration."
She turned her neck to where the now-ruined-ritual was fashioned. "But I truly didn't consider you going this far... and I was so close to uncovering the whereabouts of the Hallow, too. SO CLOSE!" She uttered, her tone rising.
I and my partner were frozen in an unsettling, yet familiar feeling… that feeling I experienced ages ago… Dread—we meet again. Infinity was revealing matters which we knew nothing off, nor could comprehend. But there was one thing we understood very well: At the moment, Infinity is enraged.
"You both have rendered my efforts non-existent. Congratulations, I have grasped your resolve to perish; you get my full attention, now." she proclaimed, as void essence—tha same with the twelve beings of dominion—shrouded her entirety.
Infinity felt hollow… she felt empty.
But I can't help but wonder; was that a representation of her intention towards us?
As the small lass stretched forth one hand in the direction of us, her rage became apparent in her eyes; they appeared to fall in. Into a deep world of void. I could say, for sure, that there was another world inside those eyes.
And that marked the beginning of the end—for me and my partner. As time went by, we had gotten close. We now considered ourselves true brethren, kinfolk, at heart: halves of the same fruit.
We fought valiantly together. Travelled together, and learned together. All for an unthinkable period of time, so it was heartrending that everything would conclude, like this.
My companion likewise discerned that we had no fighting chance, the moment this child spoke to us; the moment Infinity released her black essence.
What even is power?
Power is not to be defined, it is to be implemented. What I'm facing right now, is unadulterated Power—power without restraint.
But it's such a shame, we are at the receiving end.
My companion; a warrior who gallantly clashed with gods and devils—not to mention the Twelve Supremes—now had a seamless opening, a formed hole in his upper body.
Courtesy: Infinity.
Without any chance to defend himself, the nihilistic black force which radiated from Infinity ignored all his—nearly infinite, and intuitive—defenses. Faster than a second: not fast enough, but we still couldn't react. It wrenched a hole in the chest of my partner.
Unable to regenerate, the last thing he said to me, with eyes filled with shock (we truly possess no eyes. However, you could… perceive the surprise in… Well, his face?); "We… perhaps, made a mistake…"
Then a subsequent attack erased whatever it was that remained as proof of his existence.
Realizing the dire position I was in, I immediately initiated a high-level reinstatement end-ritual.
The term end-ritual refers to a process that doesn't rely on an external base (an altar or pillar of sort); instead, the caster themselves serve as the foundation. But such rituals are laden with risk—if not executed with precision and expertise, the results can be catastrophic, often diverging far from the intended result.
The term reinstatement refers to the ritual's purpose: to reintegrate the caster into the "system of life" through reincarnation.
Both my partner and I had spent years researching countless rituals, including those classified as end-rituals. Many were not only forbidden but also treacherously risky. They offered the allure of power but carried the haunting possibility of eternal loss: One could attempt to increase their power and end up losing it for good. We had vowed to steer clear of them. Yet here I was, casting one without hesitation.
Because there was absolutely no saving in this situation, and we had zero allies (courtesy: our tyranny). So a little disadvantageous gamble wouldn't mean much if the alternative was certain destruction. And the only thing that could be perceived from Infinity right now was destruction. Moreover, I was the only victim.
We were conceited, honestly; Even if all twelve supreme beings and my partner and I joined forces, it wouldn't be enough to so much as scratch the embodiment of despair that was Infinity.
Those twelve bastards likely foresaw this end but chose not to intervene, refusing to warn us any further than "IF you survive." Considering how it would benefit them if two overpowered, unpredictable and uncontrollable beings—which was I and my partner—were permanently removed.