Chereads / Supreme Dark Lord / Chapter 7 - Light The Way

Chapter 7 - Light The Way

"Huh? Did you hit your head or something?" Purple asked.

His face was inquisitive, which meant he was serious about his question. "Light the way? Do you, by chance, have bulbs for eyes?"

"Listen to me first" Six snapped.

Purple was taken aback a bit but then he raised his hand and smiled "Then take the stage big guy"

"Thank you" Six cleared his throat "I figured out a way for us to deal with the darkness in the water, but I'm not sure it's going to work"

Eleven narrowed her eyes "Then stop wasting time and spit it out"

"Sheesh, calm down a little. We've been here so long, what's a few more seconds?" Six said. He observed them before speaking, it was no surprise that they were all on edge "Everybody, show me your texts"

The group exchanged weird looks with one another but they still did it anyway.

"Stone, if needed can you still make another fire?"

"I-I can, but what are you trying to do?" Stone said.

Six pulled off his shirt and beat the fire with it, causing it to dwindle

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Red moved to stop him, but he was not fast enough and Six successfully put it out. Angrily, he grabbed him by... well he had intended for a shirt but Six had already taken it off so he just held his shoulder.

"What was that for?!" Red snarled.

Six spoke calmly "Look down"

Red looked, but he did not see the point that Six was trying to make. "What?"

"What's that connected to your foot?"

He looked again but did not see it until he stopped thinking about it as a material thing but instead, something more intangible. It was a shadow.

"Oh my god," Red said "Six, you genius"

The answer was always in front of them, they just could not see it. It seemed like Purple also grasped it fast because he called Six a genius but Thirteen, Stone and Eleven had bewildered looks on their faces.

With a sigh, Six explained his idea to them in a very simple manner.

The reason why sight is possible is because light is reflected off of every object around, giving them colors and these mysterious texts that appeared out of nowhere were the pure embodiment of it.

What if they could use the light that came from them to light up their surrounding as they searched for whatever door they were searching for? It was that simple.

"Haha," Purpled laughed "How did we not notice that sooner? Brilliant"

Red let go of Six's shoulder and he put his shirt back on. He felt a bit of regret because now his shirt was singed in some parts. He should have just told them instead of showing. "It's all thanks to Thirteen, she gave me the idea"

Purple, still as outgoing and hyper as ever went to her and gave her a fist bump on the shoulder "Nice thinking, I never thought you would actually be the one to get us out of here"

Her cheeks flushed red and she lowered her head. "It was his idea and not mine, I was only just speaking things that came to my head"

With a wide grin, Purple lowered his head too and hung below her so their eyes met "Come on now, don't be shy"

"Don't get too excited" Eleven said.

"Come on girl, don't kill the vibe," Purple said.

"Don't get too excited" She repeated "Like he said, we don't know if this will work and more to that, we don't know what we are looking for and what might be waiting for us. You had better be careful not to ahead of yourselves because if anything happens, I won't come back for anyone except Thirteen"

"Oo, scary," Purple said while trying to mimic a ghost face.

Their spirits were lifted but now it was time to figure out if Six's idea was really going to work. It was only right for the person who came up with the idea to test it out himself, no?

"Hey Six, you can swim now right?" Purple asked as they stood on the edge of the last terrace before the waters.

"Yes, but I'm not fast like you guys, why?"

Purple gave no warning whatsoever before pushing Six into the water. "Test it out"

"You dimwit!" Six snapped as his head shot out of the water's surface "I can't show mine so I don't know if it will work under the water, that's why I asked you guys to show me yours"

Realizing what he said was true, Purple apologized in a jolly manner. "I'll get in instead"

The next second, Purple jumped into the water, holding his breath and disappearing from their sight while Six climbed onto the terrace. He summoned the texts under the water and of course they came and shone bright enough for those on the pyramid to see them clearly.

He moved around a bit, trying to see if the water would affect the texts in any way but they were fine. He immediately came back to the surface with an enthusiastic smile plastered to his face and apparently, he was not the only one.

"You all saw that right? Right?"

"This is great"

It was a thing to be happy about but Six was not planning on dwelling on it for too long and was already thinking about their next course of action.

"So, are you guys going to scout out the other parts now or what?"

"Well that's what we're going to have to do whether we like it or not," Stone said.

"And be careful, we don't know what the light might attract" Red added.

"Huh? There can't be any creatures down there, can there?" Purple said.

"We don't know, so it's best to be careful"

"Aye aye captain"

"Purple, we really mean it so take this seriously"

Purple read the room and sighed when he could see that they were really serious "Ok, killjoys"

"We go in now. Six, Thirteen, both of you stay back for now" Eleven said and her texts appeared with the usual burst of flame. It felt a bit insulting to Six the way he was considered a weak link in this team but he had nothing to say about it.

He was the guy who could not swim some days ago, the same guy who lost his hand to some tiny monsters and the only one of the lot who could not openly show his Texts by will. It was kind of fair.

All he could do was watch them dive into the waters below.