"Murder. Stab-a-stabbing. Our Queens will kill the *other* ones and replace them. It will be easy. All my daughters are much stronger and tougher than average bees, and they will have the best weapons and armor. Ordinary bees… I bet they won't think twice if another Queen Bee just flies into their hive. Even *you* just let that other Drone in yesterday!"
I glared at Bloodhero, the Military Adviser, who was also responsible for entrance guards.
Bloodhero straightened to attention.
"Father, I won't make this mistake again, Father! We wouldn't have let in a bee from another hive like that. But this was a Drone! You didn't tell us to stop Drones. That's not the same!"
"It was curious to see a Drone from another colony in our hive, but not alarming," Researchina said.
I gave her a disappointed look.