"Amazing work, girls. Chief Foreman B9381, you and your workers were incredible! Now—everybody, we must move toward the anthill!"
Soon, the swarm of bees hovered over the doomed anthill. The first liters of water poured over it just as my group of bees arrived at the place.
The Commando Bees had already surrounded it, and when I approached her, Chief Commando B10385 raised her hammer in greeting.
"Father. The ants are alarmed already, but not out yet."
She pointed toward the anthill entrance. The ants there were moving around in visible agitation, but without sense or rhythm that I could see.
Water from the channel began seeping between the cracks in the anthill walls. Some poured right inside the entrances; a couple minutes later, the water dug out a way of least resistance for itself and began going down this entrance in earnest.
More and more ants were escaping to the surface.