What was he supposed to make of this first lesson of "Introduction- Understanding mystical beasts"?
While his guards guided him through a hord of students, who didn't make way for them, Arian contemplated whether he should attend teacher Braxton's lessons or not.
It truly seemed like the students did not understand who and what Arian was, even though teacher Javis had introduced him during his annual speech in the dining hall, even welcoming his household and telling the students about Arian's task to improve their school for the better.
After exiting through the back door, his party walked over the hot desert floor. Now that it was close to midday, the heat was especially unbearable.
Arian was glad he had chosen a simpler garment, thus wearing viewer veils and having changed the heavy gold tiara with red crystals for a thin silver one with no crystals at all.
They entered a different building and then had to go into the basement. Luckily, it was a bit cooler there.
The room they entered was large, and yet only a quarter of the first-year students went into it. This was because the next lesson was "Beast-Taming", the focus point of a beast-taming academy. The teachers had decided to split the students into four classes- to ensure they could lecture more personally and therefore provide the students with the best form of education possible.
Again, Arian couldn't say anything against it. The academy he had attended did it just like that, too. In fact, the groups were even smaller there. One teacher was responsible for merely five students. Here one teacher had a class of ten students.
it was still a small number of students and yet Arian recognized three familiar faces.
The two opposite girls, Shivani and Satori were here, again sitting next to one another.
And then there was this foolish boy with ash blonde hair, who had dared to lay a hand on a royal prince.
What was his name again...
...right, Pidgeon.
What a weird and stupid name, Arian wanted to cough. He had realized some time ago, that most students here had strange names.
When teacher Braxton previously called their names, Arian had heard names like Leaf, Mud, Shoe, and Bowl. Compared to those names, Pigeon actually sounded nice.
At first, he had been surprised by all these names of animals or things, but then again, what was shocking about it?
He always knew commoners were simple-minded. It was only natural that they couldn't think of actual names.
In the end, it only was another proof of what every noble knew: they were way superior to commoners.
Arian watched as Pidgeon took out one of the chairs and sat down next to two brutish-looking guys. Even though these two were thin, they still had some muscles.
Based on what Arian knew by now, he suspected, these were gang members.
Apparently from the same gang, since they talked friendly with one another. Or at the very least, they weren't violent.
Sitting next to them, Pidgeon shifted awkwardly on his chair. He wanted to talk with the other two but didn't know how to get himself involved in the conversation.
After a few minutes, Pidgeon gave up on his attempt to befriend someone. He got up from the chair, looking around the room for a new, more suitable seat.
When he realized Arian stared at him, the youth smiled shyly before bowing and turning away.
In the end, he found a place somewhere in the front of the classroom, far away from Arian and his party, who were at the very back of the classroom.
"My prince, do we really have to be here?", Maloc asked in sign language. "After all, you know all of this already, my prince. It is a disgrace to all of us, to lower ourselves to such a... carnival event, except those might be safer."
"Of course, I know everything, but this is not my job. I- and therefore you too, have to find a way to improve this school. I would like for you to take this job seriously. Don't think I didn't notice when you fell asleep earlier. I will let it slide this time, but there won't be a next. So, do you have any ideas, Maloc?"
His deputy turned fully towards the prince, his face a few shades lighter than it usually was.
"Ah... I'm sorry my prince. For both lacking manners and not having any good ideas on how to help this school. I apologize deeply and ask for your forgiveness."
He paused for a moment, probably organizing his thoughts before he continued. "At first, I thought it would be better to just shift the focus onto beast taming, but... after my incident today, I realized they can't because these teachers have to teach their students basic manners first. And they can't read or write either..."
He drifted off, not knowing what else to say.
"True. I think the problem lies with the gangs," Arian answered. "If it is true that they control the politics in the slumps, where these students are from, then they are the ones who hinder them from receiving basic education. I'm not sure of the details, but I think if I want to change something, this is the main problem."
Arian paused, trying to hide the bitterness to show on his face. His hands were steady when he continued to sign.
"Of course, I lack the power to do so. Right now I only have ten guards under me. Hardly enough to face multiple gangs. It would be a different story if I still had a mystical beast but..."
Arian let his thoughts wander for a bit, remembering the time he had spent with his own beast before he added inwardly:
... right now I'm just not powerful enough to do anything with these gangs. And I won't lower myself to ask my family for help. Wouldn't that just show I wasn't made for this task to begin with?
It would only prove that I'm not worthy of my title and of being the emperor's heir anymore. As emperor, I would have to deal with far more dire problems than the Akai-Dezato Academy.
This here is only a small, insignificant task compared to the responsibilities of an emperor.
Arian thought for a bit before he made a final decision.
He would try at least once to somehow help this school. After all, this was his only way to attain redemption. And if he failed along the way, or thought it was hopeless, he could still kill himself.
However, dealing with the gangs in his current situation was not an option. So he could only find another way. And if he liked it or not, he could only find such a way by attending as many lectures as possible.
This is going to suck.
And it will be tiring, both mentally and physically.
I have only attended one lesson and I am already annoyed by the students.
When he thought about all the effort he might have to put into this mission, he felt discouraged.
Arian even played with the thought of attempting to take his life for the fourth time.
Before he could sink deeper into his suicidal thoughts, he restrained himself by focusing on the teacher, who just entered.
She introduced herself as teacher Nora and she would guide the students to find a suitable beast for them. Then she would help them tame it, thus officially making them into beast-tamers- special citizens, who enjoyed high recognition.
All students became excited when they heard her promises, while Arian almost rolled his eyes.
Of course, none of you will ever amount to anything, he thought. At least if I don't manage to help you guys.
Then the teacher announced they would look for the students's natural affinity in the next few lessons.
No student had something to say against it, all waiting anxiously for what would happen next.
Just as teacher Nora wanted to continue, Shivani raised her hand.
When teacher Nora gave her permission to speak, she said: "Can I ask His Highness, the Prince a question?"
Suddenly the silence in the room grew heavy. For a few moments nothing happened, before Maloc sat up straight and nodded hesitantly.
"My prince, may I ask what your affinity is?"
Arian was startled by this question, just as he was suspicious why she suddenly wanted to ask him a question.
First of all, why would she ask a prince directly? Was it just out of plain curiosity, or was there something else?
He gestured for Maloc to answer truthfully but to make it brief.
"The prince's affinity lies with the demesnes of mind, life, and water."
Shivani's gaze locked onto Arian before she gifted him a dreamy smile.
When Arian saw it, he felt a bit confused.
No, why was she looking at him with such... tenderness?
He felt goosebumps on his skin, as he awaited with dread what this gorgeous girl had to say next.