I kept my eyes fixed on the copper egg, my heart filled with excitement and curiosity. Mother had just laid the egg, and I couldn't wait to meet my new sibling.
As I gazed at the egg, I wondered what my new brother or sister would be like. Would they have the same elements as me, or perhaps a different elements altogether?
Father, sensing my fascination, walked over to me. "Tharros, soon you'll have a new sibling to play with," he said, his voice warm and gentle.
I nodded, my eyes never leaving the egg. I couldn't wait to meet the new addition to our family and start a new adventure together.
As I gazed at the copper egg, I could feel a strange energy emanating from it. It was as if my new sibling was already connecting with me, even before they had hatched.
Mother settled down beside the egg, wrapping her tail protectively around it. "Soon, Tharros, you'll have a new brother or sister to play with," she said, smiling at me.
I nodded, feeling a thrill of excitement. I had always wanted a sibling, someone to share my adventures with. And now, finally, that dream was about to come true.
As I watched, the copper egg began to shake and tremble. Cracks started to appear on its surface, and I could hear a faint rustling sound coming from inside.
"It's hatching!" Father exclaimed, his voice full of excitement.
I leaned forward, my heart pounding with anticipation. This was it – the moment I had been waiting for. My new sibling was about to emerge, and I couldn't wait to meet them.
As the egg continued to shake and tremble, the cracks grew wider and deeper. I could hear the sound of scratching and pecking coming from inside, and I knew that my new sibling was working hard to break free.
Mother and Father exchanged a proud glance, their eyes shining with excitement. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it was finally here.
The egg started to rock back and forth, and I could hear the sound of tiny roars and squeaks coming from inside. My new sibling was getting closer and closer to freedom.
Suddenly, a small claw poked out of one of the cracks, followed by a tiny head. My new sibling blinked in the bright light, looking around curiously.
The eggshell began to break apart, and my new sibling started to emerge. I could see its small body, covered in shiny copper scales, and its tiny wings, which were still folded against its back.
As the last of the eggshell fell away, my new sibling took its first breath of air. It let out a tiny roar, and then...And it is a boy
...and then it looked up at me with big, bright eyes and let out a tiny roar again. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear as I gazed at my new little brother.
"Ah, a boy!" Father exclaimed, his voice full of delight. "From this day forward, you shall be known as Kieraxys!"
Mother smiled, nuzzling our new little brother with her snout. "Congratulations, little one," she said, looking up at Father and me.
I nodded enthusiastically, already feeling a strong bond with my new little brother. "Welcome to the family, Kieraxys!" I said, smiling at my new sibling.
As Father finished speaking, he gently nudged Kieraxys with his snout, as if welcoming him to the family. Kieraxys let out a tiny squeak and nuzzled Father's scales, already forming a bond with our patriarch.
Mother smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "He's going to be a strong one, just like his brother," she said, glancing at me with pride.
I felt a surge of excitement and responsibility, knowing that I would be helping to teach and protect Kieraxys as he grew. I reached out with my claws, gently touching Kieraxys's tiny scales.
"Hello, little brother," I said, trying out the new title. Kieraxys looked up at me, his big round eyes sparkling with curiosity.
I chuckled "huh I thought it would be a girl"
Mother smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "He's going to be a strong one, just like his father," she said, glancing at Father with pride.
I chuckled, shaking my head. "Huh, I thought it would be a girl."
Father and Mother exchanged a knowing glance, and Father let out a gentle laugh. "I think you're the only one who thought that, Tharros," he said, smiling.
Kieraxys, seemingly sensing he was the center of attention, let out a tiny roar and flailed his small claws. I laughed, feeling a surge of affection for my little brother.
Suddenly, the rest of our siblings arrive
The cavern was suddenly filled with the sound of rustling scales and excited chatter as our siblings arrived. Lyriath, Vyraxys, Nyxoria, Lyrixa, and Kaidorix all gathered around, curious about the new addition to our family.
Lyriath, with his striking navy blue and dark red scales, was the first to speak up. "A new sibling, how exciting!" he exclaimed, his eyes fixed on Kieraxys.
Vyraxys, with his dark bronze scales, chuckled. "I see we've got a little copper ball of fire here," he said, grinning at Kieraxys.
Nyxoria, our amethyst-scaled sister, cooed over Kieraxys. "Oh, he's so adorable! Can I hold him?" she asked Mother.
Lyrixa, with her shimmering rose gold scales, bounced up and down excitedly. "I want to see! I want to see!" she chirped.
Kaidorix, our forest green-scaled brother, hung back a bit, observing Kieraxys with interest. "He's got some impressive scales for a hatchling," he said, nodding in approval.
As our siblings chattered and fussed over Kieraxys, I couldn't help but smile. It was clear that our little copper-scaled brother was already stealing hearts.
Mother smiled warmly, watching as our siblings fawned over Kieraanys. "I think it's time for everyone to meet the new addition to our family properly," she said, nodding to Father.
Father, with his majestic albino scales, cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "My dear children, I present to you our newest family member, Kieraxys!" he announced, his voice echoing through the cavern.
We all cheered and applauded, welcoming Kieraxys to our family. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and happiness, knowing that our family was now complete.
As the commotion died down, Mother gestured to each of us. "Why don't you all take turns introducing yourselves to Kieraxys?" she suggested.
Lyriath, being the eldest after me, went first. "Hello, little brother," he said, his voice warm and gentle. "I'm Lyriath.".
Kieraxys looked up at Lyriath with wide eyes, taking in his older brother's striking scales.
Next, Vyraxys stepped forward, his dark bronze scales glinting in the light. "Hey there, little guy," he said, his voice rougher than Lyriath's. "I'm Vyraxys."
Kieraxys blinked at Vyraxys, seeming to take in his older brother's rugged appearance.
Nyxoria was next, her amethyst scales shimmering as she moved. "Hello, sweetie," she cooed, her voice soft and soothing. "I'm Nyxoria."
Kieraxys looked up at Nyxoria, his eyes seeming to light up at her gentle tone.
Lyrixa bounced forward, her rose gold scales sparkling with excitement. "Hi, Kieraxys!" she chirped, her voice high-pitched and energetic. "I'm Lyrixa!"
Kieraxys watched Lyrixa, his expression fascinated by her bubbly personality.
Finally, Kaidorix stepped forward, his forest green scales blending into the surroundings. "Hey, little bro," he said, his voice calm and reserved. "I'm Kaidorix."
Kieraxys looked up at Kaidorix, seeming to sense his older brother's quiet strength.
Last but not least, I stepped forward, my silver scales glinting in the light. "Hey, Kieraxys," I said, my voice warm and welcoming. "I'm Tharros, your oldest brother."
Kieraxys looked up at me, his eyes shining with curiosity and wonder.
I look at Father and ask, "Can I tranformed my cyberdragon form?"
Father's expression turned thoughtful, and he nodded slowly. "Yes, Tharros, you may transform into your cyberdragon form. But please, be gentle around your new brother."
I grinned, excitement sparking within me. I focused my energy, feeling the familiar surge of power as my body began to shift and transform.
My scales shimmered and transformed into a metallic, cybernetic armor. My wings morphed into sleek, mechanical wings, and my eyes glowed with a bright, blue light.
As I transformed, Kieraxys's eyes widened in wonder, and he stared at me in awe. My siblings watched with interest, accustomed to my cyberdragon form.
Lyrixa, however, couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, Tharros! You look so cool!"
I look at Lyrixa "thank!"
I looked down at Kieraxys, who was staring up at me with wide eyes. He reached out a tiny claw and touched my cybernetic scales, and I could sense his curiosity and fascination with my transformed state.
I gently lowered my head, allowing Kieraxys to explore my cyberdragon form. His tiny claws clicked against my metallic scales, and I felt a sense of joy and connection with my new little brother.
As Kieraxys continued to explore my cyberdragon form, I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics. His tiny roars and squeaks of delight filled the air, and I felt my heart swell with love and pride for my little brother. I wrapped my metallic tail gently around him, making sure he felt safe and protected as he continued to discover the wonders of my cyberdragon form.
Pov Kieraxys
I stared up at Tharros in awe, my eyes wide with wonder. His cyberdragon form was so cool! The metallic scales glinted in the light, and his blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner light.
I reached out a tiny claw to touch his scales, and Tharros gently lowered his head, letting me explore. I clicked my claws against his metallic scales, fascinated by the sound and feel.
Tharros chuckled, a deep rumbling sound, and wrapped his tail around me. I felt safe and protected, like I was in a cozy little nest. I looked up at Tharros, and he smiled, his eyes shining with kindness.
I felt a happy little growl rise up in my throat, and I nestled in closer to Tharros, feeling grateful for my big brother and his amazing cyberdragon form.
As I snuggled into Tharros' tail, I let out a tiny squeak of delight. My big brother's cyberdragon form was so much fun to explore, and I loved the way he made me feel safe and protected.
Just then, Lyrixa, my rose-gold scaled sister, bounced over to us, her eyes shining with excitement. She cooed and made silly faces at me, trying to get my attention.
I looked up at Lyrixa and let out a tiny roar, trying to imitate the sounds I'd heard from my siblings. Lyrixa giggled and gently tickled my belly, making me squirm and growl with delight.
Pov Tharros
I watched with a warm heart as Lyrixa played with Kieraxys, trying to get him to laugh and coo. My little brother was still getting used to the world, and it was adorable to see him react to all the new sights and sounds.
As Lyrixa tickled Kieraxys' belly, he let out a tiny roar and squirmed with delight. I chuckled, feeling a sense of pride and protectiveness towards my little brother.
I gently tightened my tail around Kieraxys, making sure he felt safe and secure as he played with Lyrixa. My siblings and I were all going to have so much fun watching Kieraxys grow and explore the world.
As Lyrixa continued to play with Kieraxys, I couldn't help but think about how much fun we were all going to have together. Our family was always full of energy and laughter, and with Kieraxys joining the mix, things were only going to get more exciting.
Just then, Vyraxys, my dark bronze scaled brother, strolled over to us, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, Tharros, think Kieraxys is ready for his first dragon ride?" he asked, his voice low and conspiratorial.
I considered the idea, my cybernetic mind whirring with possibilities. As a cyberdragon, I had enhanced strength and agility, which would allow me to fly safely with Kieraxys on my back. I looked down at Kieraxys, who was still giggling and squirming with delight as Lyrixa tickled him. Maybe it was time for him to take to the skies.
I change my claw into chainsaw
I focused my cybernetic energy and transformed my claw into a miniature chainsaw, the metal teeth whirring to life with a high-pitched buzz. I examined my new chainsaw claw, satisfied with the precision and control it offered.
Vyraxys, my dark bronze scaled brother, looked at me with interest. "What are you planning to do with that, Tharros?" he asked, his voice curious.
I giggled. "I'm just going to show him my chainsaw claw!"
I held out my chainsaw claw, letting the whirring teeth catch the light. Kieraxys' eyes went wide as he stared at the miniature chainsaw, and he let out a tiny yelp of surprise.
Lyrixa, who was still playing with Kieraxys, burst out laughing. "Tharros, you're going to scare him!" she exclaimed, her rose-gold scales glinting with amusement.
I chuckled, feeling a bit mischievous. "Nah, he can handle it," I said, wiggling my chainsaw claw playfully.
Kieraxys' eyes remained fixed on the chainsaw claw, his tiny face scrunched up in a mixture of fascination and fear. He took a tiny step back, his claws clicking on the ground, but he didn't look away. I could tell he was both scared and curious, and I found myself grinning at his adorable reaction.
Pov Kieraxys
I stared at the whirring thing on Tharros' claw, my eyes wide with surprise. It was so loud and scary, but at the same time, it was kind of fascinating. I took a tiny step back, my heart beating fast, but I couldn't look away.
Tharros was chuckling and wiggling the thing, and Lyrixa was laughing and saying something about Tharros scaring me. But I wasn't scared. Not really. I was just... cautious.
I took another tiny step forward, my eyes fixed on the whirring thing. Tharros was still grinning at me, and I could sense that he was trying to be playful. I let out a tiny roar, trying to be brave, and Tharros chuckled again.
Father and mother who is watching Big Brother Tharros chainsaw claw in activate mode
I looked up to see Mother and Father watching us with big smiles on their faces. Mother's eyes sparkled with amusement, and Father's deep voice rumbled with laughter.
"Tharros, you're going to give your little brother a heart attack," Father chuckled.
Mother added, "And yet, Kieraxys seems fascinated. I think he's going to be a brave one, just like his big brother."
I felt a surge of pride at Mother's words, and I stood up a little straighter, trying to look braver. Tharros was still grinning at me, his chainsaw claw whirring away, and I felt a thrill of excitement. I was going to be just like my big brother!
Mother look at Lyriath, "and by big brother, I mean Lyriath!"
I looked up at Mother, confused, and then over at Lyriath, who was standing nearby with a smug expression on his face. I felt a pang of disappointment, realizing that Mother had been talking about Lyriath being the brave big brother, not Tharros.
Tharros, however, just chuckled and ruffled my scales with his snout. "Don't worry, little bro," he said. "I'm still the coolest big brother, even if Lyriath is the older brother, but he is my little brother."
Pov Tharros
I chuckled at Mother's teasing comment about Lyriath being the brave big brother. I knew she was just joking, but I couldn't help feeling a bit proud of myself for being the oldest and setting a good example for my siblings.
I glanced over at Lyriath, who was grinning at me with his usual confident smirk. I rolled my eyes good-naturedly, but I was happy to see him looking so carefree.
My attention was drawn back to Kieraxys, who was still staring at my chainsaw claw with a mixture of fascination and fear. I carefully reached out with my other claw and gently stroked his head, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry, little bro," I said softly. "I'd never hurt you."
I grinned mischievously as I said, "If you get too close, then yeah, you will get hurt by me." I was just teasing Kieraxys, trying to get a rise out of him.
Kieraxys looked up at me with wide eyes, but instead of backing down, he seemed to puff out his chest. I chuckled, impressed by his bravery.
Mother chuckled and shook her head, her light green scales glinting with amusement. "Looks like Kieraxys is going to be a handful, just like his big brothers," she said with a smile. Father nodded in agreement, a warm smile on his face.
I teased, "Ok, looks like I have to bring my chainsaw claw closer, maybe contact your copper scales!" I was just joking around, trying to get a reaction out of Kieraxys.
But Mother's expression suddenly turned serious, and she took a step forward, her light green scales flashing with concern. "Tharros, no! Don't even think about it!" she exclaimed, her voice firm but worried.
I realized I had gone too far with my teasing, and I quickly held up my hands, or rather, my claws, in a calming gesture. "Whoa, Mother, I was just joking! I wouldn't hurt Kieraxys!"
Mother shot Father a look, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Looks like he takes after your humor," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and affection.
Father chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Hey, someone's got to keep things interesting around here," he said, his deep voice rumbling with amusement.
I grinned, feeling a bit relieved that Mother wasn't mad at me anymore. I knew I had inherited Father's sense of humor, and it was nice to see that Mother appreciated it, even if she didn't always understand it.
I chuckled, feeling a bit relieved that Mother wasn't mad at me anymore. I knew I had inherited Father's sense of humor, and it was nice to see that Mother appreciated it, even if she didn't always understand it.
Kieraxys, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, suddenly reached out a small claw and pointed at my chainsaw claw, making excited baby noises.
I laughed and gently picked up Kieraxys, cradling him in my arms. "You want to see more of the chainsaw claw, huh?" I teased, making silly faces at him.
Kieraxys squealed and giggled, his copper scales glinting with delight. He reached out and grabbed my silver scales, pulling himself closer to me.
Mother smiled, watching us with warm eyes. "I think someone's got a new favorite toy," she said, chuckling.
Father nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And I think someone's going to be a great big brother," he added, smiling at me.
I nodded, feeling a sense of pride and responsibility wash over me. I knew that being a big brother, especially to a little one like Kieraxys, was a big job, but I was up for the challenge.
Kieraxys, seeming to sense my gaze, looked up at me and gurgled happily, his big round eyes shining with adoration. I smiled, feeling my heart melt at the sight of my little brother's face.
I gently stroked Kieraxys' soft scales, feeling a deep connection to my little brother. He snuggled into my chest, making contented little noises as he drifted off to sleep.
Mother smiled, watching us with warm eyes. "You're going to be an amazing big brother, Tharros," she said, her voice filled with pride.
Father nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with affection. "We're all proud of you, son," he said, his deep voice rumbling with emotion.
I felt a surge of happiness and gratitude, knowing that my parents believed in me. I looked down at Kieraxys, feeling a sense of protectiveness and love for my little brother.