Chereads / Final Fantasy XIV: The Winter Calamity / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29 - Wood to Sea

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29 - Wood to Sea

Almost two weeks had passed since Minfilia had arrived in the Twelveswood.

"Good morning Miss Minfilia!"

"Good day Miss Minfilia!"


Minfilia had found fast friends in Gridania. It was so different to the sands of Ul'dah, the trees blew fresh scents, the birds chirped and sang songs. However, she did miss the feeling of a steel pickaxe in her hands. The soft clinking of steel meeting stone. She also somewhat missed her friends.

How was Tataru doing, she wondered.

"Fufu~ It's good to see you fitting in like this. The people truly adore you."

"Mm. Kind people populate these woods a plenty."

Once again, Minfilia was walking with her sister, Kan-E, to the Carpenter's Guild. They had talked with Winter this morning about when and how they should depart, as the manor's designs still needed work.

Labor had already started on the strange eggshell walls that surround the property. Rather than simply trim the granite walls down into block-like shapes, Kan-E had come up with the idea to perforate the walls with an Ivy Curtain. Eventually, woody vines of the Ivy would grow into the shape of the granite wall and make for a more pleasing aesthetic. They would have to decide on what type of flowers they wished to weave into the greenery, but Minfilia didn't mind the extra work. It would make for a more beautiful result.

Minfilia bid to stay with Kan-E during that time as she didn't want her sister to be alone. As a result, Minfilia's dwellings were moved into the forest home of Kan-E and her siblings.

An advantage of being associated with the Senna family, is that Aetheryte fees were waived when arriving in Gridania. However, the "fees stack up" when going back to Limsa Lominsa. Thus begun the negotiations. How often was Winter to come back home for these two weeks? 



"There you go!"


hah - pant - huff

They were laid down in the humid and sticky love soaked dorm room. Minfilia was teaching Kan-E how to milk their darling's thick fertile baby batter. Minfilia was already packed full of cum and happy to lay in Winter's arms, feeling him shake and shiver with pleasure. The way he bit his lip to stop himself from moaning was too cute.

"Winter Winter~"

Her beloved's dazed eyes turned to her. From the way his body kept tensing and jumping, she could tell that he was still cumming, gunking up Kan-E's oven with his seed.


A chaste kiss on his forehead.



It made him seize up even more, undoubtedly extracting another cloudy rope of semen. The force was great enough on Kan-E's cervix that she ended up cumming again too. A chain reaction. Minfilia knew the feeling well. Winter loved being pampered like this. Her man was spoiled. But she loved that about him too. She'd keep spoiling him. Marking her Angel with her love.

slurp - pop - kiss - pop

Minfilia was slow and deliberate with her work. Every kiss was another sweetly conveyed message of love. One that her beloved couldn't stop reacting to.

thuck - grind - plap - griiind - thuck

Kan-E was doing great as well, or at least as great as Minfilia could expect from her when dealing with Winter's addictive manhood. She had put her full weight upon him and reached to hug his neck.

Her heavy breasts distorted against his masculine frame as she grinded and twisted her body upon her man. She used her tongue to trace Winter's chest and collar bones. She was eating him. Greedily sucking his skin and tasting his sweat.

Her rough breath on her beloved's face did nothing to calm him down. Minfilia could practically see hearts in Kan-E's eyes. She was fully addicted to their love, grinding and fucking with a sloppy passion. 

"Urg! huff Kan-GAH! slurrrp mmmmnnn! Sluuurp kiiiiss kiiiiss"

Kan-E was attentive to her beloved. When he called, she'd immediately feed him sweet kisses and rode him with more rough pistoning. Minfilia could feel Winter's hand tighten its grip on her behind as he was properly serviced with tender love.

Minfilia spoke and breathed her truth into Winter's ear. Promising further love and carnal pleasure as long as he obediently shot more seed. It made her womb, that was already filled to the brim with love cream, tingle and buzz. After Kan-E, Minfilia knew she'd need another thick helping. And she said as much.

"kiss 3 rounds kiss 4. I love you~ kiss kiss 5 more, slurp just 5 more beloved. 5 more rounds kiss of your fat cock. kiss"


Minfilia was going to fuck the hells out of her man. It was his fault for feeling so good. Who told him to fill her up so? To make his sticky cum a regular part of her diet? 

Kan-E declared that her man must return every other day, else she'd drop her duties to pursue him. Winter gave a small chuckle at the prospect, however Minfilia knew, Kan-E was not at all jesting. Her addiction was almost as intense as Minfilia's. 

Kan-E reached a point last week, where she was close to refusing communion with the elements if her womb wasn't sloshing and heavy with Winter's cum first.

If the peoples of Gridania heard such a crazy thing, perhaps they'd all pass out there and then. It was already a show of great restraint and good faith not to tie him down to the bed and keep him here forever. She had gotten more aggressive and asserting since. 

Winter, insisting that she had to continue her White Mage training while offering a full continuous day of sex as the reward was still very amusing to Minfilia.

A Minfilia who recently took up Archery for no explicit reason at all. Surprisingly, she had a bit of a talent for it. Her forewoman always said she had a good eye. Minfilia wondered if such a thing carried over. 

thuck thuck plap thuck grind thuck plop plap thuck shc-thuck

Now that they had allocated all the funds for their manor, the amount of spending within their household had loosened. The five thousand spent every other day wasn't too bad. Winter was willing.

sluuuurp slllurp kiiiiss kiiiss slurp mmnch slurp


And Kan-E was thankful.


"Got everything you need?"

"Yes sir."

I was being seen off by none other than the ancient freak of Gridania. E-Sumi-Yan. It was said, that if you flick his horn, he starts to float. I'd be telling that to the children upon my return.

"Thinking strange things again?"

"No sir."

I joked around, but I was seriously thankful to this Padjal. He helped me come to grips with this body's, or rather, my power. It's not a great cheat. Not that consistent either, but it would get me through the roughest challenges ahead. He also gave me an extra letter to hand Louisoix upon meeting him. The parcel was far thicker than the slim affair that I kept in my jacket's inner pocket. I decided not to buy the wood I came here for either. 

E-Sumi-Yan had apparently been helping a group of adventurers subdue Ramuh while he was absent. If it wasn't clear, Ramuh was a primal. I was that close to a Primal and had no clue. The adventurers claimed that upon being defeated, at the cost of hundreds of lives, the Primal had dropped its staff. 

It sounded absurd to me, as Primals were not going around and dropping monster materials. They were just massive bundles of elemental Aether given life. But, supposing it was true, then that staff was valuable for my own purposes. I'd have to ask my protagonist, wherever they are, to bring that thing back for me when Ramuh was inevitably resummoned. 

I had already bid my women a farewell this morning. I came to this forest hating it, and now I was leaving. Hating it. I carried a pair of hard wooden mallets on my belt as I stepped onto the airship. It was 5k cheaper than teleporting and I still was not rich enough to be paying such an absurd price casually. I tapped on the steel-clad wood railing for the airship's cabin area, and the ship returned the greeting with the creaking of its hull. 

As I entered my designated cabin, I sat on the bed in silence. It had been a long time since I was alone. In these short two weeks, I had my whole world overturned. The tall and menacing canopy of these woods twisted my mind and my fate. But I was glad that I chose to come here. 

The biggest benefit was meeting my second love Kan-E-Senna. Her mind was sharp, but her heart was tender. She bore her love for me without holding back, so of course I reciprocated. I was too blessed.

In the future, when Dalamud would descend, she was on the front-lines, bravely directing the Adders. I had to prepare something to ensure her safety. While her power was nothing to ignore, she was easily on par with Raubahn and Merlwyb, I couldn't help but worry about my beloved. What kind of man would I be to just casually wave her off? I'd need Thancred's runic knowledge once more. 

My Minfilia had grown a lot as well. Before I left, she picked up the Archer class. We talked about the different combat roles available on Eorzea before, but I never expected her to follow a path like this. 

A common critique of Minfilia, and probably more than half the reason why the developers felt okay about killing her off, was that players perceived her as doing nothing. 

All of her work was diplomatic, organizational, and white-collar in nature. But none of that translated to gameplay, unlike the other main Scions. 

My Minfilia picked up a bow and expressed an interest in Archery, and later on, likely the talents of a Bard. She wasn't locked into it if course, but I encouraged her to follow her heart. 

Even if she never got a combat class and the ability to defend herself, I would have been there to halt the nonsense anyways. 

I leaned back carefully, feeling the airship drag against gravity and make my stomach sink as we rose above the trees. I gazed from the window at the dense forest below. The Twelveswood would see me again and often. 

I looked down at my hands and waved my finger.


A small ball of blue flame lit up the room like a candle. It was nothing like the spell, but also everything like it.

In these woods, I learned when to bind to XIV's systems as well as when to break them. My "hands" weren't needed anymore. My domain was made manifest. This special ability, or perhaps a hidden truth of XIV that they slapped on later, I could tap into it.

I let the flame disperse and slightly twisted my back, tracing the pathway of which I had become so familiar.

crack - vhoooooosh

The minuscule amount of Aether I had lost returned to me.


I woke up from my nap to see nothing but sparkling golden sea water outside the window. Sunset was approaching. The airship's engine droned in my ears, softly reminding me that we were still airborne. 

Aldenard, the landmass that made up the majority of the continent called Eorzea, was about the size of the USA from end to end. On Chocobo, going from Gridania to Ul'dah would take a day of riding non-stop with no rest or breaks. At a normal pace, it may take half a week. 

I would arrive in Limsa Lominsa at night. I stood up to stretch, allowing my muscles to relax. I had a bad sleeping posture without my women in my arms.

I leaned against the frame of the cabin window, watching the sun paint the ocean with watercolors. I wondered if Minfilia would still establish her organization of Echo users with my involvement. While we were in bed, bathing in the afterglow, she would tell me of dreams she'd been having. 

The visions were becoming more frequent. But would the future come to pass? It was a thought that came up now and again. How much of what I knew was true. How I could remain flexible and prepared for situations I didn't see coming.

For everything to work, I'd have to steel my heart to manipulate a proper puppet. I'd feel better if they weren't a good person, but I already understood that most people, even the worst of them, truly craved redemption and understanding. A cruel person who played the role I provided would inevitably grow to care about the cause. In short, they would grow out of their cruelty. 

I planned to put that puppet into a privileged position of power. They had to bear the dangers rather than my Minfilia. They had to die instead of my Minfilia. Could I do it? Could I ask such a thing of someone? Would Hydaelyn even accept them if they weren't kind of heart? Does she even care?

I even had a plan for if no protagonist ever appeared. I would have to forcefully contact Hydaelyn myself. I didn't know much about the future expansions, but I did know her secrets. Or at least two of them. 

If I had to twist her arm to make her was a wager that I would be willing to make.


I loafed around, laying down on my suitcase, waiting for my knight in shining armor to rescue me and take me back to my kingdom. But the bastard was late.

squaaa!! - squaaa!!

Not that I minded. Limsa Lominsa was even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I had a serious affinity for the sea you see. My corner on the road was clean and illuminated by a bright street lamp. 

"Little Winter!"

My errant knight had finally arrived with a large suitcase following dutifully behind his pull. I stood up to greet him. He was walking towards me unnaturally fast. He must've truly regretted being so late. It's no matter Knight Thancred. I am a generous and magnanimous ruler.


After a swift punch to the solar plexus that left me stunned, Thancred spun around me on his toes like a dancer, and put me into a choke-hold. 

Wait wait wait! I have castles! Lands! Riches! Whatever you want knight!!!


The pressure lessened on my neck. The knight had mercy in his dark soured heart after all.


"GASP I've done nothing! What could I have possibly done to cough mess with you for two weeks?!"

Thancred spun back around me after releasing my neck. Try it again bastard! This king is not so easily foiled a second time! Hmph!

He walked over to his suitcase and opened the lid to reveal a pair of white robes with golden inlays. I had no idea what these things were or why he showed them to me. I looked him in the eye, with my face as stone as the ground beneath me.



My poker face had a long way to go yet.

**End of Volume 2 - The Age of Calm**