"Who is that?"
"When did we get a new student?"
"He's handsome..."
"He looks familiar but different."
Arthur walked down the hall, he kept a stoic expression, but in his mind, he was grinning with mirth.
'This is amazing, I mean half of these people have never looked twice at me. A majority of those girls ignore me, or make fun of me.'
"Dark King...you're the best!"
Arthur made it to his seat. Eyes followed his movements with grace. He had been putting a little more confidence in his step since he walked out the door, and he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.
He couldn't believe what was even happening and yet he didn't care. Just yesterday he was a loser, who by a stroke of luck met a girl that changed his life forever. Arthur couldn't help but thank that sickness because if he didn't feel so ill and weak, he wouldn't have chosen to go buy some snacks for his body.
He heard footsteps approaching.
"E-excuse me."
Arthur looked up, a girl stood right before him.
"Are you a new student?... You probably are. That means you need help, right? If so...t-then how about we exchange contact info?"
Perplexed, Arthur was silenced. He blinked once, then twice, before looking down at the girl's hand where her phone was visible.
He wanted to. But, he felt like they didn't deserve it. Half of these people didn't bother with him before his change, why would he try to please them?
"Sorry, I don't need help. Because I'm not a new student."
She was startled by his rejection, and even more surprised by his explanation.
"Y-You're not a new student?"
"No, not at all."
"Wait...you're sitting in that one guy's seat, and you claim not to be a new student.."
"Yeah, that's me. Same guy."
The nearby students who overheard it were shocked, "Ehhhh!"
"W-What! How is that possible for someone to change so much? You were grim-looking and just had a mediocre appearance in general. But now..."
"It's nothing big, I just got a haircut."
"Haircut?...are you sure? Do haircuts do that?"
The door swung open.
"Alright! Quiet down and sit down, class will start soon."
Chairs moved and dragged across the floor as the students began to sit in their seats.
"Also, we have a new student joining us. Welcome her with open arms."
"New student?.." Whispers spread across the room.
The teacher looked to the door, "Come in."
Shoulder-length hair flowed as she stepped, it was a golden blonde, and when she turned, her emerald eyes met the gaze of everyone in the classroom. The students, boy, and girl acknowledged her face, her naturally pink lips, and her curves that demanded to be seen.
"Hello~! My name is Anya Anilesa. I hope you all welcome me to your school!"
The class erupted in whispers, and mesmerized 'Hello's'.
Her eyes turned, and a smile appeared on her face.
"Arthur~! You were in this class too?"
Arthur, who remained silent and surprised was stabbed by glare after glare.
"That bastard!"
"First he becomes good-looking...and now he has a pretty girl calling after him?!"
Anya went to the teacher, "Could I perhaps sit by him?"
She points to Arthur.
Arthur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
'You're trying to make the entire school hate me...'
She walked over, scooting a desk by Arthur's.
She flopped down, watching his face with a smirk.
He let out a soft exhale.
"Hey there, Anya."
"You look...different? When did you become so hot?"
"What, am I not your type anymore?"
"Well...I liked you when you were gloomy. But it's not as if I like you any less! You're still cute."
"I guess I'm supposed to be relieved. (I am)"
She giggled, "Come see me after school."
"W-What...? Alright. Where?"
"Same place last night."
"You sound disappointed. Did you expect me to say my house~?" She teased.
"No! No. I was just saying okay...is all."
"Is that so? That's disappointing, I was thinking of actually saying yeah to your request."
"W-WAIT! Then maybe.."
"Look at you, jumping up in excitement." She laughed.
"Tch. I knew it was just a tease."
Arthur turned, "Huh?"
"Meet me at my house."
Time passed quickly, the entire school day Arthur was just thinking of what would happen when he went to see Anya.
As soon as the bell sounded for students to go home, he walked with Anya to her place.
"Why are you so quiet?"
Two hands ran over Arthur's shoulders, and a voice near his right ear spoke:
"Answer me~"
"Nothing! Why are you so close? And honestly, this is my first time walking with a girl, and not just that, I'm even going to her home."
Arthur took a deep breath, 'Relax. It's nothing. Stop being a wuss and lock in! This is your chance, so stop stuttering every second!'
Anya's face popped up in front of him very closely.
"What are you thinking about?"
"Don't start with the mind reading."
She laughed.
Arthur now stood in front of her home, it wasn't anything large, but on the medium side.
She went up the steps to enter her home, and she then turned to meet eyes with the seemingly frozen Arthur.
"What are you looking so dazed for? You coming up or not?"
He gulped, inhaled deeply, and stepped forward.
When he entered the home, he noticed the feminine scent lingering, and the tidy area.
"Wow...it smells good in here."
"You perv, smelling me and such."
"No I was I talking about the house and..!"
"I know, I know! I'm just teasing you."
She sat on her bed, crossing her legs as she looked at Arthur standing by the door to her room.
"Why are you so far? Come sit."
Arthur walks over to her, slowly sitting down just beside her.
"So...why did you want to meet after school?"
"We needed to talk about the underworld."
"Underworld...? You mentioned that last time didn't you?"
"Yeah, but I never fully explained what it is to you."
"Well, now I'm curious. What is it exactly? Is it like hell, the actual underworld?"
She laughed at Arthur's words, "No, it's not the hell type of underworld. It's just a term for a place not visible to normal people. A place where the malicious reside. Supernatural beings, demons, spirits, and superhumans all access that place. And by fate, you now have access to said place."
"...So, how do I even get there?"
"That's why I called you over. I'm gonna show you how."
She stood up.
Her hand extended and a dark shadow soon turned into a portal.
"All you have to do is imagine this appearing before you. Since you have access to the underworld, it'll always show up and you will be allowed to go in."
She stepped through the shadowy mist of a portal, disappearing completely.
Shocked, Arthur ran over, looking to see where she went.
"It works...Gah..how is all of this happening to me after just a day? Forget it, let's just go in."
Arthur clenched his fist and stepped through into the shadowy mist, a darkness engulfing him. In a split second, he found himself next to Anya.
"What took you so long? Anyway, welcome."
Arthur who was on a single knee after stepping through the portal looked up, his eyes widening.
"It's...the city? But, darker? Everything looks run-down but is functioning. There's people all over the place too."
It was a city, not just any city, but an alternate version of the city he lived in.
All kinds of people were all over. The atmosphere was just much more grim and darker than the city he was used to seeing every day.
He saw people with animals for heads, people with green or purplish skin, people with horns on their heads, and some with weapons by their sides.
"This is like another world. How did this place even come to be?"
"Nobody knows. But, I just wanted to introduce you to this place." Anya said.
In a curious tone, Arthur asked:
"Why so soon? Aren't I far too weak to come here? And if I come here, aren't I alerting those after me?"
"Even if you didn't come here, they would come find you soon enough. Also, you can get stronger and discover much more about your power here. So, are you ready?" She explained.
Arthur lowered his head, "Yeah. I just hope my mom won't freak out when I come back late."
"Don't worry, time moves much differently here. An hour here is like a minute in the real world."
"Really? That's convenient! I can relax and won't have to worry all that much."
"Don't ease up so quickly... your hell starts now!"
[The Dark Energy within you reacts to your surroundings.]
[Strong entities have sensed your presence.]
[Dark Prince, you must speed up your progress in your conquest of strength.]
[A temporary seal has been applied to hide your presence.]
[Dark Energy will not be available until stats reach a certain point.]
"...Oh, that's what you meant. I guess relaxing is futile at this point.."
He felt his shoulders drop as he realized the weight of his situation.
[Stay determined, Dark Prince.]
Anya helped Arthur up, "Let's get going."