Chereads / Saigo No Yami! / Chapter 11 - The Sorano Brothers

Chapter 11 - The Sorano Brothers

- "Mitsuki and Elisa enjoy an aimless night, from a lonely cinema to an unexpected sunrise. Between laughter, exhaustion and a mission at dawn, their plans take a comical turn when Allivy finds them asleep at the hotel entrance. A chapter of improvised adventures and unforgettable moments!" -

The interrogation room was thick with tension. Loyd, handcuffed to a metal chair, kept his head up, his haughty expression intact despite the situation. Across from him, Tomasso calmly smoked, his imposing figure casting a long shadow in the dim light of the room.

Kat stood by the door, watching silently, her razor-sharp eyes alert for any movement.

Tomasso slowly exhaled a puff of smoke before speaking.

—Good job, Kat. I expected nothing less from you. We finally got this one...

He paused to look at Loyd with disdain.

Loyd let out a dry laugh, shaking the handcuffs that kept him bound.

—"This one", huh? Tell me, Tomasso, do you feel powerful now that you sent a feline to catch me?

Tomasso did not answer immediately. He took a last drag of his cigarette and put it out in the ashtray with a slow, calculating gesture. Then, leaning towards Loyd, he whispered with a coldness that chilled the air:

—No, Loyd. I'm satisfied.

Loyd's face tensed for a brief moment, but he quickly regained his mocking smile.

—Enjoy it while it lasts. This isn't over.

Tomasso stood up straight and started to walk towards the door, ready to leave him alone with Kat. But Loyd, in a provocative tone, raised his voice.

—Are you leaving already? How disappointing. I thought you might like to know why I did all this.

Tomasso stopped dead in his tracks. He turned slowly, one eyebrow raised, and walked back to the table, leaning against it again.

—In that case, Speak.

Kat crossed her arms, remaining silent, but clearly interested in Loyd's confession.

Loyd tilted his head to the side, assessing his captors with a crooked smile.

—Why did we attack the Ectiviland bank? Easy. I wanted chaos.

The silence that followed was deafening, as if the very walls were holding their breath. Kat was the first to break it.

—Chaos? Why? What do you gain from that, you moron?

Loyd turned his head towards him, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

—Ectiviland is a place that you, and also those who now call themselves "The Prodigies", protect with such pride, right? But it is also a place full of people who don't trust you. People who are waiting for a mistake to destroy you.

Tomasso frowned slightly, but remained silent, letting Loyd continue.

"Don't you see?" Loyd said, his tone rising. "By causing chaos, I'm making people question their safety, their trust in you. And, more importantly, in him."

"Him?" Kat asked, taking a step forward.

"Mitsuki Sorano." Lloyd spat out the name like it was poison. "That young prodigy, that perfect 'false warrior.' If people start seeing him as a failure, as someone incapable of protecting them, his image will crumble."

Tomasso narrowed his eyes, processing Loyd's words.

—So all this was to discredit a young man who has just made his debut as a prodigy?

Loyd smiled widely, showing his teeth like a predator.

—Exactly. And let me tell you something, Tomasso: it worked. People are already talking. They'll already be doubting. All thanks to me.

Kat clenched his fists, but Tomasso held up a hand, stopping him. His gaze remained fixed on Loyd, cold and calculating.

"Interesting strategy," Tomasso said finally. "But there's something you haven't considered, Loyd."

Loyd cocked his head, feigning curiosity.

—And what would that be?

Tomasso smiled slightly, a gesture that conveyed not joy but danger.

—While you're trying to bring us down from the shadows, we're one step ahead. The Miraculous Association isn't as easy to bring down as you think.

Loyd laughed loudly, as if Tomasso had told a joke.

—One step ahead? Ha, right. If they were that far ahead, you wouldn't be here listening to me explain how I'm going to destroy your team from within.

The air in the room became thicker. Tomasso took a few steps back, hands in his pockets, and walked over to Kat.

—That's all we needed to know. Take care of him, he's already started talking nonsense and I want to go and rest now.

Kat nodded, looking at Loyd with a mix of contempt and determination.

As Tomasso walked out of the room, Loyd looked at him with a cocky smile, his words echoing behind him.

—Enjoy the show, Agent Tomasso. This is just the beginning.

He walks into a restaurant overlooking the city as a table is covered in empty plates and a couple of nearly finished glasses. Mitsuki leans back in his chair with a hand resting on his stomach, clearly satisfied but somewhat regretful.

"I don't think I've ever eaten something so good in my life. Did we overindulge?" she said, half joking, looking at the last plate of ice cream that had been left half-eaten.

Elisa let out a soft laugh as she stretched, her arms lazily raising above her head.

—Nah, we clearly deserved it. Besides, we couldn't pass up that pudding. It was like... a moral duty.

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, chuckling.

—A moral duty that almost left me in a coma.

Elisa leaned on the table, an amused smile on her face.

—Come on, don't be dramatic. You've survived worse things, like the Prismargia you told me about.

"That was a dangerous decision. This is pure dietary irresponsibility," Mitsuki replied, looking at the clock on the wall. "Is it eleven? I can't believe we've been here for so long."

"It's been that long? It's not that late!" Elisa protested, although her voice betrayed her tiredness.

Mitsuki stood up slowly, feeling the weight of the food and the tiredness of the day.

—Well, I think it's time for me to crawl into bed.

—You, Dormir? —Elisa looked at him in disbelief—. How boring are you? It's Friday night!

—Exactly, that's why I should be asleep. —Mitsuki faked an exaggerated yawn—. My bed is calling me. Besides, tomorrow is the mission.

Elisa crossed her arms, stopping right in front of the restaurant exit, blocking his path.

—How long has it been since you saw your little sister? Don't even dream about it. Let's go to the cinema.

—To the cinema? Now? —Mitsuki looked at her as if she had just suggested climbing a mountain.

—Yes, to the cinema. There's a midnight showing, and I trust you like absurd horror films.

"Elisa, I'm stuffed, tired, and basically a zombie right now." Mitsuki sighed, taking his hands out of his pockets. "All I want to do is get home and collapse on my bed like a normal person."

Elisa rolled her eyes and gave him a gentle push on the shoulder.

—Please. One last stop. I haven't seen you in half a lifetime.

Mitsuki glared at her, trying to resist, but Elisa's smile was as insistent as ever.

"Well," he said, pointing an accusatory finger at her, "but don't be sorry if tomorrow we're energetically dead."

—Don't be bitter, have fun, believe me, I'm still a positive influence —she replied, smiling triumphantly.

Mitsuki sighed, bringing a hand to her forehead.

—Okay, but if I fall asleep in the middle of the movie, don't wake me up.

"Deal." Elisa grabbed him by the arm and dragged him with renewed energy towards the street, completely ignoring his protests.

As they walked towards the cinema, Mitsuki looked up at the night sky with resignation and a slight smile. Maybe a little more chaos before bed wouldn't hurt.

As they left the restaurant, the cool night air enveloped them. Mitsuki adjusted his jacket while Elisa walked beside him, visibly excited by the idea of ​​going to the cinema.

"Are you sure you don't want to reconsider?" Mitsuki asked, a mix of tiredness and resignation in her voice. "My bed keeps calling me."

"You sound like a grandpa," Elisa smiled as she pulled out her phone to look up the address of the nearest movie theater. "Come on, when was the last time we did something spontaneous?"

Mitsuki sighed, putting his hands in his pockets.

—Spontaneous? Is that what they call dragging someone against their will these days?

Elisa laughed, but her attention was diverted as she looked around. The streets of the city were unusually deserted. Most of the lights in the shops were off, and the silence was eerie, interrupted only by the distant rumble of a car.

"Is it emptier than usual or am I imagining it?" Elisa asked, looking at Mitsuki.

—Yeah, it's weird... but it's late, I guess everyone's at home. —Mitsuki shrugged, trying to downplay it.

"Or everyone knows something we don't," Elisa said with a smile, clearly trying to make a joke, although her tone sounded less convincing than she expected.

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, but let the subject drop.

—Maybe it's just this city thing, because please. I've had enough of the horror movies you drag me to watch.

"You're right," Elisa waved her hand as if to chase away the worry.

However, they both remained briefly silent as they continued walking towards the cinema, their footsteps echoing louder than usual on the empty streets.

Upon arrival, the illuminated facade of the cinema gave them a respite. Neon lights flickered, and although the lobby was nearly empty, the smell of freshly popped popcorn hung in the air, giving them a familiar welcome.

"Well, at least it's not so desolate here," Mitsuki said, as Elisa gave her a friendly nudge.

—See? Nothing to worry about. Now, let's go get our tickets.

Mitsuki let out a soft laugh as he followed her towards the ticket booth. Although the emptiness of the city still lingered in his mind, he decided to put it aside, at least for now.

The night was at its peak when Mitsuki and Elisa entered the cinema. The lights were bright in the entrance, while soft music filled the air. The box office was empty, almost as if the cinema was waiting for them. The smell of popcorn and soda permeated the air, giving them a strange feeling of nostalgia, as if everything was back in its place.

For the next two hours, Mitsuki and Elisa were completely immersed in the screen. They didn't care about the plot of the film or the special effects, what they really enjoyed was being together, enjoying the peace of the night, the moments that felt suspended in time. Elisa leaned back, eating popcorn without worrying about anything else, while Mitsuki leaned back in his seat, sometimes looking at his phone but always looking back at the screen. The two shared comfortable silences, the kind that only siblings can understand.

When the movie ended, it was already 1:00 a.m. They both left the theater with knowing smiles, chatting about the most absurd parts of the movie.

—That was more action than horror and... entering a haunted house out of curiosity? —Elisa said with a grimace. —Really?

—And the final scene? —Mitsuki replied, laughing—. It was so poorly done... But hey, it was fun.

Elisa smiled widely. "Yes, although it was so weird that I didn't even notice when I finished watching it."

They both stopped at the entrance of the cinema and looked at each other with a mixture of excitement and exhaustion.

"What do we do now?" Mitsuki asked, as he glanced around the city, which was already beginning to fall silent.

"Don't you think we've done enough for today?" Elisa said, looking at the time on her watch. "It's 1:00 am! Maybe we should go to the hotel and rest, huh?"

Mitsuki ran his hand through his hair, thinking for a moment. "To tell the truth, I feel a little exhausted, but… I enjoy the atmosphere."

Elisa looked at him with a mischievous smile. "Are you so sleepy now? Do you want to walk around until dawn?"

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow. "I don't know… maybe. It could be fun. I don't know much about this city."

That's when they started walking aimlessly, laughing and joking as they explored the empty streets of the city. There were no plans, just two brothers enjoying the freedom of the night, sharing silly stories and anecdotes from their daily lives. They stopped at a nearby park, sat down on a bench, and continued talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

The hour passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was 3:00 a.m. They had walked around the city, chatted about life, and laughed more than they thought possible.

"Did you know we have a younger sister?" Elisa said, making an exaggerated expression as she rocked on the bench.

—Really? I thought we were just 3 siblings —Mitsuki replied with a laugh—. And do you know anything about her?

Elisa rolled her eyes. "Come to think of it, she's strange, since she's much younger than us but she developed very quickly, she's also somewhat… introverted in my opinion."

They both laughed and then looked around and noticed how quiet the streets were. There was no one left in the city, and the feeling that everything was still, suspended in time, made them feel even closer.

The conversation began to slow down as fatigue began to set in. They were no longer as full of energy as before. Mitsuki yawned, and Elisa followed suit with a shy laugh.

"I think this is the signal to head back to the hotel," Mitsuki said, looking up at the sky, which was beginning to clear.

Elisa rubbed her eyes and nodded with a tired smile. "Yes, it's already dawning. We went too far."

Mitsuki looked around and realized how far into the night they had gone. It was as if time had flown by while they were immersed in their little bubble. The sun was beginning to peek timidly over the horizon.

"We completely forgot about the mission later," he said, sighing as he began walking back toward the path.

Elisa followed him, though she couldn't help but smile at how unexpected and wonderful the night had been. "It's definitely not what I expected to do, but it was amazing!"

As they walked towards the base, fatigue became more present. They knew that the day was ahead of them, and although the excitement of the moment was passing, the feeling of having shared such a memorable night kept them alive and happy.

Nearing their destination, Elisa looked at Mitsuki, with a slight nervous laugh. "I think we need a good nap… but, hey, at least we did it. The sunrise is our little secret, right?"

Mitsuki smiled at him, nodding. "Yes, but today's mission will be a different story. Now… we need some coffee."

With one last look at the clear sky, they walked back to the base, knowing they would never forget that night that ended with the dawn.

They arrived at the hotel, their bodies heavy and their eyes full of sleep. The tiredness they both felt was almost palpable, but the city slowly awakening in front of them offered a peace that helped calm their minds.

They sat in front of the hotel window, watching the first light of dawn illuminate the empty streets, casting long shadows on the buildings. The world around them was awakening, but they felt trapped in a bubble of tiredness, unable to move.

"I'm devastated..." Mitsuki commented, rubbing his eyes.

"Me too," Elisa replied, smiling weakly as she slumped sideways into the chair. "At least it feels… different, doesn't it?"

Mitsuki stood in silence, staring out at the street as the sun rose. Despite everything that had happened that night, he felt calm, perhaps for the first time in a long time. Elisa settled back into her seat, and though she wouldn't admit it, she was also enjoying this brief moment of peace. Soon, exhaustion began to take its toll on her, and her head began to droop forward.

They were both falling asleep, unable to fight off their exhaustion, when the hotel door swung open. They both jumped, and before they could react, a familiar figure appeared in the doorway.

It was Allivy, with a wide smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes. Seeing her two students there, asleep in the doorway, she paused for a moment, surprised, but couldn't help but laugh.

"I can't believe it!" he said, crossing his arms as he approached, looking at Mitsuki and Elisa with a mix of amusement and surprise. "What are you doing?!"

Elisa's head snapped up, her eyes half closed, and upon seeing Allivy, her surprise quickly turned into nervous laughter. Mitsuki also woke up, seeing the teacher with a tired smile.

"I'm sorry, Master Allivy…" Elisa said, slowly standing up. "The night was longer than we expected."

Allivy kept smiling, but her tone of voice had that comical, motherly touch that made them feel embarrassed, but also relieved.

—And you thought it would be a good idea to sleep here? The sun is already rising, guys! And your mission today?

Mitsuki tried to lift her head, but could only sigh and let herself fall back into the chair. "Yeah… well… we miscalculated the time. But… what if we sleep a little longer?"

Allivy let out a soft laugh and crouched down beside them, watching the sunrise with a knowing smile. "Looks like you don't have much time for sleep now, do you? Go get everything ready for the mission! And if you do fall asleep, I'm going to make you dream stranger things than usual."

Elisa and Mitsuki looked at each other, both smiling tiredly. Despite the situation, they felt a kind of warmth seeing Allivy so relaxed and, at the same time, so worried about them. She never failed to maintain her firm attitude, but also showed her kind and protective side.

"That won't be necessary," Elisa said, smiling as she rubbed her eyes.

Mitsuki nodded, his voice still hoarse from sleep. "We promise we'll move… but only if you bring me coffee. Lots of coffee."

Allivy nodded with a playful smile. "Deal. But hurry up, guys. The day won't wait."

With that, he stood up, leaving the two brothers half asleep, but with a grateful smile. Although they knew they couldn't sleep any longer, the feeling of being accompanied by Allivy, and the relaxed atmosphere they had created between the three of them, gave them the strength to get up and start the day.

End of chapter.