Never did she think she would find herself in such a situation—contemplating the possibility of having two mates. Zara's words still echoed in her mind as she stepped out of the car, walking toward her son's school. The eyes of passersby lingered on her beautiful figure, but she ignored them, pretending not to notice.
From the school gates, she spotted Tobi sprinting toward her, his short legs moving as fast as they could.
"Mummy!" he called cheerfully, running into her for a hug, though he could only reach her legs. She laughed at the sight—her son was truly hilarious.
Chuckling to herself, she scooped him up to her arm level, and Tobi beamed, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck.
Rose smiled. He was incredibly smart too.
"Did your teacher teach you well today?" she asked, her eyes glinting with amusement.
Tobi blinked, then nodded, almost like his little brain needed a moment to process the question.