5 years before the shift. In the middle of the universe. There lies the planet of the Formers. These peaceful creatures has a not so peaceful senate. This senate always has their prophesies. They always sound so prophosteruos. But somehow it comes true every time.
One of the prophesies that the senate had published to the public was the savior of the Formers. The Former who would save them. There were two different races of formers the Elemntal which was a superior race then the other which only was a Former.
The prophesie goes something like this had the senate said. The Former who is going to save us are in the royal blood. This former will come up top and defeat his older brother. And then take over his thrown and save the formers.
The only bloodline of the royals that where left was the The Former bloodline. In this bloodline where only two people in it. It was the brothers, The Former: The younger brother and The Knigh: The Elder Brother.
The older brother had left the planet after hearing the prophesie his younger brother had become sad of his leave. Before was their bond like steel but now had that steel shattered to pieces which could not be melded back because of the prophesie.
He was destined to take down his older brother. He didn't have any choice but to do that. The world really doesn't work the way you want it does it said one of the senate elders. The Former said why did you make this public. Why couldn't you have waited and perhaps the prophesie would have changed. Why must you pin me against my own older brother. The elder quietly looked up and told him that this is how the world works and left.
The Fomer began his journey to stop his older brother. He wasn't really compeld to do this but he had no choice. Either he did this or the prophesie would not be complete and the Formers would face a grave catastrophy.
The Former was to young to understand anything the senate said. He was just a puppet for them. Nothing more nothing less. Even the high and mighty Former species has a corrupt system.
The young Former really was at a loss. He didn't wanna hurt his older brother. He had been with him with so many challenges and had so many happy memories.
How must elder brother feel right now he thought to himself. All secluded, all alone. Just because of a stupid prophesie.
He hated the senate because of their dumbfounded prophesies. If not of them their family would still be intact. First they make my parents get killed and now their after my elder brother?
I need to find my elder brother. I have to leave now before it's to late. I need to tell him to come back. And that the prophesie is a nonsense and I will not attack my own brother.
When the Ancestor Former The Sun sealed away the Anvestor Former The Moon. He broke away both his and the others powers to make crystals imbued by his powers.
I need to seek the crystals that will give me the power to defeat my younger brother. I don't wanna die. Why are they after me, I didn't do anything. Nothing wrong. Why must they always destroy our peace.