
●Who should be his love interest?

•Kimberly Hart (I dind't really like his development with Jason so I thought "why not?")

•Trini Kwan (In the movie is said that she likes women? Because I think I remember something like that, if that is the case I will take her from the options but until I know for sure she is staying)

•An OC (This is a option than I don't like very much but I will try if you all want me to)

●What color he should be? (Here comes war)


•Green (I don't know how I will make this happen because in the movie Rita has her coin but the same as before, if you all want him green I make him green)

•Red (I don't like this option because I want to work with all the rangers and it wouldn't make much sense but if you all want I will try)

●Color aside ¿should he be the leader?



●¿At what time he should gain his powers?

•Before the rangers

•At the same time as them