Name: Mccoy Gordon (Gorgon)
Age: 2 years Old (Regain Memories)
Medusa Gorgon (God-Made titan)- [Athena, enhanced by Unknown] - Mother
Poseidon (God of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and too many children)- Father
Starter powers and innate abilities:
(Innate) Parseltongue - the ability to speak and understand snakes.
(Innate) (passive/active)Healing Saliva / Paralysis Saliva - the ability to heal any wound or people turn into stone with user saliva. Can cause numbing paralysis to who ever make user feel threaten.
(Innate)(Active) Fangs - the ability to grow the length of canine to elongated length which resembles snake fangs and is dangerously sharp. Incapable of being broken and able to even pierce Celestial Bronze. Hollow in interior to produce venom.
(Active) Paralysis Stare / Venom (Infinitely Produce); [Upgradable]- The ability to paralyse anyone he glance (target doesn't have to be looking) for as long as he concentrates, if bitten by the user, will remain paralyse for an extended period (1 or 2 hours at most). If given a surplus amount equivalent to half of a target body mass, will cause death to target. Venom produces, relying on godly/titan blood.
(Inactive) Ichor - because of unique parentage, the user possesses ichor for blood both golden and venomous.
(Active) Hissing Shriek (weak)- by making a hissing sound can create a massive shockwave that causes destructive nature of a miniature scale, gets stronger with intense emotions and how much channeling produced into it, via mana/stamina. Intensity increases with how loud the hiss is. Grows With Age.
(Active)(weak) Create water - can create a tiny droplet of water which contains extreme healing properties.