Pytra warned me about the orbs of dreams, I didn't give any heed. I wasn't even trying to be careful. All I wanted was to see Pahpa. Perhaps, I allowed myself to be consumed by anger and hatred, just like Ohbaki said.
We sat in Pytra's study, we needed to further discuss what was at stake. She looked angry and disappointed. She knew if I had listened to her and stayed away from the orbs, we wouldn't have anything to worry about.
I sighed. "So, you are telling me that using the orb exposed me to both Red Beast and Pahpa?"
"Yes!" She answered.
"But I thought Red Beast is death and Pahpa is just a human."
My words only made Pytra more disppointed. She looked at me in the eyes and said:
"For your information Sol, Red beast never died, and Pahpa is an ordinary human… yes, but that guy is full of dark magic, voodoo."
"Juju!" I chipped in.
"What did you say?" She asked.
"In Nigeria we call it Juju." I replied.
She hissed. "Whatever!"
I remained Silent for a second and went deep in thought.
I thought we killed Red beast in hell when we distroyed it, and Pahpa, before he killed me, he told me he was using dark magic. Now Red beast is mystriously back and Pahpa, deeper into Juju. Could these two be my nemesis?
"What do we do now?" I asked her.
She sighed and replied:
"Red Beast will not stop until he destroys you and any one that stands with you, including his ex wife Freda. To do that, he will probably go after Vahro the power bracelets. If he could get those, then he would be unstoppable. He would possess the ability be an interdimentional traveler, just like me except, stronger. What we should do, is to get to those bracelets first"
My heart sank at the words that came out of Pytra. Her guess might be the very truth. I began to imagine the damage Red Beast would do, if he could travel every dimension.
"If you are right, it means even the dream realm is not safe." I said.
She replied: "If I am right, nowhere is safe. The waking world wouldn't be spared, not even the Creator's reality."
"Which one is the Creator's reality?" I asked.
She smiled, looked up and answered: "The reality above our's. Our creator is from there. He is the writer of our own reality."
I smirked. "I don't think Red Beast would be powerful enough to reach the Creator's realm, that is if it actually in existence. He could be written off existence completely."
She frowned her face. "It doesn't matter Sol. What matters is, if he could get his hands on those bracelets, no one could tell the extend at which his powers could reach."
"Yes you are right Pytra. We should go get those bracelets. But where can we get them, and how do we get them?"
"Casilia should have books that contain information on the Bracelets." She answered.
Few moments later, Pytra shouted in excitement;
"I found it!"
I hurriedly stood up from the chair I had been sitting on while sipping some tea. The library in Casilia had a way of making one feel thirsty for tea.
I ran to the side of the shelf where she was standing, looking at a little book in her had. I moved closer and found that the book had a black hardcover, written on it was the name 'Tool of Possibilities'.
I paused for a moment and asked her; "How do you know that this book is what we are looking for?"
She sighed and answered: "It is written on it… 'Tool of Possibilities', cant you see?"
"Hmm! I was thinking we were looking for a book that should have the title, 'Power Bracelets'?"
She smirked. "You are not paying attension."
She handed the book to me and gestured me to open it. When I opened it, I was surprise, because all the pages in the book were competely blank.
"They are blank pages." I said.
"Yes I know." She casually answered.
My eyes constricted. "Oh you know. I see! How do we read a book with empty pages." I fumed.
She chuckled. "We don't read it silly. It is the tool of possibilities. We don't read it, we ask it questions and it answer us."
I nodded my head in concordance. "Great! So we just ask it questions and that's it?"
"No!" Casilia telepathically chipped in.
I smiled sarcastically. "Oh look who's talking. You made me think that you don't talk anymore."
"I have no time for jokes Sol." Casilia said in a serious tone.
"Thank you for accepting my apologies." I replied.
"What apologies?" She asked.
"The one I offered in my mind. Can you please tell us what we need to do with this empty book?"
Casilia answered; "Ok! Close your eyes, place your left palm on the book. Channel your intentions on it, focus on what you want the book to show you and boom!… It done."
I chuckled. I was amazed by how confident and straight foreward Casilia was. Then again, she's but a castle, created to be helpful but also loyal.
I turned to look at Pytra, as if asking for her permission. She nodded in agreement and I went ahead. Just as Casilia directed, I did every step.
A few seconds past and nothing happened. I wanted to start wondering, when suddenly, the book pushed my left hand from over it and flipped opened the very first page.
At first, it was only an empty page, then suddenly, words magically inked themselves on the page.
I got excited. I turned to Pytra to share in the joy but was shocked to see her looking at me with a face full of confusion.
Her face squeesed. "What are you excited about?" She asked.
"What do you mean by that? Can't you see the words on the book?" I asked her.
She tilted her head, as if wondering why I would joke with her in a serious moment.
"The book flipped opened to an empty page." She reaffirmed.
At that moment, I realised that those words were probably meant for only me, not all us could see it. Her answer confirmed so.
I turned to the book and began to silently read from the page with words.
Out of curiousity, Pytra asked: "What does it say?"
I answered: "it says;
'Who dares to carry the burden of the master key
must be prepared to tame the beasts it attracts.
Who dares open the door,
must be prepared to face whatever lies behind the door.
What you seek is not far fetched. What you seek is right with you.
Get the power and loose your mind,
Who dares to wield the tool of possibilities,
Must be prepared to suffer the curse of immortlity'
Wow! I have no idea what these words mean"
Pytra said. "It is a code, and we must decode it."
After she said that, the book closed by itself and literally vanished.