Chereads / Adventures of the Ghost Man / Chapter 2 - SMART MAN, POOR MAN


Six months before the Incident:

"What?" Mr. Mbalaka shouted. "The hell you want to resign."

"Yes Sir I want to resign." I confirmed with a slightly shaky voice.

"Sit down" he said.

I walked slowly to the chair facing him directly. I sat down rather uncomfortably. I didn't want to feel at home, because that place had been hell to me.

He raised his head and his eyes got hooked with mine. He held up the resignation letter in his right hand and asked, "IbnuRa, Sol IbnuRa… Why do you want to resign?"

"I don't want to be here anymore." I answered frankly.

"Have I not done enough for you, given you everything?" He blurted.

I sighed gently and answered, "Perhaps you have done enough Sir but I am not thinking so. I have been working for you for the past Five years but got nothing. I tried to give my best to your company but nothing positive came out at all."

"The problem is the salary right?" he interrupted.

"Not only that Sir, but I am just too tired of working here" I answered politely.

"Ha!" he exclaimed. "It alright, no need for any further explanation and the whole self pity blah blah blah."

The man, he even reeked of arrogance. He simply minuted on the resignation letter I submitted and gestured me to leave his office.

"But before you go" he said, "We will give you all your benefits, but I must warn you boy… Don't come back looking for help from me, because I am pretty sure you will only squander every dime we. Bye !"

I said nothing, I only proceeded to help myself out of his arrogance reeking office.

Three Months later:

"My work is authentic Sir and you will not have any problems with me" I replied a new client through the phone.

"Well, I have to work with you to confirm what you are saying." The client spoke back.

A smile appeared on my face, knowing I got the gig. "Ok Sir, see you in two weeks time, bye." I ended the call.

Since I abandoned my job with Mr. Mbalaka's company three months ago, I decided to start doing my own thing.

Since I am good with computers and gadgets, I would follow clients to work for them at their homes or offices whenever they need someone for it and whenever I get the gig.

I had to put up my portfolio on my social media handles and anywhere I could fix fliers. I had to also rely on my neighborhood for information on new clients.

Mr. Gabriel was the newest client I got and the only one after a bit of a while.

After ending the call with Mr. Gabriel, I went around the neighborhood to see a pal of mine, the man that connected me to Mr. Gabriel.

"Brother, how are you doing?" I greeted him with a warm smile and a handshake, as it has always been the tradition of men in the neighborhood to always shake hands when greeting each other.

"I am fine." Pahpa received the greeting with a warm smile.

I carried a stool near by and sat close to Pahpa. "Having some fresh air?" I asked, "Yea, the heat was almost melting me, I had to run out of the room to save my life." he replied.

I took a deep breath of the fresh air outside and began, "You know Pahpa, I have seen some darkness on my path.

Been working for years yet nothing to show. Many times I had to ask myself. How can someone be so smart yet so broke?… I had to quit that killer job and you know the rest of the story bro, you've been with me in all these.

I recognize your loyalty to me as a friend and brother. Why am I telling you all these… This past months had been the must challenging of all until you connected me to this man.

I got so broke I contemplated taking my own life, that how bad it was.

Mr. Gabriel has transferred the deposit for the work into my account, I have your share with me in my pocket right now. (Sighs) So tell me bro… How are we going to do this?"

Pahpa sighed heavily, clasp his palms tightly and answered, "I have been working for Mr. Gabriel long enough to know some of his secrets.

He has so much money that even if a million is stolen, he won't even notice. These damn politicians, stealing all that belong to the masses but now we have to turn the table."

"Good" I chipped in, "Now what is the plan?"

"You will go to his house in two weeks time as agreed. His main System is in his bedroom, I poured some water into the system as planned, it is damaged, but fixable.

He will take you there, you will fix the system, that is the only chance we have. You will install the Trojan horse into the main system, and that would be our key to accessing the system.

I will do my own part by causing unnecessary distractions, while you do your own part, I will make sure no one gets in while you do your thing."

"How about the cameras in his room?" I asked.

"The entire system is down… the cameras won't be working while you work." he answered.

"How did you pour the water in the main System without the being seen by the cameras?" I curiously asked.

"The cameras saw me bro. But that was the plan, as a matter of fact I counted on it. He was damn mad at me but well, I am his must trusted staff, the only one who ever got into his private room.

He only got mad and asked me to do anything possible to get someone to fix the main system, someone I could trust."

"Wow, that is some heart you got there." I praised him.

"I took the risk because I had no choice… no, I take that back. I took the risk because it was the choice I made. I can never die in poverty." he vented.

"Me neither bro. I am ever ready to do this"

"Good then" he said, "But you have to know that anything can happen and if it does, run and never look back." He warned.

"That this is my first time doesn't mean I am afraid. We will do this and do it clean. Nothing goes wrong"

"Alright then… see you then." He concluded.

We shook hands and I left.

That night I couldn't sleep. I kept staring at my parents picture on the wall. It was as if I was going to rethink the whole thing but I'd gone too far, no turning back.

I needed the money, the chance to change my life, to start on a better foundation. My parents did their best to send me to school.

They passed away fighting for me... Tears rolled out of my eyes but even that couldn't change my mind. I was going to be a thief with a mind, a conscience.

I didn't care the consequences, I was more than ready to face the risk, get rich or die trying, but poverty can never be an option, not now that I got lucky with a chance to get rich.

It was finally the day, so I went to Mr. Gabriel's house for the gig as agreed. My heart was accommodating a bit of fear but I didn't let that took hold of me. I was ready to face whatever would come my way.

His house was gigantic, I could say it was a mansion. Everything was thought of, the soft green grass on the ground, the interlocks fixed in places where the grasses did not reach. The flowers clustered against every corners and walls of the house and fences. The luxurious swimming pool at the far right corner of the compound.

The mansion stood like a titan, powerful and tall like the Nephilims of old, I even wondered if the building wanted to brush its shoulders with the clouds.

The mansion was painted white, in and out of it. It oozes with grandeur and splendour. Mr. Gabriel's house was the kind of house that emitted wealth and riches.

"The way is here Sir" a deep voice suddenly startled me. My fantasy was disrupted by the chief security of the house.

The man himself being gigantic and muscular, oozing with the vibes of a club bouncer. I gulped saliva down my throat with a bit of difficulty. I began to wonder what a man like that could do to me should our mission goes sideways.

"Oh thank you Sir." I said with a coy smile on my face.

He accompanied me to the main door of the mansion and ushered me in. I gathered my confidence and stepped into the mansion. After gently closing the door, he asked me to sit down.

While sitting down, I confessed audibly: "Wow, this place is paradise."

The man frowned his face at my comment and said, "Do not get carried away young man. Sit down and wait for your client. I must warn you… show a lot of respect."

"Yes Sir!" I replied.

Before I could have time to feast my eyes and fantasize at the beauty of the interior of the house, starting from the amazing soft heavenly cushion I sat on waiting for my Client, My client popped in like a pop up ads. Boom from no where. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of my client.

"Hello Sol" my client greeted.

I froze, I couldn't reply the greeting. My heart began to race faster and my head began to spin. In my mind I was like… "O.M.G! Mr. Gabriel is a woman?"