I slowly open my eyes the sun was bright I wake up and look around I was already out I remember I turned into dragon and everything went dark and here I am naked only wear boxer shorts to cover my private parts. While I look around I received message it writes " CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAD BEING RESURRECTED YOU LEVEL HAS INCREASED YOUR STATUS ALSO INCREASE.... OBTAINED A DRAGON SOUL NEW SKILL UNLOCKED NEW CLASS UNLOCKED" I was shocked seeing that notification I quickly checked my status and I was shocked with surprising everything has increased to fifty even my mana and stamina are increasing. I began remembering my revenge to my former teammate even I went now my chance were small I need to get stronger and level up since I already reached level 50 it should be easy.
That morning I begin farming by killing any monsters I spot thanks to new skill i can cast a spell without incantations every monster I kill I'll get experience some are small others are medium. 6 months later I'm already level 250 which was higher I sit and wait for new Gate open according to the message there were will gate open around this area.
After few hours there was a gate open I quickly run towards the gate but caught a group of Hunters fighting a pack of monsters blood wolf probably the group lead by a muscular man he swings his battle axe without getting a sweat. He ordered his group to forming a battle stance as tanker class act as shield Archer will provide long-range attack while mage will provide support that was nice formation but I can't hold much because Blood wolf was A-Class monster they can use rally ability plus Blood wolf was very organized pack their weakness was the Alpha.
I watch from afar as the Hunter decides to attack the archers began firing the Tanker are marching forward the Mage began casting protection spell and boost spell for Tanker and archer. The leader name was Bruno he's the Tanker act as vanguard for his party carrying Huge tower shield and Halberd Carlos the Archer acts vice captain for the party when Bruno wasn't around and the last member Caitlyn the mage she specializes defence and boost she also use healing magic makes her very crucial members for the party.
They very organised as party and plus their had best teamwork effort unlike me back then " Caitlyn!!!!... She getting hit" Carlos shout as he runs towards her to help Caitlyn was injured by one of Blood wolf with Caitlyn injured they moral were decreasing. Bruno use skill Iron wall to defend her while Carlos attacking them. I was impressed by their tactics but it won't hold much longer Blood wolf can penetrate their defence in using pack attack I must help them in return I can pass the gate back to my world.
Meanwhile the hunter group defence were broken as I expected the Blood wolf began their attacks Caitlyn injured still not healed Carlos order his team to formed a circle around Caitlyn as shield. " Hold fast everyone we gonna make it!!" Carlos reassured his team as Blood wolf approach he knew everything will be end for them all just he closed his eyes a large explosion blows at Blood wolf position.
The explosion cause everyone a shock reaction Carlos slowly open his eyes to see what happened the Blood wolf began growl with fear as the dust began to clear a figure began appearing stand between them it was Leo yeah thats me...
Carlos and his team were suprise and confused as they sees me in his head began thinking " who's is this person?" My gaze focus at the injured girl I grab few bottles of healing potions and pass at Carlos " take it" my voice nonchalantly Carlos quickly grab it and drink one bottle and pass the rest to his teammates.
I continue my focus back to remaining of blood wolf packs I noticed the alpha blood wolf are still alive " Be careful stranger the blood wolf are dangerous monsters even for A-rank like us" Carlos warn me with worried face I just nodded. Blood wolf probably around level 40-45 this will be cake walk i charge towards them with full speed the packs beginning form defence position. But my real target wasn't them but the Alpha blood wolf who hides behind them in few minutes I managed to kill entire remaining blood wolf packs. Carlos and his teammates were shocked they never thought I can beat blood wolf pack single handily after finishing everything up I returned back to Carlos as they began to recover quickly.
" Thank you stranger without your help my teammates probably didn't make it " Carlos bow his head as thank you for the rescue I just replied it's alright everyone is okay that's good enough for me " which guild you from are you S-rank hunter ?" One of Carlos teammates bombed me with questions I can't even answer it I slowly explain what happened to me. The group suddenly went silent as the listening to my story as I am about to reach where I met the dragon Carlos gestures his hand to stop with heavy tone he spoke " we sorry for what happened to you but the name you mentioned are you sure it was really them" Carlos word make me frowned when I mention Evan and the others name who betrayed me. I slowly nodded my head as yesterday.
Carlos closed his eyes for few seconds and slowly open then he began to speak " Evan was S-rank hunter along with his companion Leslie was Evan fiance they are members of The Pillars the group who lead Hunter association if they really the one's who betrayed you I suggest you kept a low profile" Carlos suprise me I never thought Evan has become S-rank hunter along with the others and Leslie was gonna married him the news was like an arrow pierce through my heart. I calm myself even this is big bad news for me but Carlos suggestion about kept low profile was bit useful.
I reassured him that I will not reveal my identity far more this gate was actually new gate randomly appeared according to Carlos his team was the first who response to this Gate and there's no any hunter came before them. After finishing recover I follow Carlos and his team to the nearest Gate as he promised on the way to destination we encountered some low rank monsters like killer rabbit, and goblin after finishing wipe out monsters my eyes caught something interesting I noticed Carlos wearing some kind of Power armor along with his teammates.
I asked where he acquired that armor according to Carlos every Hunter must wear power armor for protection according to Carlos again first Power armor was developed after Hawaiian incident that killed two thousand hunters while fighting Plague beast.
Mark.I Thunder armor was developed by UN for military service after that Hunter start using it for Dungeon raid, Gate raid and Guild wars. Following years later more type of Power armor were made the Power armor Carlos wearing was Mark.III Crusader a very popular among B-Rank and C-Rank hunter user it fast, agile and easy to used plus Mk.iii also has additional attachments like power pack and support pack but it lacks of defence system unlike Mark.IX and Mark.VII that had enchanting defence system.
I began interested and ask more about it both of us became quick friends even we just meet as we arrived at the Gate Carlos went first follow by his team and last was me as I went through the gate portal mix of emotions were around me for years i trapped in there I didn't have anyone I miss most of them were long gone but I won't forgot my revenge they will die by my hands this is my oath.
Passing the portal I finally arrived at earth my home once I looked around people are gathering around some of them were Hunters others are military staff checking up Carlos friends a girl that injured by Blood wolf. As my mind on the clouds i was approaching by Military medic staff offering to help I nodded nonchalantly the medic began asked me some questions like is there any injuries or concoctions or any fracture bone. I just replied with smile at my face after finishing check up I was allowed to go before leaving I asked the medic where am I the replies with smile " You in Tokyo Japan" I didn't expect that Tokyo was far from home but it will do I might find something interesting here before parts away Carlos suggested me to sign up at Hunter association for my licence and evaluate my ranks he even lend me some money I won't forget his kindness next time I'll pay him back.
I walked around the street of Tokyo there's a lot food vendors, restaurant, and Groceries shop like 7-Eleven but that wasn't my concern as I looked around the area my eyes caught something. In the center of Tokyo lies a large screen pop up the person I hate most Evan posing like hero next to him was non other Leslie my Ex both of them were interviewed by local news. The more I listen the more irritating as I just about to leave Evan make an announcement Theirs engagement next month " Yeah...just say what you want to say" my tone were cold as Ice as I leave.
Meanwhile Japan hunter association branch received a news about Hawaiian next raid from United States branch asking them to sent some hunter for next raid. " We lost too much all our best hunters were killed during that raid and you expect us to help you.....where were you when we need your help most?" An middle age man sat on chair watching Tokyo skyline from his office with cigarettes at his lips.
" We apologize for what happened that time our government had to take desperate measures that time to insure our country safety" the voice from the end of the line tries to justify their mistakes just he about to continue The middle age man end the call he order his secretary to never answer any call from them the secretary nodded.
" Mr. Fujiyama.....what American did was not be forgotten they actions caused a lot casualties not just us Russia, South Korea, China, and Europe all of them suffered a lot even your sister Megumi-san also died" the secretary speak with disappointed tone as she held her anger. Fujiyama eyes focus through the glass mirror look upon skyline city while his mind was in the past remembering what happened but he quickly ignored he look at his secretary with calm face he spoke " I know how you feel you like family to me even Megumi treat you like her own little sister what past is past we need to move on" The secretary just nodded as understand sign Fujiyama also knew why Americans wants to take back Hawaii so bad.
" By the way sir...here the today Gate report it would seems the blue team from Brazilian guild swordfish are made out safe no casualties recorded....but the something caught my eye there was unidentified Hunter with them plus this Hunter data doesn't even exist in our hunter list names" the secretary hand over the file Fujiyama start look through the report with serious tone he speak " I want you to find him he's probably not far we need to know if he doesn't belong to any guild or factions" as he handed the report back to her the secretary nodded and left the office leaving Fujiyama alone.
He lay back at his chair light up his cigar with smirk face " if my sense true this isn't normal person plus his record wasn't exist I hope he's not an enemy" Fujiyama blow off the cigar.