A weird moment of silence remained in the air. Celine was digesting all of the information and making a response.
"So, what are you exactly?" Celine questioned to the red witch.
Scarlet mumbled and thought about the answer slightly while rubbing Celine's chin. She seemed to not mind personal space.
"I am a single fragment containing the memories of Scarlet, an immensely powerful mage."
"And you want me to search for 5 fragments of you in this time to help you become your true self again?" Celine asked.
Scarlet excitingly nodded with her beautiful figure radiating dangerous seductivity. It seemed she desperately wanted to regain her original form.
"But why can't you get them yourself? What limits this you from leaving this miasma and finding the pieces of yourself?" Celine looked accusatory.
She did not want to misplace her trust into such a shady figure with a weird past. Also, Scarlet seemed powerful as well so it was better to br cautious.
"I don't know," Scarlet said. "I have lost the part of my memory that includes what happened when I split myself into a million pieces across time and why I sealed myself into this miasma."
"But you conveniently have enough memories to tell me this whole story?" Celine still looked accusatory.
"Well, I can't say for sure but I'm almost certain all parts of my fragmented self all have this generic knowledge. For example, I know this whole story but I don't remember how to actually time travel, nor do I have the slightest clue as to what 'Beyond' is." She cutely tilted her head but Celine ignored it.
Celine's gaze narrowed. Her story seemed believable but she still didn't want to believe a stranger's words.
"Let's say I agree," Celine got up from Scarlet's grasp. "Then, how would you help me get out of the miasma we are trapped in? How are you planning on using me to get out of this prison you've created?"
"Oh," Scarlet seemed surprised. "That's an easy answer."
Suddenly, the scenary of the scarlet void shifted as Celine found herself inside her human apartment once again.
"Before anything, I'll have to explain what I know about the miasma and then I'll tell you how I plan on getting out."
"Firstly, I am the miasma so I can control the affects it has on you to a certain degree and I'll make the effects less harsh for you. Secondly, you have already consumed all of the miasma and the hallucinations are a side effect. This whole conversation we are having is inside your head."
"What this means is that when you wake up from the hallucinations, I'll still be in your head because I am the miasma you have already consumed."
"Thirdly, the miasma has three 'trials' that you hallucinate. Once you finish all three trials, you wake up."
"You've already completed the first one with your mother, you cheated the second one with that weird God you spoke to but I don't mind, and now you are about to make it to the third trial which I will try assist you with."
"If you are wondering, I think that the trials are made to ensure somebody strong carries my consciousness. Only something on the level of a God would be able to survive this third trial," Scarlet mumbled.
Celine nodded and examined the plan. In her mind, it was foolproof but there was something she wanted to know.
"One last thing and then we can go along with this plan," Celine grabbed Scarlet by the shoulder. "If you were at your strongest, how powerful are you?"
Celine had to know. Scarlet didn't appear normal in any sense. She could force Celine to remain still without Celine even knowing how, Scarlet could travel through time while talking about things Celine had never imagined were true, and Scarlet had apparently seen something so horrifying that reduced her to a mere faint consciousness.
Through all of this, Scarlet displayed her strength. Celine needed to know how powerful she really was though. It was to ensure some suspicions she began to have about Gods.
Scarlet wasn't a God, but talked about things that could fear Gods. Was a God truly the absolute limit of power, or was there something stronger? Celine had to know.
"Hmm," Scarlet scratched her chin with a slight tilt to her head. She appeared dangerously seductive, almost like a real succubus, but Scarlet was fully covered up with a robe, mask, and witch hat.
"If I were to be generic then I'd describe it like this," Scarlet conjured up a pond in Celine's living room.
"You are a goldfish," she pointed out a small fight in the pond.
"That God you spoke to earlier is a shark," an image of a shark ate the goldfish easily.
"As for me," the image of the pond zoomed out and began to go beyond. The images passed by insects, fish, and buildings quickly as it landed on an object in outer space.
"I am the sun"
Celine's jaw hit the floor.
Scarlet continued. "Even in this state, I would be what you call a world level threat if I could use my magic but I forgot my spells," she tried to shrug in a cute way but the vision Celine now had of Scarlet made it impossible for her to seem sexy or cute.
"Even though I forgot my spells, my raw power should be able to kill anybody who enters the miasma. I'd doubt if I could affect the outside world without hurting myself though," Scarlet mumbled.
"H- how many more are there like you!?" Celine clamored.
"Oh, you don't know? Perhaps it is because you are a new God," Scarlet's thoughts seemed to veer.
"I thought that you were just nonchalant and didn't care about who you are speaking to. Well, let me give myself a proper introduction then. "
"I am the Eternal Yearning Soverign, Scarlet. I am one of twelve Sovereigns who are similar in power to me. Most of the other Sovereigns like to have entire clans and factions behind them but I like to be alone, look where that got me," she chuckled.
"Twelve Sovereigns…" Celine was now beginning to open her eyes and understand what every God meant by 'entering a higher battlefield'
This woman in front of her…
She was a leader in these battles Celine couldn't imagine.
Nevertheless, Scarlet ignored the awestruck Celine.
"We have a deal, right?" She asked.
"Oh, and don't spend time worrying about Sovereigns, they are way beyond you and are just grumpy people," Scarlet added.
Celine nodded while appreciating the advice and steeled herself for the third trial.