It contains the different sides of the internet one side pure and another is lust. But not only that but it contains arguments, patience, slothiness, lustful intentions, cyberbullying, cuteness, and many more. As it both lead to good and bad intentions, the good ones being patience, good entertainment, kindness, humility, and many more of such heavenly virtues it contains. But the other side is something more sinister, it is almost as if the deadly sins were there to create those havoc, sloth, lust, envy, wrath, greed, and pride are mostly seen in another perspective of Cyberspace. That's a reason on why we are addicted to it, as I already said that it contains entertainment good or not as it may or may not be good for you, it holds all your attention and interests or gives you the pleasure that you desire which means entertainment gives you dopamine, and dopamine releases reward and pleasure.