'This blue, i know it'.
He knew the blue even better than anyone else, but what he saw was stunning, the blue, an girl, metal on the spine, a beautiful body and some chains?!.
Nothing didnt knew why but he knew that these chains are something from the Sun-believers, they have some holy magic in it and these keep her stuck there.
'Who is this' in the dream he looked around the girl, his body moved on his own and he wasnt able to do something else, he saw that the cylinder from 10 years ago, the darkness inside was not normal it moved more than normally, the magic felt the presence of its real owner and tried to move to Nothing but it was in the cylinder.
He walked towards her, looking at her not with lust but with pure love, he loved her looks but he cant really tell if its love, also he didnt knew what she was like, if shes calm, careful, nice or toxic.
So he didnt really did anything but looking, he then walked out of the cave and he looked around this time he saw an black spike 'i know this spike, thats where she is'.
After he thought these words he saw many angels and sun-believers that runned at him, he knew he needs to created an sword but he wasnt able to make one, he looked down and saw something, there were many chains to block his magic powers the Sun-believer created more and more chains to tie him up.
The angels created other barriers to block his magic even more, and they casted holy magic so that his monster form isnt able to break through, the angels attacked him and stabed him.
In that moment something really fast moved to him, it was her, she attacked the Sun-believer and the angels, she also wasnt able to kill them at the same time, so she used his magic from the cylinder and broke the chains, but the angels also tied him up, so that he cant escape.
She tried to protect him but was not able to do anything against 70000 and more Sun-believers with many angels that used all sorts of Sun and holy magic.
She tried to use the most of the darkness but her soul was not able to use it normally like him, her body was able to endure more than his but her magic that she was born with, tried to push away the darkness because its to dangerous for her soul.
Her magic of the thunder godess was not able to do much against the believers.
She was close to get killed, but something in Nothing felt cursed something like he was about to die even thou he lived, he created his sword and broke through the chains and the barriers, also something happend his mind clear, stronger than ever and then...
He woke up
Nothing tried to understand what happend in the dream, he walked outside, and flew in the air, he saw the spike but knew if he goes there now then he dies, so he needs to train in an world where time is nothing, he knew from fairy tales that there is an door that will bring you to an land where the time is slowed down so much that if he goes in 2 years pass in just 1 min in the normal world, so he can train really long in an short time "mmh but its an fairy tale, i dont think it exist, but its my only option to save her, good that the tale says how to get to the door".
He walked through watetolo, all people stood in the middle of the city, they were all happy to see Nothing.
The smith said "Nothing, you will be the next mayor of watetolo, the people love you, they like you and the mayor runned away in the time where you saved the people and killed these believers", Nothing really surprised "i am just an simple young man, are you really sure?, should i really become the mayor?".
The people all shouted "yes, you are the hero of watetolo", "i am not an hero, i killed many people", the people of watetolo looked at him, the smith said "for the world you may be evil, but to us youre an hero, you saved many lifes, and you are strong enough to protect us from the world", "i cant".
"What you mean with you cant?", "i want to go somewhere to train, its really long away, i am not able to be an mayor", the smith looked confused "you dont need to be here the whole time, just be here at the times we really need you, its an trading city, the mayor dont need to do anything for the trading, the trades do it for the mayor".
Nothing looked at the people and told them "okay ill do it, but i need help".
At the same time an older men came, he told Nothing "i am the official helper of the mayor, i did the work for the old mayor after he runned away", the smith knew it and said "Nothing he is really an nice person, he will help you more than anyone else at your work as an mayor".
Nothing looked at him and smiled a little, then Nothing and the older helper walked back to the mayor office "just to say i will be going away soon, but i will not let the city without help and i will come back quite fast".
Nothing then teleported his wolves to him and told the helper "these wolves are under my obey, i can talk with them from an long distance, they can also understand you and tell me what they heared from you so if you want to say me something you can just tell the wolves, also they will protect the city".
Nothing looked at the state of the city, it was quite good, he did good work was Nothing first thought, "what your name? You didnt told me", "George, sir".
"George, i will go tomorrow and leave the rest to you, i will be back soon its about an week".
"Okay, Sir i will do my best".
Nothing then walked back to his house and slept.
The next day arrived and Nothing put on his nice coat and the other cloathings, he then created his wings and flew away, to become stronger, he didnt knew what he fights in the future.