Chereads / Dragon Ball Super [Rewrite] / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Vegeta: Now I have something for you to see! " 

Goku raised an eyebrow, questioning yet hesitant. 

Goku: "Oh? What have you got, Vegeta? " 

Vegeta's smile broadened and he barked his fists. His presence started to radiate, the earth quaking under him. The sky above them darkened, clouds spinning as if the earth was responding to his might. Vegeta's transformation started next with a deafening scream. 

His hair lengthened, rising and shining vivid with an intense golden glow. His eyebrows disappeared and his aura exploded outward, pulses of energy snapping through. The pure intensity of his power ripped the scenery and sent shockwaves travelling worldwide.

Surprisingly, Goku's eyes opened broadly.

Goku: "Super Saiyan 3 already!?''

Vegeta: "What, did you believe I would sit all day watching you be the strongest? stop the nonsense! "

Vegeta let out a shot. Beyond understanding, he flew much faster than would light. He stood in front of Goku, his fist pointed directly at his adversary's face. Goku, on the other hand, evaded at the final minute by natural instinct, and Vegeta's blow produced a sonic boom resounding over the space void.

Goku responded with a fast double-legged kick to Vegeta's stomach, sending the Prince of Saiyan's into the air. Vegeta shot through the air with his body leaving a path of golden light, propelled furiously toward outer space.

Goku didn't think twice. He flew after Vegeta, his own Super Saiyan 3 aura ablaze. A brilliant yellow barrier formed around him, shielding him from the void of space as he entered the atmosphere.

Recovering from the kick, Vegeta noted the barrier and grasped at once. 

Goku's ki power carried his voice resounded through the emptiness. 

Goku - "I've learned a way to "breathe in space; it's easyjust replicate what we did to help the boys out of Buu! " 

Realization struck Vegeta's eyes wide. 

Vegeta - "H-how could I not think of that? Yes, our Fusion did this barrier thing! " 

Vegeta's own barrier materialized instantly, a golden shimmering shield encircling him. His exasperation plain, he glared at Goku.

Vegeta - "H-how can you be such a genius and then act like a kid who just learned what 1 + 1 is? I don't get it, That gets me annoyed! " 

Without further ado, Vegeta ran at Goku and fired many ki blasts one after another rapidly. The energy attacks streaked through the void, every one target with lethal accuracy. Goku deflected the blows with difficulty, but it accurate motions. 

Still, Vegeta wasn't done. Vegeta started charging his final attack once Goku fixed attention on deflecting the volley. As he collected energy for his Final Flash, his hands glittered brightly. 

Vegeta - "Let's see you deflect this, Kakarot! " 

Goku's eyes opened when he saw Vegeta preparing the strike. He realized he could not afford to confront head-on the sheer volume of energy. Goku yelled at the top of his mouth with no time to lose. 

Goku says "Kaioken Times 5!!" 

His power increased on top of his Super Saiyan 3 transformation, his aura flared crimson. The combined force was massive, and Goku barely managed to escape the Final Flash screaming by him. Ripping through the heavens, the gigantic yellow beam narrowly missed Earth and vanished into the great void. 

Vegeta growled; his exasperation rose. Determined to kill Goku off, he kept pouring energy into the assault. Goku was not, however, quite about to let that go. Rushing toward Vegeta, he was moving so quickly even the Saiyan Prince could hardly keep up.

Goku struck Vegeta on the back of his head, targeting a pressure point, in a brisk and exact move. Vegeta's eyes widened in astonish as his Super Saiyan 3 form vanished; his body collapsed. Drifting aimlessly in space, he fell unconscious and the fence around him flickered and disappeared.

Caught by Goku before he could drift too far, Vegeta was a blend of awe and worry. He glanced down at his adversary, a slight grin present. 

Goku - "That was too much, Vegeta. " I suppose you became overexcited. Though wonderful fight, you still have room to grow. " 

Carrying Vegeta, Goku flew back to Earth. Gohan Sensing his dad ki flyed to the place Goku was going.

Gohan: "Did my dad just use Kaioken and Super Saiyan 3 at the same time? ! " 

Goku landed softly, depositing Vegeta on the grass. He turned up at Gohan, scratching the back of his head with a silly grin. 

Goku:"Yeah, I did. " Vegeta pushed me rather severely. Can you even fathom that he went Super Saiyan 3? ""? 

Growing even more, Gohan looked at Vegeta with respect for the Prince of Saiyans. 

Gohan: "Absolutely exhaustive. " I thought only you could get that far. " 

Goku: "Heh, Vegeta is totally unpredictable. " I believe, however, he got a bit carried away. After I struck him in the neck, he fainted. 

Gohan shook his head and sighed.

The days flew by quickly in a haze of sweat, resolution, and powerful energy. Almost every day, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan trained together, their workout shaking the Earth and motivating the next age to maintain pace. The once barren land they used for their training site had been turned into a lunar surface riddled with craters, evidence of their increasing strength. 

Gohan had grown his training greatly. Years of concentrating on his studies had helped him to rekindle his love for martial arts. Unlocked by the Elder Kai, his Mystic Form had grown still more sophisticated. Now completely activated, his hitherto dormant potential had propelled his power.

Gohan met both Goku and Vegeta together in a particularly strong sparring session. He struck with the force of his great power and moved with smooth, exact motions. Both Super Saiyan 2 forms of Goku and Vegeta battled to keep up. 

Goku: "Whoa, Gohan! You have grown much more. "

Vegeta said, "Tch. " Dont become conceited, son. This is not finished yet!

Gohan glared, his aura burning as he sent a devastating energy pulse forth. Still barely maintaining their guard, the blast knocked both Vegeta and Goku sliding back. 

Gohan - "You guys are incredible, but I am not holding back any longer. "

By the end of the month, Gohan was at a level where he was stronger than Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan 2 forms. Only Super Saiyan 3 could stop Gohan, found humility in their defeat, yet more motivated than ever.

Once nearly unbearable due to the stress on his body, Goku had been working on mixing Kaioken and Super Saiyan 3. But he had shown marked improvement after weeks of rigorous practice. 

Goku - "Kaioken times 4 plus Super Saiyan 3! " 

A mix of golden and scarlet energy swirled about him; his aura burst. Below him the ground cracked and the air itself appeared to shake. Although Goku's actions were faster and more potent than ever, he yet had to be cautious not to overexert himself. 

Goku: "I can keep this for some time, but it's just for a few moments if I push it to times 10. " 

With his arms crossed and his face unchanging, Vegeta watched from the sidelines. 

Vegeta; "Hmmm. " You're still keeping back, Kakarot. Still, I'll catch up soon.

a transformation he had formerly dismissed as useless, had last become proficient in Super Saiyan 3. But observing how far Goku had gone, he had to drive himself harder. His pride wouldn't let him run second.

Vegeta - "Super Saiyan 3 is not just for display. " I will show you, Kakarot. "

As Goku's was, his transformation was breathtaking; his hair lengthened and his aura sizzled with electricity. Even though he still had trouble sustaining it for long periods, Vegeta had attained a level where he could equal Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 form.

Vegeta - "I may not have your insane Kaioken, but I will find a way to exceed you. Just you will wait.

Goten and Trunks attended the training sessions once a week. Their youth enthusiasm lightening the otherwise exhausting exercises, the two half-Saiyan lads were full of energy. 

Goten - "Dad, see this! Super Saiyan 2! " Goten's change was perfect; his golden glow was brilliant. His own power equal Goten's, and Trunks walked suit. 

Trunks: "Let's see if we can keep up with the old guys! " 

Goku chuckled and ran Goten's head. 

Goku - "Old men? We'll let you know what 'old men' can do! " 

The adults' sparring with the children were always toppest highlights. Not withstanding their youth, Goten and Trunks were very gifted. Their collaboration and inventiveness usually caught Goku and Vegeta off surprise, so they had to respect the young pair. 

Vegeta: "Not bad, brats. " Yet, you still have a long distance to go. " 

Trunks: "One day, Dad, we will catch up to you. " 

Vegeta grinned, his eyes filled with somewhat uncommon pride. 

Vegeta: "We'll see about that."


Planet Xion was a wonder of modern technology and organic beauty. With floating islands and sophisticated flying machines, its skies were a iridescent mix of light blue and violet. The cities had buildings shaped like spiraling trees and glowing with soft pink and blue hues, organic design mingled with modern architecture. Pink trees with blue bioluminescent leaves lined the streets, imparting a ghostly glare across the terrain.

Known as the Xionites, the people living in Xion were tall, graceful beings about 2. 5 meters tall. Their skin had elaborate black design patterns apparently changing and faintly glowing against their light blue skin. Known for their energy manipulation and interstellar travel, they were a calm yet quite sophisticated race. Xion was among the most successful planets in the galaxy because their society valued a balance of nature and technology.

One day, something strange happened in a Xionite metropolis teeming with life. There was a gate floating in the air, suddenly materializing right out of nowhere. It was unlike anything the Xionites had ever laid eyes on: its edges were shimmering in unstable, chaotic energy, its surface seeming to ripple like water. ⠀ From the base at the gate, the arm took a strange hybrid of organic material and geometric forms: purple and red. The arm reached out, testing almost as if testing the limits of this unfamiliar planet. Curious yet hesitant, the Xionites surrounded the gate. One signal of great energy coming from it, not obeying any understood laws of physics, their sophisticated sensors picked upon. Strongest among a group of top energy manipulators, approached the gate.

All at once the barrier swelled and its disorganized energy burst forth outside. Emerged from within Janemba, his appalling form stands in sharp opposition to Xion's perfect beauty. With glowing cracks coursing through him, his body was a changing mass of purple and red with jagged edges. His very presence seemed to bend reality around him, and he had malevolent eyes.

Bold leader Zyn of the Xionites came forward. Hoping to speak with the odd creature, he turned on a futuristic translation device.

Zyn: "Unknown entity, tell your objective. " You are trespassing Xion's sacrosan holy zone.

Janemba's expression was inscrutable as he turned his head. He appeared about to answer for a second. But then, he opened his mouth without any kind of warning to release a huge energy beam. Its power so great that it burned everything in front of it ,structures, trees, even the air itself , The beam was a whirl of purple and red. The whole city was destroyed in a flash; the beam could be seen from neighboring planeta as a blinding light.

The Z Warriors were going about their normal life on Earth on a afternoon when they felt it a massive ki. It was disorderly, erratic, and full of evil like Kid Buu. The scale of the energy alone was enough to shake the world.

Mid-punch Goku, who had been training with Goten, froze.

Goku - "What in the world? That energy. . . it's madness! "

Meditating in the gravity chamber, Vegeta opened his eyes to reveal a somber look.

Vegeta - "What is that?!"

Studying at home, Gohan dropped his book in a bus and dashed outside.

Gohan: "This energy is emanating from somewhere in another world" Still, it is so powerful, it is as if it is present right here. "

Meditating on a mountain top, Piccolo sensed the disturbance also.

Though not perfect, Piccolo is still great. Whatever It is we cannot let get close"

Even Goten and Trunks, who had been playing video games, felt the energy surge.

Goten: "Whoa! Did you notice that, Trunks? "

Trunks - "Yeah. . . it feels like someone just cranked the volume of the universe all the way. "

Z Fighters arrived fast at Capsule Corporation, where Bulma was already examining the energy signature.

Bulma would say, "This is horrible. " Horribly so. The energy is coming from a planet called Xion, light-years away. The ratings, nonetheless, are through the roof. If whatever's causing this isn't stopped, it might destabilize whole star systems. "

Goku says, "Then we don´t have a option. " We need to go there and see about it. "

Vegeta - ''Finally a true challenge!''.

Gohan - ''We have to be vigilant''

Piccolo agreed. We can't afford to overlook this danger. " 

Thanks to Bulma's assistance, the Z Warriors readied a spacecraft that could reach Xion quickly. 

The Z Fighters found themselves on Xion with a thoroughly ruined landscape. The now smoldering pit was once a bustling metropolis; the atmosphere stank of charred metal and debris. Far off, they could make out Janemba, his monstrous shape towering above the rubble. 

Goku: "He is the fellow creating all of this difficulty. " He's more sinister in person too. 

Vegeta: "Enough said. im am tired of waiting" 

With burning eyes, Janemba turned upon them.

Leading the Z Fighters, Gohan stared down the intimidating form of Janemba. The energy around him, the weight of many battles flickering through his brains, was oppressive. His face stiffened as a mental conversation started; he clenched his hands.

Gohan : "So many times I've allowed these awful ourses. Many times, I have held back, thinking I could manage them without going all out. Yet every time people got hurt. The world was grieving. It was also because I didn't act quickly. "

His eyes narrowed; his determination strengthened.

Gohan: This isn't the time. I will not repeat the same error. Perhaps things would have been different if I had only used all I possessed from the beginning. Possibly I might have saved more folks. "

Janemba took one stride forward, his huge foot rattled the earth. Though the Z Warriors were tensed and ready to strike, Gohan was already in motion.

Gohan's aura burst spontaneously and his Mystic Form turned on with a brightness shown to outlast the sun. Roughly beyond anything he had ever displayed before, his power exploded to great heights. The earth below him split and the very air around him appeared to be deformed.

Gohan: "I will not hold back anymore!!''

Thinking, he compressed a little ki blade in his hand; the energy was so focused it buzzed with damaging power. He next moved.

Gohan seemed to have simply disappeared for the other Z Warriors. Truly, his velocity was so great that time appeared to bend around him, and he had moved billions of times the speed of light. From his motion alone, the shockwave ripped through the planet side, its power ripping open the sky and destroying for miles the pink and blue trees.

The Mystic warrior reemerged behind Janemba with his ki blade still softly aglow. There was quiet for a second. Janemba's head then slithered smoothly off his shoulders, his ghastly body falling down. The strike's exactness was staggering; Gohan had sliced through Janemba's crazy energy as though it were nothing. 

Dazed and speechless, the Z Warriors eyed their surroundings. 

Goku: "What. . . What just took place? Gohan. . . ? " 

Vegeta - "Ugh,. " I didn't even notice his movement. 

Piccolo said, "Gohan has surpassed us all; velocity, strength. " 

Goten - "Big brother. . . awesome! " 

Trunk - "I couldn't even sense him. It was as though he didn't exist. "

Janemba's headless form started twitching and the battlefield fell quiet. Horror struck the Z Warriors as a black, oily goo bubbled from his neck's stump to create a fresh head. But this was not the same Janembathe color spread across his body like a living shadow now tinged with black and former red and purple form.

As if he were covered in suit of obsidian armor, his sharp edges became straighter, more defined. Red energy cracks ran across the blackened surface, adding to his already terrifying looks. 

Janemba's eyes glowed brighter than ever; a deep crimson seemed to cut through the fabric of reality itself. His energy first swirled about him, a turbulent blend of black and red, warping the air. Unable to bear his sheer weight, the earth under him gave way and split.

Gohan's pupils dilated startled. 

Gohan: "What. . . what on earth is this? How is he yet alive? " 

Vegeta - "Tch. " He's certainly not dead. Nothing is ever so straightforward. 

Goku: "His energy is well above former levels. This is not ideal. " 

Sensing the risk, the Z Warriors at once turned into their absolute forms. Crackling with electricity, Goku and Vegeta burst into Super Saiyan 3. Goten and Trunks, full of young resolve, turned to Super Saiyan 2. Piccolo released his full force, his muscles bulging and his green energy radiant with green energy. Still reeling from the shock, even Gohan reactivated his Mystic Form; his pen case alight.

Vegeta glanced at Goten and Trunks, his expression uncharacteristically serious.

Vegeta - "You two can have to fuse to keep pace. " I have never witnessed anything like this monster. But if it gets too bad, fly off. Understood? "

Trunks and Goten nodded, their expressions resolutely fixed.

Goten - "Trunks, let's go! "

Trunks: "Just let us a second. "

The two boys started the Fusion Dance, their synchronized motions building Gotenks. The rest of the Z Fighters attacked as Goten and Trunks fused energized.

The first ones were Goku and Vegeta, their Super Saiyan 3 forms ablaze with energy.

While Vegeta let loose a Final Flash, the golden explosion illuminated the field, Goku launched a Kamehamehathe blue energy beam flying toward Janemba.

With ease, Janemba sent a hand and deflected both strikes. The energy bursts detonated uselessly against his darkened armor; they didn't even leave a scratch.

From the sides Gohan and Piccolo went; Gohan used his ki blade to hit Janemba's legs, Piccolo blasted a Special Beam Cannon at his chest. Janemba didn't even blinkhe just brushed Gohan aside with a backhand and drew Piccolo's assault into his body, where the energy dissipated innocuously. The gloom had taken over not only his physicality but also his core.

Rising his hand, a great energy ball formed above him, its turbulent energy crackling with red and black lightning. Goku: "Everyone, back! " As Janemba fired the ball, the Z Warriors spread wide; the strike erasing all before it. The ground was ripped up, the sky darkened, and the shockwave sent the Z Warriors flailing.

Janemba sent a hand and deflected two blows with ease. The energy outbursts exploded impotently against his dark metal; they didn't even make a mark.

Gohan swung his ki blade at Janemba's legs from the sides; Piccolo shot a Special Beam Cannon at his chest. Janemba didn't even blink; he swiped Gohan away with a backhand and sucked Piccolo's attack into his body, where the energy dispersed harmlessly.

The black had engulfed not his actuality but rather his very essence. Rising his hand, a great energy ball appeared above him, its turbulent energy crackling with red and black lightning.

Goku: "Everywhere, back! "

The Z Warriors spread far as Janemba launched the ball; the attack wiped everything behind. The planet was torn up, the sky blackened, and the shockwave knocked everyone around.

New energy signature came about. Gotenks had arrived and was hovering over the battle, his swaggering smile in place. 

Gotenks - "Looks like you guys probably should get some help! " 

Vegeta: "About time, brat. Don't screw up this. " 

Gotenks - "I got this! " 

Charging at Janemba, Gotenks let fly his total speed and force. He started kicking and throwing a string of blows, each one shaking the field. Janemba stopped most of the blows, but for the first time he appeared to be defensive. 

Gotenks: "Not quite so strong now, isn't it? " 

Janemba growled, his form trembling with energy and blackness. Though Gotan barely dodged it and replied with a Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, he returned a huge energy burst. The spectral clones descended upon Janemba, their blasts illuminating the field.

As he pushed his limits even more, Goku's body shook. His Super Saiyan 3 aura glowed brighter, the golden energy snapping with voltage. Then he cried Kaioken x6 with a growl, his energy burst into a crimson-and-gold mix. The ground beneath him broke and the air around him changed from his great energy. 

Goku states, "This is Janemba; you are not going to flee with this! " 

Goku showed up in front of Janemba in a flash; he was absolutely lightning fast. The force of the blow sent the horrible being flying way into the clouds before it crashed into Janemba's chest. Ravaging the scenery, the shockwave from the assault swept everything in its direction.

Vegeta was already waiting as Janemba soared upward. His third Super Saiyan form exuded strength; his golden aura burned like a little sun. He brought two fists down in a hammer blow with a fierce grin, pushing Janemba back toward the ground. The energy made a great crater and shook the whole earth. 

Vegeta - "Keep down, you freak! " 

Janemba fought to heave himself out of the crater; his blackened body flickered with turbulent power. Before he could heal, though, Gohan floated above him, his Mystic Form blazing with unmatched vigor. He gathered energy for his final strike by cupping his hands together. 

Gohan: "This finishes now! Ultimate Masenko! " 

From Gohan's arms burst a huge golden energy beam with the energy of a supernova; it struck Janemba. Launched Janemba into the sky, the strike caused his body to burn in the bright light. The beam kept moving up, penetrating the air and entering the emptiness of space.

Gotenks and Piccolo followed close behind Janemba as he was thrown into space. Still in his Super Saiyan 3 form, Gotenks smiled and readied his best shot. 

Gotenks: "Typhon Gun Attack! Time to finish this. " 

Around Gotenks, yellow eletric energy beams dozens in number flew explosively glowing toward Janemba. 

Piccolo was also charging his Special Beam Cannon, the spiraling energy beam shining green. Affixed straight at Janemba, his countenance is concentrated and resolute. 

Piccolo: "Super Special Beam Cannon. " 

Together with Gohan's Ultimate Masenko, the two strikes produced a huge energy explosion that dwarfed planet Xion. So brilliant was the blast that it could be seen from star systems adjacent, its shockwave rippling through the length of space itself.

The blast died off to allow for a haze of rubble and smoke. With their bodies hurting from the exertion, the Z Warriors were standing there breathing. Sweat running from his brow, Goku stared upward. Janemba's components black, sharp fragments were crashing back earth like fragments of shattered glass.

Gotenks - "Did we. . . did we get him? "

Piccolo: "It's hard to tell. " Huge as that blast was,…"

Janemba's fragments started to shift before Piccolo had reached end. The fragments reassembled at an unthinkable pace, reforming into Janemba's disgusting form, like Lego pieces slant together. His body was even more dusky now; the black armor shown with a supernatural polish. Red energy pulses crackle through him, his aura bursting out and covering everything in its path.

Hovering over the planet, Janemba's presence could have been felt. His energy was ten times greater than before, his strength so great it seemed as though the very fabric of reality was bending under its weight. Beneath the Z Warriors, the earth opened and shook; the air itself screamed in outcry.

Goku: "No way. . . he's even more powerful now ! "

Vegetal - "Tch. He most certainly is. And why would not he be? "

Gohan stared in shock.

Gohan: "How could this be possible? Everything we had hit him! "

Deeper and more sinister than before, Janemba's voice resonated across the world.

Janemba's energy was suffocating. It weighed them down, which makes it difficult to move, difficult to breath. Gohan staggered back, his Mystic Form flickering up and down. "This is unattainable. " How he this much strong? " 

Goku's Super Saiyan 3 aura shimmered faintly against the strong energy, his fists clenched. I'm not sure. Still, we aren't able only to stand here. 

Trunks' voice was lower than normal, and he looked at his father. "Be cautious, Dad. " 

Vegeta was unresponsive. With his jaw set, he only just returned on Janemba. "We'll put this to a close. " 

Janemba kept getting stronger. His aura grew and engulfed the heavens. The sun's rays grew faint and a banded black and red cyclone appeared. The earth split and cracked, the air felt ripping apart itself.

Gohan was trembling as he sought to balance himself. "This is too much. How are we meant to oppose him? 

Piccolo moved up front, his voice steady but strong. We have no other option. If we don't stop him here, nothing will be left to fight for. 

Looking at Gohan, Goku softened for a second. Hey. We've suffered more, haven't we? 

Gohan failed to respond. He merely nodded with clenched fists. 

Goku's breathing was strong but his eyes sharp; he looked at Vegeta. "Vegeta. . . we cannot beat him like this. " We need Fusion . The dance is our only chance. " 

Vegeta snarled his nose turned. "Fusion? Come on. " Don't be ridiculous. We don't need some cheap trick. We only have to go a little futher. That's it. "

Goku clenched his jaw. "You saw what just took place. He is fooling us. we should let pride go

Vegeta cut him off sharply. I said no. " I'm not moving around . We will best him our own way. "

Goku glowered at him for a brief moment before releasing an irritated exhaling. OK, Otherwise, however, you're doing the dance. "

As he fought his Super Saiyan 3 form even more, Goku's body stiffened, muscles bulged. His essence flared brighter, the golden energy crackling like wildfire. His speed blinding, his fists pointed directly at Janemba, he shot forward.

Goku - "Let's see how you deal with this, Kaioken Times 20!!. "

Janemba flinched scarcely. With a flick of his hand, a portal opened behind Vegeta, who came from the flank, his burning red eyes narrowing. Janemba's arm shot through the door, his fist banging into Vegeta's back with a grisly crunch just before anyone could act.

Vegeta: "Gah"! " 

The force knocked Vegeta flying; his body slid across the ground. Janemba showed himself in front of him, the sharp blade materializing in his hand, before he could regain consciousness. Rising to hit, the edge humming, the blade radiated uncontrolled energy. 

Goku's eyes opened wide. "Vegeta! " 

Goku was there immediately. With a blur of motion, he took Vegeta by the arm and teleported them both back to the gathering. In a burst of light, Goku staggered to a rest on Vegeta. 

Holding his side, Vegeta coughed. "Tch. " I didn't require your help. " 

Goku gave him a glance. Sure you did. If we do not combine, too, we will be both dead. " 

Though there was no real heat behind it, Vegeta glared at him. He was aware Goku was correct.

Gohan walked forward with his Mystic Form flaring with energy. "Dad, what is the plan? We can't maintain this. " 

goku looked first at Vegeta then at the crowd. "We meld. This is the only route. " 

Vegeta growled softly, but he did not dispute again. "Good. " But I'm killing you personally if you screw up the dance. " 

Goku smiled slightly, his eyes not quite there. Agreement made. 

Goku and Vegeta turned towards each other, ready for the fusion dance their auras flickering. With the ground shaking under their joint might, the air around them buzzed with energy. Janemba observed from afar; his ghastly body moved as if entertained. 

Goku, "Vegeta Ready? " 

Vegeta: "Do not screw this up, Kakarot. "

Starting the dance, their actions were coordinated even though they were somewhat jittery. As they finished the last step their fingers brushed and a searing light burst out. The energy was so high that it sent shockwaves traveling across the world, the heavens above splitting open as if the cosmos itself were recognizing the arrival of something amazing. 

Gogeta was there when the light went out. His style was a perfect combination of a calm but authoritative presence and lean but strong body. He had a blend of Vegeta's sharp points and Goku's unruly spikes. 

His eyes were an intense teal; they reflected fierceness and intelligence. His gi was their garments' fusionorange and blue with just a touch of Saiyan armor and the Saiyan race symbol displayed on his breast.

The universe itself seemed to quake when Gogeta showed up. Stars flickered in far galaxies; their light faded in a kind of astonishment. Planets shook, their energy rippling across the astrosphere. The boundaries between dimensions bending under the weight of Gogeta's power. 

The Z Warriors were speechlessly gazing on. Wide-eyed, Gohan barely spoke. 

Gohan - "That's. . . that's my father and Vegeta? They're. . . one person? " 

With eyes of wonder and unease, Piccolo folded his arms. I never have felt anything like this. They seem to have developed something. . . beyond. "

Still fused as Gotenks, Goten and Trunks hovered close by; their customary arrogance had been changed with absolute amazement. Gotenks' mouth hung open and he said, "Wow. " They're, like, a million times cooler than us. " 

Trunks, even Vegeta's son, felt a rather odd combination of pride and surprise. "Dad. . . . and Goku. . . they're really collaborating? " 

In Hell, the souls of the damned sensed the change at once. The suffocating warmth seemed to fade; the continual flames flickered as though afraid. Among the tormented, Cell, Frieza, and other fallen villains sensed the birth of something extraordinary . 

Slouching on a sharp stone in his own little part of Hell, Frieza sipped down his imaginary tea. His eyes opened as the energy flowed around the afterlife.

Frieza - "What. . . what exactly is that power? It's like a dream I just can't wake up. "

Nearby, Cell stood in his ideal form, his usually condescending expression replaced by one of real disbelief. With a low, bitter voice, he tightened his fists.

Cell - "Fusion? Goku. . . as well as Vegeta. . . how could this be even possible? They are meant to loathe each other! "

The former demon king Dabura walked close by with a severe countenance. This changes everything. Were they to be able to merge their abilities like that, even Hell would not be secure. "

Even Raditz, Goku's long-gone sibling, sensed the change. He gazed from his continuous torment with astonishment.

Raditz: "Kakarot. . . you've grown something I myself cannot grasp. "

Back on Planet Xion , Gogeta floated down to the ground, his teal eyes locking onto Janemba. His voice was calm, yet it carried an undeniable weight—a perfect blend of Goku's Confidance and Vegeta's Arrogance.

Gogeta - "You've caused enough destruction.''