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The Ritual: Depths

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In a world of fantasy and medieval gallantry, something dark is stirring. A Ritual has begun to bring forth a long forgotten power, cast by those just greedy enough to think themselves worthy. Unable to control the powers unleashed the world faces certain peril unless those who are determined enough not to bend to the will of the Depths can fight back and find the solution in time. Will they?

Chapter 1 - The Forests' Silent Vigil

The Beginning…

They had to run, it was catching up to them. They couldn't see it but hearing it as it bounded along behind them, tracking their every step was no problem for them at all; even when frantically looking around in search of an escape route from their terrible impending fate. A chilling and guttural snarl that sounded like something they had never heard before pierced the night air and then the heavy breath from its maw became louder.

"W-We aren't gonna make it!" One cried out in dismay barely able to get the words out between labored breaths. 

"Ju-just keep running, there isn't any choice if we want to sur-" their words were cut short as the one speaking was dragged down from behind by the creature and the only thing heard was the screams that slowly died out only to be replaced by the ripping and tearing of limbs and flesh that seemed to echo and fill the night sky.

The lone survivor choked back tears and scrambled forward with as much strength as their legs would give them. It felt like they had been moving all night; there seemed to be no end to the horrors of the night before them, which had started out as nothing more than a joyful event among friends. Now, as Lee continued to push her body forward ever more, determination to survive spurring them forward, they looked up and saw a break in the Tree-line ahead of them and rushed towards it with renewed Vigor. 'There has to be someone who can help us beyond those trees, there just Has to be. If i can just reach them, i'll be safe and maybe i can send help for the others still left. Maybe she would be able to wake up tomorrow morning and it would all feel like a dr-'

She never was able to finish her thought as the creatures claimed yet another victim that night, and those beyond the trees were nowhere close enough to be of any help anyways as the town that lay beyond the tree line had already become nothing but a den of monsters of which had turned the small hamlet once thought to be protected by the trees into nothing but a silent graveyard where life had flourished from not but days before. The trees remained silent in their vigil as they stood witness to the horrors of the nights that had come and gone, staining their ancient trunks with ever more blood as each cycle came and each creature hunted through the black starless night, where only the Moon hung in the sky as it shone an eerily emerald green color in the sky alone.



One Week Earlier

 "The Ritual should be completed on Schedule Lord Bralta, would you like for us to begin the final preparations for the summoning?" A Grey Cloaked individual knelt before the man seated upon the throne. As the man upon the throne unfurled his hulking form from his position the Dark Grey Cloak, Splattered with Stains of Blood that wrapped around him draped onto the ground around his feet lowered his head once more.

"Proceed with the Summoning, let nothing interfere with the ritual. All must go to plan if we are to gain the power that we desire." Lord Bralta strode down the stone steps of his throne room and made way for the ritual chamber, his cloak clasped across his broad shoulders swaying with each step. Bralta marched through the halls and into the ritual chamber before coming to a halt outside the circle of similarly dressed men clad in Grey Robes knelt on the ground, heads bent before him. Walking into the center of the circle he raised his hands on either side of his body and green energy began to swirl in his palms as he began to chant, closing his eyes and falling to one knee he placed his palms onto the center of the circle and the energy pulsed from his hands and flowed into the circle alighting the runes carved into the ground with green light. As the runes pulsed around him the figures knelt on the ground around the circle slowly began to collapse one by one as Bralta began to look around him confused by the sound of his followers one by one collapsing around him.

"Wh-What is the meaning of this?!" Bralta exclaimed as he began to try and pull his hands away from where they had connected to the circle only for his eyes to grow wide with terror as realization dawned upon him that he could not move and he was not able to stop the flow of power from himself into the circle upon the ground. His words fell upon deaf ears though as he was not the only creature that was drawing breath within the Ritual chamber, and as the hours dragged by, the life slowly being drawn from him into the circle, the creatures grew in number. Slowly, one by one tearing themselves into existence and moving past the now lifeless body of Lord Bralta through the halls and out in search of the prey they so greatly desired.



Six Days Earlier

They awoke to the sounds of the songbirds alight outside of their window drifting in as the rays of the first morning light began stream across their face as they slowly began to rise, stretching and releasing a drawn out yawn Aisling, drew themselves out of their bed and moved towards the wardrobe so that they could select the days attire. As they danced about the room, bathing in the morning suns' glow as it filled their room from the large glass windows across one wall. Plopping down onto a small stool in front of their polished crystal mirror they set about brushing out their length of red hair as it stretched down to the middle of their shoulder-blades, hearing a voice call out to them as they were nearing the end of their task they turned to listen.

"Lady Aisling! Your Mother and Father request your presence in the dining hall for breakfast. Should I inform them of your arrival as requested or will you be taking your meals in your chambers once again, as you have been as of late?" The voice of an older male rang out crisply through the solid oak door of Aisling's chambers as they lightly rapped upon it.

Aisling released a heavy exaggerated sigh that would be evident for the man on the other side of the door to hear, before completing the brushing of their hair and then slowly slumped their way towards their bed chamber door, the dance from their step absent as they opened the door just enough to peer through it and see the sturdy waiting form of an old friend of herself and their family; along with lifelong master of the staff, Gregory Grasfairly waiting patiently in the hallway before them. Aisling side-stepped through the small opening of her bed chambers and shut it behind her as she sheepishly stood before sir gregory. She had been avoiding her parents ever since they had made it clear that they disapproved of her lingering persuasions. As if it had been her sole purpose in life to dash their hopes of marrying her off to some young lord and she begetting them an heir to carry on their family name.

"I am going, Sir Gregory, there shall be no need for you to inform my parents of my lack of interest in partaking of a meal with them. I shall dane to make it through yet another meal whilst they lament my refute of the litany of suitors they have attempted to parade before me. But please, would you kindly do me the favor of preparing my Horse and having my bow and arrows prepared for me as well so that I may go and do a bit of hunting afterwards?" Aisling asked as she looked at Sir Gregory with eyes full of pleading.

"Very well your highness, I shall prepare your horse and hunting gear so that you might make a swift exit towards the Gaia Wood where your parents would not dare to follow." he said with a small bow and a quick wink as he click his heels and made his way down the hall and about his tasks, with his even measured steps that allowed him to move swiftly and as always without a sound until he disappeared from view. 

'Very well your highness' She whispered back slightly mockingly as she made her way to the dining hall. Sir Gregory meant well but she was only the child of her noble parents, she was not of Royalty and thus the fact that Sir Gregory would refer to her as 'Highness' was his attempt to remain true to himself and the rules by which he must abide as one of the manors staff, and the fact that he had practically watched her grow up if not help to raise her himself on occasion meant that Aislings decisions were a bit difficult for the poor older fellow to navigate properly all the time while he tried to balance his position as head of the staff and also balance the fact that he was much akin to a second father to her. Still, there was the freedom of the knowledge that soon she would be on her horse exploring and hunting in the Gaia wood far enough away from the responsibilities of the manor and all that useless decorum that she was forced to deal with every day. Soon the Gaia Woods would open their arms to them and they would be able to be true to themselves for just a little while before the world would drag her back to the reality that was her life.