Chereads / Married to Ke Qing / Chapter 14 - 14. Poison

Chapter 14 - 14. Poison

Chapter 14

A week has passed since the moment when the connection between Ke Qing and I was formed, and our relationship, perhaps, began. You just can't imagine what a thrill it is when you can literally feel that the one you love is starting to feel the same. And how pleasant even simple kisses were, it was simply mind-blowing. We did not leave each other until the very morning of the next day, and only then, having pulled ourselves together, were we able to begin the much-needed training, which, despite the undiminished intensity, became noticeably less painful.

And the whole week passed rather monotonously, we had breakfast, then trained, had lunch, trained to control the elements, had dinner, and then partially gave free rein to our desires and spent time together. Why almost? Because we never took the final step. Ke Qing was quite rightly afraid that she would become addicted to sex, worse than any drug. What can I say, we've already become addicted to kissing, like a drug, but every day the desire to take the final step becomes more and more difficult, and not only for me. Well, I can't help but admit that periodically, we stopped at the very last moment, because of the depraved looks of the maids, who periodically peeped, thinking that they were not seen. And at such moments, we were both angry and grateful to them.

Of the important things, for this week, perhaps it is worth noting that Ke Qing was able to form an electro core, which now, together with dendro, circle around each other inside her. And most likely, she would have already helped me get this core, if not for one extremely important moment.

I initially blinked at this moment. Since there were too many events that day, however, an important fact is that from the moment of receiving the second core, the main physical indicators improve literally 2 times. Strength, agility, endurance and even reaction at the speed of thoughts, all this has increased 2 times. As a result, it was decided that it would be trivially more profitable for me to get a second core, when I, so to speak, form a solid foundation, so as not to waste such a tasty buff in vain.

However, body training, thanks to the hardening technique I received, was quite effective. In fact, its entire effect was reduced to the fact that, by driving elemental energy through my body in a certain way, causing accelerated recovery, as well as directing various muscle groups to a certain standard, which is called the Apollo body. And I already feel some result now after only a week of training. No, of course, I did not become Captain America during this time, but if I could say about an increase in physical capabilities in percentages, then I think it will be about 20-30% per week, and externally, it was as if I became an Elf, whose hair grows only on his head, except that the long ears characteristic of them are missing, and also the body itself, together with the muscles, became noticeably more pleasing to the eye. I think many women would have a very specific reaction and desire when they saw me.

Okay, excessive narcissism does not paint a man, so I, now indulging in thoughts with a half-naked torso, was doing push-ups on the training ground. Unfortunately, Ke Qing took a rather short vacation and had already fluttered off to work, with new motivation to prepare for the future, as well as to have the opportunity to take a longer vacation in the future to fulfill our plans. Still, the world will not save itself, and most seem to be specially waiting for the arrival of a certain fair-haired kind traveler so that she can solve all their problems.

- 79, 80. - I counted out loud each push-up I did, while continuing to mentally marvel at how convenient it was to quickly recover, and at the same time, to make it easier to ignore the whispering girls who were looking at me through the crack of the barely open door.

I can't help but admit that I was flattered by such attention, from young and, let's face it, quite beautiful girls, to be honest, I don't remember any unattractive girls in this world, with the exception of those who lost their beauty with age, which, by the way, is worthy of a separate topic for reflection. However, at the same time, they were irritating. If earlier, due to banal admiration, after getting into this world, I looked only at Ke Qing, then now, after what the connection did to us, I very much doubt that there will be a girl to whom I can show at least a fraction of the feelings that I feel for my wife.

Even now, it is enough just to want and I, despite the distance, will feel her emotions. As she feels now a bit of melancholy mixed with a drop of love, her determination and seriousness, as well as. Irritation? Anger?

- What's going on? - I immediately jumped up. Her emotions simply became too negative too quickly. - And if...

I tried to feel our connection a little deeper and then I clearly felt that Ke Qing was using her energy and based on my emotions I can only assume that she was fighting.

Once I realized this, the rest didn't matter. Ke Qing may be one of the strongest people in Liyue, but even if I had any strength, I simply couldn't stand aside while she was in danger.

Throwing on the shirt I had taken from the god's eye as I ran, I rushed towards the exit. Ignoring the maids who had managed to fall to the floor because they had jumped back too quickly from the door.

I ran like I probably had never run before, actively reinforcing my body with energy. I ran to where I felt it. I couldn't understand how anyone could even think of attacking the Jade Balance in the middle of a busy city, but the closer I got to my goal, the more I understood. There was one place on the approach to which there was a deserted area. The path to the golden chamber. Seeing the teleportation mechanism standing unactivated by anyone, as well as the millelite standing guard next to it, I allowed myself only one small delay.

- You, listen here. - I grabbed the boy who did not expect this by the shoulders and began to speak. - Ke Qing's Jade Balance was attacked, urgently call for reinforcements to the golden chamber!

Throwing this away, I ran on, because a change had occurred in Ke Qing's emotions, which made me feel cold inside. I still felt how she was obviously fighting, but her anger had turned into real hatred, a thirst for murder and... excitement.

If before this I thought that I was running fast, now my surroundings seemed to start to blur slightly, and out of the corner of my eyes I saw some green stripes.

I did not even notice the bridge and literally a few seconds later, I heard the crackle of lightning and the clang of iron. And soon I saw what was happening. On the path that was once deserted, there were corpses cut and fried by the element of electro, and what is more important, I saw my wife, who was clearly weak, her breathing was heavy, her cheeks were red, but nevertheless she continued to fiercely fight back, from people who looked like treasure thieves with masks on their faces.

- Let's push guys, this bitch doesn't have much left. And go to hell with this bastard Hao, after how many of us she killed, I personally f… - What exactly he wanted to do personally, no one will know, because in the next moment in a green flash of dendro, a blade appeared that cut off his head.

- Go to hell from my wife! - I literally growled, taking out the catalyst and pouring almost all the energy that had accumulated in my core, released it with a certain intent.

Lock up and torture.

From the ground, vines full of sharp thorns suddenly began to grow, which immediately grabbed onto their victims, causing screams full of agony. Some of the measly ten, combat-ready bandits were lucky and the needles full of the Dendro element pierced vital points, granting a quick death, but the rest were unlucky, they were pressed to the ground by vines and slowly bled out from wounds, uttering screams full of pain.

However, I no longer cared about them.

- Ke Qing, are you injured? - I said worriedly, picking up the increasingly weakening girl.

- Yun Che... need to leave... aphrodisiac... in the air. - the girl said, clinging to me.

As soon as she said this, I also felt the warmth and excitement begin to flare up inside, and those pitiful crumbs of energy that remained in my core seemed to rebel, refusing to obey.

- Damn it. - I cursed, realizing how well these bastards had prepared, and also that if I didn't manage to stop the Millelites running here, there could be trouble, at least until the poison wore off.

- We're going home. We need to be patient. - I told her, picking her up, but despite her apparent weakness, she suddenly tore my shirt off my chest and started licking it.

- Ke Qing, not now. - I tried to stop the girl with words while quickly running towards the city.

And after running just a little bit, a squad of Millelites rode out to meet me on horseback, and right behind me was a cage harnessed by two horses. For a moment, I even had a thought that it seemed like there were horses in Taivat after all*, but I immediately discarded it.

- It was him, calling, - the soldier immediately shouted, recognizing me, as well as the girl frozen in my arms, who seemed to have been slightly sobered by the voice of a strange man.

- Hands off Mrs. Ke Qing. - He rode forward, pointing a spear at me, apparently their eldest.

- I am her husband, and I certainly am not going to let her go. - I snapped.

- Ah, excuse me, Mr. Yun. Where are the attackers? And what happened to the lady?

- The treasure thieves remained on the path ahead, but before going there, either protection from the poison is needed, or wait until it dissipates, and I ask you to provide us with transport to get home as quickly as possible, our lives depend on it. I will not remain in debt.

- Of course, sir. - the man nodded, and then turning back gave the order. - Lu Bo, move over and give Mrs. Jade Balance and her husband a ride home.

Having understood everything correctly, the guy who was sitting behind the harness immediately moved slightly, freeing up space on his bench, and as soon as I sat down, holding Ke Qing in my arms next to me. He immediately moved from his place.

Although we got to our house quickly, my condition was already hardly better than the one Ke Qing was in when I arrived.

Having briefly thrown out thanks and words that we would sort everything out tomorrow, Ke Qing and I literally flew into the front door, and as soon as it closed, I was literally pressed into it, while completely tearing my shirt, and then followed a kiss full of lust.


*For those who did not understand what the reference is. In the game there is a Cavalry Captain Keya and the joke is that he is a cavalry captain without cavalry, and in Taivat itself, horses were literally nowhere to be found.