Chereads / Lunatic's Harem of Lotuses / Chapter 2 - Pre-Nut Delusion

Chapter 2 - Pre-Nut Delusion

A man with a mission. That was what Yeon was.

His mission?

Use his penis.

God must have given it to him for a reason, even going so far as to transport him into some game-like world to do so.

It would be discourteous, no blasphemous, to turn away from God's grace.

Yeon quickly made his way to the nearby town. He never once stopped to question how he knew the directions.

But every step was filled with unerring confidence.

It was his body that knew the directions, not Yeon.

He never faltered even as he was unobstructed by the town guards who waved him through.

They had recognized the male form's original owner, but these thoughts never passed through Yeon's mind.

His mind was filled with determination, and anything irrelevant to his cause was ignored.

"deus vult… deus vult," he murmured to himself half-possessed.

And at last, after a short walk, he had reached his destination.

The brothel.

It was a surprisingly large building with a clean exterior.

There were no women selling themselves out on the street, but instead a rather unassuming establishment.

The guards standing with spears crossed over entrance were looking at Yeon with curiosity. Even those passing by stopped to look at Yeon.

"Adil Ashford…. What a loser."

"Did you finally decided that enough was enough? Come to lose your virginity?"

The guards snickered between themselves while openly laughing at Yeon.

"Adil Ashford…", Yeon mumbled.

His hazy mind, clouded with the intense lust of a pubescent teen spotting a shortstack in yoga pants, cleared up from those words.

And with those words were a rush of memories, vague recollections of the man Adil Ashford.

His pitiful past that led him to be the dead body that Beatrice, now Yeon, had awoken inside.

The small discrepancies that had been pushed to the back of Yeon's thoughts finally started to make sense.

How he knew where to walk.

Why he felt the need to change his name.

How could he still consider himself 'Beatrice' when he had an entire life's worth of memories as someone else.

And Yeon's thoughts were not far off.

He was an irregular.

Souls were immutable. They were and always had been.

Except Beatrice's soul had fused with Adil's.

It wasn't a half-hearted emulsification with parts of excess soul being discarded.

It was a perfect blending of two separate beings.

Who you are, how you think, how past experiences shape the way you are. Everything had merged.

If the body was like a glass cup, then Adil's soul and Beatrice's soul had been added in like water.

However, if Beatrice's and Adil's soul had fused in perfect balance, then how come Yeon seemed like a Beatrice 2.0 with no Adil?

This was because Adil's soul was like sugar water.

He was a gentle man, far too gentle for this cruel world.

However, Beatrice's soul would be something akin to piss.

Even though the glass was perfectly filled in a 50:50 ratio of Adil's soul and Beatrice's, no one would drink that glass of water.


Because it's piss water.

Even if the soul ratio had been 90% Adil, 10% Beatrice, it would still be piss water.

Even for the traumatic mess that was Adil's life, Beatrice had simply led a more impactful and traumatic life.

Although the glass was equally filled by both, the overwhelming presence of one would diminish the quality of the other.

Yeon heaved a sigh, ignoring the guards who were still laughing.

Adil Ashford was the local laughing-stock due to his background.

He suffered from a bodily condition that prevented him from leveling up past a certain point.

His 'XP' would slowly leak from his body.

As the rate of the leak increased as it did with time, he would delevel. From lvl 20, to 10, to 1, then…

A body without experience. A dead one.

But his talent was real as the son of Janus Ashford.

The lauded false genius, that was what he was.

The newly 'remembered' memories of Adil's life came with the weight of accompanying responsibilities.

Yeon could still feel the humiliation and guilt Adil had felt as a child.

The fear and longing he had felt towards his father.

His sister…

Oh, his poor sister.

Yeon was as much Adil as he was Beatrice.

These responsibilities and past relationships felt real to him.

"But not now…"

A steely glint passed through Yeon's, Adil's eyes.

The guards twitched as the ruby eyes scanned them.

Such ferocity reminded them more of Janus Ashford than Adil.

"He's still his son afterall…", One mumbled to himself.


The guards stood at attention at the imposing voice.

"Move aside. I…"

The guards swallowed as they cleared the path.

"must fuck."


Yeon walked up confidently to the receptionist.

The guards that were ignored were balking at him but that came to an end as the front gates closed.

Yeon searched his clothes, the outer-court martial robes of the Sword Sect, and pulled out what remaining money he had left on him.

17 silver and a few bronze coins.

Enough to spend a pleasant time, but not enough to sleep with the most prized courtesan.

Yeon smiled at the receptionist, his handsome face causing her to blush.

If a small smile could help him book the time of a courtesan slightly outside his budget, then who was he to not give the receptionist that small smile?

"How much for your… time mistress?"

Yeon made sure to pause at 'your' to openly scan the lady up and down.

Brown hair, a modest pair of breasts with a nice smile.

Cute, but that was it.

A solid 'pass' on Yeon's front.

"Oh my!? Mr Ashford, you know as well as I do that receptionists are not allowed to entertain visitors!"

'I know, why do you think I offered?'

Yeon's face still sported a pleasant smile.

"To think that a lady such as yourself knows of me, I'm flattered."

Realistically, rather than knowing exactly what Adil looked like, she probably recognised him for his features. Red eyes were exceptionally rare and they were one of the most prominent features of the Ashford family alongside their good looks..

The receptionist stared into Yeon's eyes.

Slowly her blushed cheeks lost their rosy hue as her eyes were filled with pity and understanding instead.


A moment of thought about Adil's situation led Yeon to his answer.

'Ah, she must think I'm here for a final tumble before…'

'This is a chance.'

Yeon purposefully looked down to his feet before scratching his head in an innocent manner.

"This is, uhhh, my, uhh, -"

Yeon spluttered before clearing his throat.


"This will probably be the first and last time in such an establishment…"

Yeon looked around with wistful, almost sorrowful eyes.

"What.. What will this get me?"

Yeon asked while emptying his coin pouch in its entirety in front of the receptionist.

He made sure to make a show of it, really selling the point that this was his last remaining coin.

What use is coin for a man who does not wish for the morrow? - this was the image he was going for.

And it seemed to work considering how the receptionist's eyes grew misty.

She hesitated, her hands lingering over the coins, questioning whether it was right to take all that was left of the man in front of her.

But she made her choice in the end, her hand sweeping over the desk.

It was not the first time someone had come to this establishment wishing to spend what remained of their life in joy.

"This is enough to rent one of the top courtesans for the night!" She lied.

She called for another servant, whispered something in her ear, and sent the servant on her way. Most likely to inform the courtesan of her next customer.

"Right this way, Mr Ashford."

The receptionist lead Yeon up the stairs.

Surely, these steps must have taken countless youths up to adulthood.

Yeon too, would become a man.